Note: Phrenology is the science of telling a person's character by feeling the bumps on their head. Yes, they are there. Feel your scalp and you will find there are a series of hills and valleys; but it is highly doubtful they tell you much about what goes on inside the head. About this time the alleged science of phrenology was a national craze.
Here is more information on the subject:
It may be characteristic of the hard-headed folks in Florence that they were more interested in boxing than fortune-telling.
The Unfortunate Visit of a Fortune-Teller
"A phrenologist and fortune-teller struck our town Friday afternoon, and was very anxious to display his skill in the above sciences. He professed to be a master of his occupation, which he said afforded him a livelihood, his charges for an examination being $1.50.—Not meeting with success in this line (as few persons care to have their weak points exposed or hard fortunes made public) he next proposed to enter the prize ring with any man we could produce, and knock him out of time in one round. This business being more congenial to the feelings of the boys, his offer was soon accepted, and in less time than it takes to relate this narrative, the boys had him "over the rope," whether by "fair or fouls," we are not prepared to state, and with an accumulation of "bumps" upon his cranium, which will be a surprise to the phrenological text book."
"Gas Ometer."
Boone County Recorder 31 Oct 1883 p. 3, col. 4.
Florence Kentucky History