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65% of married women cheat.
There are 110,000 transsexuals in the USA.
Stats: one ejaculation contains 500 million sperm. Men produce about 1000 per heartbeat!
. . Menopause is unique to humans! Perhaps this is to enable the "grandmother effect", to help new moms with the baby.
. . At age 85, there are 3X as many women as men, & vastly more single women.
* Men can develop major and permanent health problems soley from too much sex, but women can't. (Not talking about disease transmission or abuse here.)
. . * Regular sex promotes dental health. (For women, anyway.)
. . * Men should masturbate almost daily to help them avoid cancer. ("Go digital," it says, and while I know they're referring to fingers, I can't help but think of all the ways in which sex-tech can add variety to this healthy habit.)
. . * Prolonged abstinence in women can cause loss of vaginal function. (Hence one doctor's recommendation of using vibrators to preserve vaginal health.)
. . * The more sex you have, the longer you are likely to live. ("The relationship found between frequency of sexual intercourse and mortality is of considerable public interest.")
Nat'l Wildlife Mag: Only 3-4% of mammals are monogamous; mostly rodents & canids (except dogs, wolves. And the percentage is going down steadily, as observations go on).
. . Monogamists do not have sex often; humans do. Monogamists have smaller brains. Monogamist genders are about equal size, (or female is bigger). Monogamists never get tired of each other, never fight, never desert. Go back over these --which are humans?
UCLA scientists discovered 50+ genes in mice that show gender before genitals even form on the fetus/blastocyst. Probably the same in humans & other mammals.
College women involved with other women are sometimes called LUGs, Lesbians Until Graduation, when presumably, their youthful experimentation ends and they enter the ranks of their "real" group, the heterosexuals.
In the Kinsey studies of the late 1940s and early 1950s, about 4% of the women and 10% of the men admitted to having had sex with both men and women. Some of that was, indeed, experimental. Eventually, in the Kinsey sample, 2% of women and 5% of men claimed to be bisexual. A study by Morton Hunt for Playboy in the mid-1970s found that about 15% of post-pubescent men and 10% of women had had sex with both genders. But Hunt and other researchers found that considerably lower proportions maintained a lifelong identify as bisexual --3% of women and 5% of men. (For comparison, depending on the study, 3 to 10% of the adult population identifies as homosexual.)
In a study of college students' attitudes in the mid-1990s, participants were asked if they considered homosexuality acceptable or unacceptable. 43% said male homosexuality was unacceptable, while 38% said the same about lesbianism. Significantly larger proportions disapproved of bisexual men and women --61% and 50% respectively.
What can a woman say to sexually arouse a man? Answer: Hello.
May 29, 03: Single dads stand a better chance of scoring with the opposite sex than their "selfish" and "immature" child-free friends, a survey for a new British magazine suggested.
. . The poll for FQ, the nation's first magazine for fathers, found that almost 40% of women would have sex on the first date on account of the man revealing his love for his children in conversation. "Women like men with some stability in their lives and who can also cleverly juggle family and work without neglecting his social life."
. . More than 65% thought men with children were more in touch with their emotions --and thus more prone to develop long-lasting relationships.
Jan 20, 03: Today's women have less sex than their 1950s counterparts, a survey suggests. Researchers in the United States believe the demands of modern life are to blame --leaving women with little time or energy.
. . Also, according to the study, 42% of women who *cohabit with male partners have sex two or three times a week. This compares to just 33% of married women.
May 28, 03: Handsome men produce the best quality semen and beautiful women seem to have good voices, according to scientists.
. . When researchers at the University of Valencia in Spain tested the quality of male sperm and then later asked women to rank the attractiveness of the donors it produced some interesting results.
. . In another study, researchers at the University of Nottingham in England compared the quality of female voices and their facial features. After playing recordings of 30 young women to men, who ranked them in order, the researchers asked them to look at their pictures and choose the most striking faces. "The men judged women with the nicest voices as the most attractive, on average."
May 20, 03: About 20% of American teen-agers have had sex before their 15th birthday and only a third of parents of these sexually active kids know about their activities, according to a report. About one in seven of the sexually experienced 14-year-old girls reported having been pregnant, which translates into about 20,000 pregnancies a year, and 8,000 births. The nonprofit National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, released the report.
. . On the other hand, data released May 7 by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which monitors such issues, found that teen pregnancy rates --for those 14 and younger-- declined 40% between 1990 and 1999.
May 5, 03: A woman who has a boy out of wedlock is much more likely to marry the father than if she has a girl, U.S. economists reported. The study, by two University of Washington economists, suggests not only that men may value sons more, but that little girls are more likely to grow up poor.
. . They had earlier found that fathers of sons spend more money on their families and worked more additional hours than the fathers of girls. They found a woman was 42 times more likely to marry the father of her son than she was to marry the father if the child was a girl. Unmarried mothers of boys were 11% more likely to find a husband --even a husband who was not the child's biological father-- than those with girls.
