Sunny and friends
Fun Facts:
I'm updating this page without that silly page builder. This is Sunny. He was my son's cat but he's mine now. He has been living outside but can get out of foul weather whenever he needs to. He has a portal into the trailer. I have several insulated outdoor shelters, too.
Sunny's grew up with a calico named Kit. She's on one of my other cat pages.
Sunny is a peaceful mild mannered cat but he can get really mean if he has to be.
The gray kitten shows Sunny respect by brushing against him.
More about my pet:
Sunny has two friends and despite his size, Sunny likes to play just like a little kitten, running, hiding, and jumping straight up in the air when surprised by either of the little ones. Sunny brings live food home like mice and very small birds like finches. Then he gives them to the smaller cats. In some ways he mother's them and protects them.
I still wish someone would see Sunny and give him a home.

Likes: Dislikes:
e-mail me at if you want a cat.
He seems to dislike being ignored.
Sunny likes to play hard .
The rougher you get the rougher he gets.
He likes small boxes like most cats.
He likes water and dips it out with his paws.
See Sunny and six other cats by clicking the thumb so check it out.