for the fans

For personal use only.
AIM icons | avatars | desktop wallpapers

AIM buddy icons (50x50)
from D:TNG from D:TNG from Degrassi Crash Course from D:TNG from Relic Hunter from Full-Court Miracle from Full-Court Miracle from Full-Court Miracle from Countdown to Degrassi from Countdown to Degrassi from D:TNG from Teen People photo shoot from Degrassi Unscripted from Degrassi Unscripted from D:TNG How Much for Happy photo shoot How Much for Happy photo shoot How Much for Happy photo shoot from release party from release party from release party

How to use the AIM buddy icons:

  1. Save the buddy icon you want to your computer. (Right click, Save Picture As...)
  2. Sign on to AIM.
  3. Click on Prefs icon or tap F3 key. (If this doesn't work, click on "My Aim," "Edit Options," "Edit Preferences.")
  4. In "Category" choose "Buddy Icons."
  5. Select "My Buddy Icon."
  6. Click "Browse PC..."
  7. Find your icon, and select it.

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