The Ordinance Book commences in March of 1897 and ends November 1953 with Order 273.
Ordinances 27, 28, and 29 are missing.
"An Ordinance to Prevent the Going at Large of Cattle in the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Playing Baseball in the Streets of the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Depositing Ashes, Offal and etc. in the Streets of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance establishing a Chain Gang in the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Breaches of Peace, etc., in the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Carrying Concealed Weapons in the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Disturbing Religious Worship, etc., in the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance fixing Penalty for Assault with Deadly Weapons." (1897)
"An Ordinance fixing Penalty of Contempt." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Provoking an Assault, etc., in the Town of Florence, Ky." (1897)
"An Ordinance against Profane Swearing or Drunkeness."
"An Ordinance to Prevent Shooting in the Town of Florence, Ky."
"An Ordinance to Prevent Fast Riding or Driving in the Town of Florence, Ky."
"To Buy an Acre Near Cemetery"
"An Ordinance to compel Property Owners to make Pavements."
Notes on Ordinances
Ord. 1 - 25 cents a head to take cattle, and 25 cents per day to take care of them. 25 cents for order of sale when owner not found, etc.Ord. 2 - $1.00 for each and every infraction.
Ord. 3 - $1.00
Ord. 4 - This pays off the fine at $1.00 per day for an eight hour day.
Ord. 5 - Fine: not less than 1 cent, nor more than $100.00.
Ord. 6 - Fine and imprisonment: not less than $25.00, nor more than $100.00, and not less than 10 days, nor more than 30 days in the town jail.
Ord. 7 - Fine and-or imprisionment: not less than $20.00, nor more than $50.00, or imprisioned in the town jail not more than 20 days, or both.
Ord. 23 - 5th June 1902 - Sets the Marshall's salary $42.00 per annum, payable quarterly, with $2.00 per day extra during the Florence Fair.
Ord. 25 - "Regulating the Driving of Automobiles through and in the Town of Florence. Not more than 6 Miles per Hour, and take care not to scare the animals.
Ord. 30 - Jan 1912 - Concerning the Florence Cemetery:
The Sexton allowed 10% commission on all lots and graves sold. He can charge the following fees:$7.00 for digging an adult grave.
$8.00 for digging a vault grave.
$5.00 for digging a child's grave.
If the digging is done by someone else, the Sexton can charge:
$2.00 to move dirt and sod an adult grave.
$1.00 to move dirt and sod a child's grave.
(See also Ord. 97 "Rules and Regulations for Sexton" (6 Apr 1932), and Ord. 158 (Amending Ord. 97), in which the Sexton's salary is set at $4.00 per month, and he is allowed to charge $15.00 for an adult grave, etc.)Ord. 39 - "Unlawful to Roller skate on Sidewalk" Fine: Not less than 50¢, nor more than $1.00.
Ord. 47 - Compensation for Officers -
Clerk, $1.50/ meeting night
Treasurer, $6.00/ annum
Marshall, $55.00/ annum, to be paid monthly
Assessor, $5.00/ annumOrd. 49 - Establishing a Board of Equalization, according to KY statute section 3678. 19th Feb 1917 -
W. F. Arnold
Thos. Nead
Harry Aldridge
Ord. 50 - Bid for Electric Franchise
Ord. 58 - Keeping of Dogs, 1924.
Ord. 72 - Establishing the Speed Limit on Dixie Hwy at 25 MPH. Fine: Not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00.
Ord. 79 - Annexing Territory - Jan 1931. This was protested by J. P. Tanner, et al, but was passed anyway. (see Ord. 70 - Proposal to Annex Territory)