Martyrs of Nagasaki

St. Paul Miki

Born in 1562 at Tounucumada Japan

Born wealthy, the son of a military leader.
Felt a call to religous life from his youth.
Jesuit in 1580, educated at the Jesuit college at Anziquiama.
Successful evangelist.
When the political climate became hostile to Christianity, he decided to continue his ministry, was soon arrested. On his way to martydom, he and other imprisoned Christians were marched 600 miles so they could be abused by, and be a lesson to, their countrymen; they sang the Te Deum on the way.
One of the Martyrs of Nagasaki.

Died  martyred by being stabbed with a lance while crucified at Nagasaki, Japan

Canonized in 1862 by Pope Pius IX