Peace Meeting in Boone County, Kentucky, 1861

Note: This article describes a meeting held a few months after the beginning of the Civil War calling for a cessation of the war; they said compromise and recognition of Secession was preferred to a continued war. They unanimously adopted five resolutions and appointed a large committee of prominent residents of Boone County to express their opinions to the State Legislators in Frankfort.

Covington Journal
Vol. 14, No. 8, September 7, 1861, p. 2, col. 7

Voice of the People

Peace Meeting in Boone

      At an immense meeting of the People of Boone county, (composed of members of all the late political organizations in the State,) was held pursuant to previous notice at the Court House in Burlington, on Monday, the 2nd day of Sept., 1861.

      Lewis L. Youell, Esq., briefly stated the object of the meeting.

      The Rev. Robert Kirtley was called to the chair, from whence he returned thanks for the honor that was conferred and recommended the observance of order and decorum.

      The following Vice Presidents were elected and took their seats viz: Lewis A. Loder, Richard Parker, William Watts, Herman Ashley, Abram Stansifer, Jr., John Snow, Joseph Anderson, Stewart Baker, D. H. Mirick, William Presser, E. D. Grant, Samuel B. Huey and A Yager.

      James W.. Duncan was duly elected Secretary.

      The following committee to draft resolutions and to select delegates to the Frankfort Convention were appointed, viz:

      James M. Corbin, Dr. Elijah Grant, John H.. Walton, Henry T. Snyder, Cornelius Quick, Lewis L. Youell, Thomas Stephens, Thomas Rouse, William Winn, Moses S. Rice, R. B. Botts, Joseph A. Gaines, P. T. Cropper, A. K. Gaines, H. S. Percival, Joseph Anderson, Jas. N. Stephens George W. Baker. -- The committee retired, and during their absence, Col. John W. Stevenson, Col. Christie, Rev. E. W. Bedinger and Rev. Jas. A.. Kirtley addressed the meeting.

      The committee, through their Chairman, Jas. M. Corbin, Esq., reported the following Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted, viz:

      Resolved, That it is the opinion of the People of Boone county, without regard to former party differences, that is to the interest of the People of Boone and all others, that the war now being waged, and that the differences between those engaged therein should be settled by compromise. That a permanent separation of the States would be far less objectionable than a continuance of this internecine and unnatural war.

      Resolved, That Kentucky having here tofore declared in favor of Peace and strict Neutrality in the war now being waged between one portion of this country and the other, it is the opinion of this meeting that the only way of continuing that Peace, which our State has hitherto enjoyed, is by adhering and enforcing in good faith the neutrality which was intended, by the People, to be real and not fictitious and deceptive; that we believe we have the Constitutional right to assume this position.

      Resolved, That the introduction or organization of Federal troops within our State, except at Newport Barracks, and the payment of money in the form of taxes to support or defray the expenses of the war now being waged by the Federal Government against the Confederate States, is a violation of the neutrality heretofore assumed by Kentucky, and if said troops are not removed will result in destroying the peace of the citizens of this Commonwealth; and the General Assembly now is session, ought to adopt some measure for their removal, and the people of Boone, demand their immediate removal.

      Resolved, That we approve the objects of the Convention, to be held at Frankfort, and appoint the following delegates to same, viz: Rev. Jas. A. Kirtley, John Norris, R. K. Graves, Wm. H. Vaughn, Herman Ashley, James M. Corbin, A. Stansifer, Jr., Rev. Everett W. Bedinger, Wm E. Hudson, Geo. O’Neal, Robert M. Ratcliffe, O. Huey, Jos. C. Hughes, Mitchell M. Black, Chas. G. C. Canby, Richard Stephens, D. H. Miric k, E. D. Grant, Samuel B. Hughey, M. W. Aikens, Joseph A. Gaines and Wash. Watts.

      Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded to Covington Journal, Frankfort Yeoman, Cincinnati Enquirer, Louisville Courier and Journal, for publication, and then adjourned.

R. Kirtley, Chairman.

   J. W. Duncan, Sec’y.

Typed and edited by J. R. Duvall

Florence Kentucky