
A preliminary sketch of what classes would look like. (FW = Fair Witness)

The social use of FWs, and/or personal improvement.
Assignment: Paper.

Assignment: malleable memory,

Assignment: Paper on deceptions and revelations of.

Assignment: Watts/Suzuki/etc report.


A robe (yet not designed) is for formal occassions, but a mobius loop may be used elsewise. The effect must be the same, however.

FIRST: On the robe, or mobius loop: read them the page from the book/site. (White on this side...) Mobius strip metaphor: Awareness of both sides, without end.

You must engender a great difference between standing in your robe, and without it. This is to allow you to relax without it, and, in it, to be completely into your role. (& out of your regular identity.) With--you must have a Zen frame of mind; without ego.

A practitioner will don the robe/loop for a minimum of 10 minutes/day, as a type of externally-focused meditation. (it's not relaxed, tho.)

Explain what a disaster it'd be if a witness got caught in an important public error.

  1. Always leave yourself an "out"; an escape phrase. Don't be positive. Couch your observation in possibilities and disclaimers. e.g.: "My impression was..."
  2. A Witness has no opinions, no personality. He says not "I", but "The Witness..." "The Witness observed... is aware of..."
  3. While you're official, do not get caught up in casual conversations. They lead to diminishment of attention and purpose. You'll lose your edge. You must engender a great difference between standing in your robe/loop and without it. This is to allow you to relax without it, and conversely, to be completely into your role when in it. In it, you must have a Zen frame of mind--without ego.
  4. A Witness must know the language, meanings and perhaps etymology of every word used. We must define our terms in order to communicate accurately. He must be aware of how few words he's actually looked up in a dictionary, and how many he's just assumed from the context he's heard it in.
    There are no absolute synonyms; at least, people have their idiosyncratic connotations/ definitions. I insist on: "religious" as distinct from theist; metaphysical from philosophical.
  5. A Witness must be aware of the body language of others, and of his own, during a report.
  6. A Witness is a receiver of reality, not a teacher. He/ She says very little. His awareness/connection is so high that, paradoxically, he may appear detached.


PREJUDICES: How to minimize the "Rashomon Effect". (SEE it!)
A FW must know his own prejudices, because his memories will tend toward them. They'll tend to melt into images in that direction.
It's good to know your prejudices, not only to fight them, obviously, but to know even what they used to be, after you've fought them off. That will help tell you what still remains, for nothing completely disappears, only fades.
A note on the word "fight". That seems to assume the fight will be permanent. It's easier to work on changing them; then, with awareness, compensate for what's left and whatever comes up out of natural human leanings.

A FW must know the likely prejudices of others, to make various compensations, and to read likely inaccuracies in the other's reporting of their perceptions.


Techniques: the Fair Witness should know the side effects of their awarenesses, avoidances, and their "practical laziness". You see what you:


Observation: I show something, then ask about it.

Reporting-language. Ask class for best words for an example. Class suggests improvements, critiques.


"translation" list. e.g. "more than one" means: two or more, not assuming any more than two, or perhaps one point one.

You must consider claims of vested interests. Including stats. A study funded by a vested interest is not a study. Double-blind is the only worth-while experiment.
"Significance" in a smaller group is more reliable.

to enroll in the class:
1: A couple approved college courses. Psych 101, English/Composition,

I'd require more, but this course is more basic and necessary to understanding anything else. A light version should be taught in kindergarten, etcetera!
Other basics would be covered in class: psych 102 (especially ego, placebo effect, hypnosis, advertizing, conformity, ...) Language, Basic Science, Logic & Fallacies, Physical & cultural Anthropology, Comparative Religion, Bar bets (unexpected truths),

TESTS/GRAD Requirements: (All grade-points.)

This class is one requirement for ordination as Gaian leader/"minister"; as is:
  • For a career in law reporting: one course in basic law, and a paper about the interface.


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