A paragraph from Andy Rooney's 2001 wish-list:

. . [I wish that...] "The population of the world stops increasing and starts to decline, so everyone has enough to eat and we stop using up all the good stuff we have a limited supply of on this planet. If God really said "Go ye forth and multiply," he said it when there were only a few million people alive any where. By now, he'd certainly say "enough already!"

Part of an Andy Rooney article from 1993
...and obviously, things are worse since then.

... "I look at what's happened in our hometown in the past 40 years we've lived there, and I shudder to think what it'll be like in another 40. A few days after that story, I read another about how bad life is in New Delhi right now. I was in New Delhi years ago and I wondered at the time why people there had the desire to remain alive under conditions of such misery.
. . It's hard to conceive of things being worse than when I was in India, but according to the story, written on a day when the temperature was 114 degrees, New Delhi (which, keep in mind, is a lot better than Calcutta) didn't have water or electricity. The system had simply broken down. City government and services had all but collapsed, and mountains of putrid garbage were piling up in the streets. Sound like somewhere you'd like to go on vacation?
. . Since I was in New Delhi [in 1953], the population has grown to four times what it was. The population of New Delhi is now 9.5 million, and by the year 2000, just seven years from now, it will be 13.5 million.
. . It's incredible that people continue to reproduce under such conditions in India and elsewhere. You see pictures on TV of men and women in Somalia. They're too weak to stand, but somehow they've called up the strength to produce babies that are everywhere.
. . Maybe when I'm 83, I'll take another trip to India. A look at what the future of the world will be like if we don't stop having more children than we can take care of, might make leaving all this behind a little easier."

Another piece; this from 11-22-98.

... "Old people are not doing their part for the world order by dying on time, the way they used to. ...we're filling in what used to be miles and miles of open land with shopping malls.... Small towns are running into one another so you don't know where Mudville ends and Hogtown begins.

We may have to take the drastic step of curtailing, maybe even eliminating, the birth of new people. ... "Be fruitful and multiply"... What we need now is not multiplying, but subtraction. If those at the back end of life keep on living because they can get new parts, and babies keep being born and moving in on the front end, we'll quickly have an Earth even more overloaded with people than it already is. Earth will have to hang out a sign that reads, NO VACANCIES!"


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