Awards Galore!

Well, well... I see you have come to my section. I am Sailor Steelkitty. With my guide Cronus I will guard this section. No one will go a better job that I. The layout of this page is the award is pictured next to the description of the type of site that would recieve it. Do not request should you be unworthy. I will be watching you.

The other 2 awards were judged lacking in proper dignity. They were mercifully slain in the back room.

The Award. If I like youre site(aka if you apply) You'll get one.

Do not adjust your screens this image is supposed to be messed up. It is a specialized award. Each is different and will mention your site by name on it. Apply under 'mystery award'.
So now you have seen what awards we currently offer. There will be more eventually, and not all will be squirrels. They were made by Dragonspaw to be unconventional. Simply e-mail your request to Make sure to tell what award you are applying for, your site's address, and the subject title is "award".

I will judge your site and will send you instructions on how to post it and of course the image.

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