May 1, 03: Two-thirds of Britons have had sex in a car, according to a British Web Site launched advocating the joys of outdoor sex. A survey of 1,500 people conducted by indicated that notoriously prudish Britons are quite uninhibited when it comes to their love lives.
. . It found that 94% of respondents thought outdoor sex was a good way to maintain an exciting relationship, with two-thirds admitting to having had sex in a car and nearly half saying they had frolicked in a field. The beach was the next most popular location, with 40% finding it was a place that had fired their ardor.
And yet....
One in three British dog owners spends more time with their pet than with their partner - and when it comes to sleeping, they rate highly as cuddly bedfellows, a survey shows. Over 40% of dog-owners allow their four- legged friends to share their bed, the poll of 500 dog owners on behalf of Churchill Insurance found.
. . 11% even felt that their pooches had assumed a more important role in their lives than their spouses. Two in three said their dog was their best friend and one in 10 said it was more important to them than their family.
Feb 5, 03: Men who don't shave every day enjoy less sex and are 70% more likely to suffer a stroke than daily shavers, a new study shows. A team at Bristol University who examined the link between shaving, coronary heart disease and stroke in 2,438 middle-aged Welsh men, said that men who did not shave every day were more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke.
. . Over the course of the 20-year study, there were 835 deaths, they reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In all, 45% of the men who shaved less than daily died, compared with 31% of those who shaved at least daily.
. . Many of the excess deaths were due to higher rates of smoking and the poorer lifestyles of men who did not shave daily but the scientists said this did not explain their substantially raised risk of strokes.
. . The findings show that men who don't shave every day are less likely to be married and are more likely to be blue-collar workers. They also have fewer orgasms, tend to be shorter, and to suffer from angina.
Dec 15, 02: Impotence affects about one in 10 men, and the numbers increase with age. But because of the sensitivity and embarrassment surrounding it, nearly 50% of men do not seek advice about the problem and some suffer silently for decades. Yet 95% of cases can be successfully treated!
. . Nearly 70% of the men who responded to a new poll said they were worried or anxious about their impotence. 66% were depressed and 8% said it affected their jobs. In almost half of the patients, impotence caused a problem with their relationships and in 9% of cases it precipitated a breakup with their partners.
Dec 3, 02: 75% of the cases of sudden death during sexual activity involved people who were taking part in extra-marital sexual intercourse. Only 1% of all heart attacks are triggered by sexual activity.
Nov 19, 02: A survey of 2,500 Britons, by organizers of the Erotica 2002 festival, said 23% of men claimed to have faked an orgasm, compared to 56% of women.
Women are more likely than men to have sex with an intern at work, according to a Playboy magazine poll that also found that two-thirds of female respondents had slept with a co-worker.
. . Among male respondents, half had slept with co-workers. -- 46% of women who had had office sex had sslept with their boss, compared with 18% among men. Playboy attributed the discrepancy to the fact there were more male bosses in the workplace.
Nov 25, 02: Marriage may be the perfect recipe for happiness -- but not for lavish Christmas gifts, a survey showed. The biggest spender on romantic gifts this year will be a male between 16 and 34 years old who has been in a relationship for one to two years, but does not live with his partner. The least romantic spender will be a woman married for over 20 years without children, according to the survey.
Nov 25, 02: The Durex Global Sex survey revealed that Britons make love an average of 149 times a year, topped only by couples in France (167), the Netherlands (158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150).
. . Those taking their love-making at a more relaxed pace included Americans (138 times a year), New Zealanders, (135) and the Spanish, who limped in at an annual love rate of just 121.
Nov 15, 02: Researchers at the Beckman Research Institute in Los Angeles had found the fruit fly "drysophila melanogaster" had developed a "homosexual preference" when the laboratory temperature was increased from about 19 degrees to above 30 degrees C. (86 degrees F.) [Global warming!!]
Nov 1, 02: Two thirds of married women say the best sex they've had is with their husband, compared to 13% who say it was when they were single and just 9% when having an affair, a survey by a British health magazine said.
. . Men will be able to draw reassurance from the findings, based on a survey of 2,000 women across the UK. More than half of women think their partner has a "gorgeous body", 69% are happy with their man's weight, and 93% are pleased with his "manhood."
. . Even after 14 years of marriage, 63% of women still fancy their husband as much as when they first met and 65% think sex never goes off the boil with the right man.
. . But although 95% of women believe being faithful is important in a long-term relationship, 16% admitted to having affairs.
Nov 4, 02: Gay sheep that mate only with other rams have different brain structures from "straight" sheep, a finding that may shed light on human sexuality, U.S. researchers said. The differences are similar to those seen in some homosexual humans, but probably only go a small way to explaining the causes of different sexual preferences.
