Seperated at Birth?!

Hey, all! This is Sailor Sandrock! I'm so glad that D-Babe (Sailor Dragonspaw: PLEASE STOP CALLING ME "D-BABE"!!!) let me run this part of the site! The "Seperated at Birth" page is devoted to characters that look suspiciously similar and whom of which MAY have been (dun, dun, dun) SEPERATED AT BIRTH!!!! When you're done checking this page out (and there isn't that much on it, I know, I'm really sorry 'bout that!) please visit the links page 'cuz Reepy and Bruce get lonely there!

Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) Lucrezia Noin (Gundam Wing)

Not very likely, I know. I mean, how can our sweet, smart Sailor Mercury be related to our forced-to-fight, mad-about-Zechs/ Milliardo, ultra cool, identity-giving-away Lucrezia Noin? Simple: They do look alot alike and Naoko-sensei (Naoko Takeuchi, I call her Naoko-sensei :-) did a drawing and showed it to Toei, which was, as said in Pocket Manga #2, going to be the "initial settings" (but it wasn't, thank goodness). Sailor Mercury would have looked like a VERY shifty Noin which WOULD be kinda scary... Also, I find that Sailor Mercury is a happy-go-lucky, blue-haired version of Noin. However, the two are completely different because one has blue eyes and hair while the other has purple eyes and hair... Freaky...
COULD THEY BE... SEPERATED AT BIRTH??????? (Dun, dun, dun!!!!!)

Sailor Venus(Sailor Moon) Dorothy Catolonia (Gundam Wing)

Isn't it a little odd about how much these two look alike (or how so many "Gundam Wing" characters look A LOT like "Sailor Moon" characters)? WELL, DON'T THEY LOOK ALIKE????? DON'T THEY, DON'T THEY???? I think so, too. They both have the SAME earings (except V-Babe's are red), practically the SAME hairstyle and they're BOTH SUCK-UPS (j/k, V-Babe isn't a suck-up, she just tends to get annoying **Dodges grenade**)!!! They're both pretty close to the main character or the female protagonist, although they are completely different! V-Babe is all giggly, tends to get annoying (**dodges another grenade**) and appears in almost every other panel in the manga. On the other hand, you've got Dorothy, strong, powerful, Treize's cousin, suck-up to Relena and is blood thirsty (in the episode when she is introduced, she sees some planes flying off and she says "Go on! Hurry up! Hurry up and start a war!" Well, she said something like that...) not only that but she has a super cool yellow car while V-Babe only has a bike. But you gotta admit: they DO look similar!
COULD THEY BE... SEPERATED AT BIRTH??????? (Dun, dun, dun...)

Relena Peacecraft (Gundam Wing) Princess Allura (Voltron)

You thought you saw it all, right? Well, think again! Now we are reaching deeper into the reaches of time... Like, let's say the '80's? Here we have a picture of Relena, the heroine of Gundam Wing and Allura, the heroin of Voltron. Relena and Allura are both princesses. That's about it. Relena goes around promoting pacifism and having annoying little people like Dorothy tag along behind her making her a puppet leader of the Romefeller Foundation. Meanwhile, after one of the Voltron crew, Sven, gets injured, Allura takes his place in the blue lion (which, coincedentally, is a water lion... Amy?...) and joins in the fight. Not only that, but Allura has the badguy's son, Prince Lotor, chasing after her and is also kinda clueless... (There's one episode when she gets out of her bath and puts nothing but a towel on and starts walking around and talking to the guys... Dumbutt... She's still pretty cool, though!) Allura can talk to the spirit of her deceased father, King Alfor, and can talk to the Space Mice, which are exactly what their title is. They help the Voltron crew find the keys to activate the Lions, of which Voltron is made up of (doesn't it seem similar to something? Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was based on Voltron. **Shudder**) and have their own little robot thing that shoots little peas or whatever at the robeasts... Wow, effective... BUT THEY'RE REALLY, REALLY CUTE!!!!!!! To bad Relena doesn't have Space Mice... She just has Dorothy. Pooh. I have actually found a picture where Allura has her hair like Relena's but Sailor Yui wouldn't let me nab it. Meanie.
Could they be.... SEPERATED AT BIRTH?!?!?!?! Dun, dun, dun!!!!!!!!

Why "Voltron" is too much like "Sailor Moon" First off, you know how I said Power Rangers is based on Voltron? Well, guess what? Naoko Takeuchi is/was a biiiiiiiiig fan of the Japanese Power Rangers and Sailor Moon is sorta based on it (the Japanese Power Rangers basically has girls in sailor suits and is live action). Scary, huh? Also, the Lions have their own different elements. The Red Lion has Fire, the Blue Lion has Water, the Yellow Lion has light or stone, the Green Lion has Plants and the Black Lion is just the lead lion and I guess you can say it has everything, since when Voltron is formed, the Black Lion makes the torso and the head. The Black Lion also has stones. Now you know. ^_^ And in case you haven't figured it out already, Voltron is a big robot thing that defeats all of King Zarcon's Robeast-things... ^_^

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