. . "There had been reports in humans that a certain area of the hypothalamus, the preoptic area ... was usually larger in males than females", Roselli said. This area was also found to be larger in heterosexual men than in homosexual men. "With an animal model, you can be more selective and do more controlled studies", Roselli said.
. . The brain cells in this area also made greater amounts of an enzyme called aromatase in the heterosexual rams. Aromatase is involved in the action of testosterone, the so-called male hormone. This does not mean the gay rams had less testosterone in their brains, Roselli stressed. "It is not necessarily the activational effect of the hormone", he said. Other types of neurons are probably active --they just have not found them yet. No differences in testosterone relating to sexuality have been found either in the sheep or in humans, he said.

Nov 6, 02: About 10% of rams are "gay", say US scientists. Previous studies have shown that between six and 10% of rams are attracted to males rather than females. Other studies (when they ask the proper questions) show the same ratio in humans.
. . The part of the brain analysed in both studies is an area of the hypothalmus involved in mating behavior, the preoptic hypothalamus --called the sexually-dimorphic nucleus. In humans and some other animals, it is about twice as large in males compared with females and contains twice the number of cells. Its function in behavior is not fully known. "Interestingly, this bundle of neurons is smaller in ewes and in rams with same-sex preferences than it is in rams that prefer ewes", said lead researcher Dr Kay Larkin. "We also determined that the volume of the sexually dimorphic area is approximately the same in rams that prefer rams as it is in ewes."
. . [Gay male volume =straight female volume. Now we need to know what volume the gay female area is.]

Oct 10, 02: Many older women still want to have sex, but they might find their men cannot oblige. So says a global survey of 27,780 adults aged 40 to 80 from 30 countries that found aging women become sexually dysfunctional at about half the rate of men.
. . The survey found that 31% of middle-aged and older women lacked interest in sex, 22% were unable to achieve orgasm, 21% did not find sex pleasurable, 20% had trouble lubricating, and 14% experienced pain with sex.
. . Among men, about 20% suffered from erectile dysfunction, which increased to nearly half by age 80, according to the survey, which was funded by Pfizer, Inc., the maker of the impotence treatment Viagra. OOPS!
. . Among the health problems common to older people associated with sexual dysfunction were diabetes and hypertension, especially in men. But psychological factors, especially depression, diminished interest in sex after 40. In the United States, two-thirds of men aged 70 or older have a companion who is a potential sex partner, while less than one-third of women do because of women's longer life spans and divorce patterns.
Oct 1, 02: Women, as well as men, benefit from marriage and get a mental health boost from being a couple, a new study says. Research from Australia, which shows that about 13% of married men and women suffer from stress, contradicts the findings of a 1972 study by sociologist Jessie Bernard. Her study which looked at anxiety, depression and neurosis in married and unmarried people found that men reaped the benefits of marriage at the expense of women.
. . In the female sample, married women with children had the fewest mental health problems.
. . "Psychologists are now debating whether Bernard's conclusions have always been flawed, or whether women have become genuinely happier inside marriage over the past 30 years."
Sept 17, 02: Female "circumcision" does not reduce sexual desire, Nigerian scientists said. That may debunk one reason often used to justify the practice decried by Western doctors as painful and dangerous. Female circumcision, better called female genital mutilation (FGM), is mostly performed in African and Middle Eastern countries to ensure chastity or enhance beauty.
. . Claims by its defenders that it reduces desire and sexual promiscuity are not true, researchers at the Women's Health and Action Research Center in Benin City, Nigeria said. Their study of 1,836 women in South Nigeria, 45 percent of whom had been circumcised, showed there was no significant differences in sexual desires between those who had been circumcised and those who had not.
. . Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan account for 75% of all cases, according to the World Health Organization.
Aug 30, 02: Teen-agers whose parents smoked were about 50% more likely to have had sex by the time they were 15, the researchers reported. "They are also more likely to smoke, drink, associate with substance-using peers and participate in delinquent activity." About 31% of parents were smokers and that was the strongest predictor of risky behavior among their teen-age children, Wilder said. Wilder and Watt found that boys were more likely to have sex if their parents failed to use seatbelts --but not girls.
Priests who are homosexually orientated: Estimates vary between 10% and 45%. Some estimates of the number of seminary students who have a homosexual orientation are higher.
According to Amanda Ripley of Time Magazine, estimates range from 15% to 50%.
Author and sociologist James G. Wolfe estimated that 48.5% of priests were gay.
During 1990, Rev. Thomas Crangle, a Franciscan priest in Passaic, N.J., mailed a survey to 500 randomly selected priests. Of the 398 responses, about 45% said that they were gay. Only about 2% of the adult population is bisexual: This depends heavily upon the survey's definition of the term "bisexual". "Research carried out at the Harvard School of Public Health, USA in 1994 found that 20.8% of the men and 17.8% of the women studied admitted to same-sex sexual attraction/behavior at some time in their lives.
Only a quarter of Brazilians expect their spouse to remain faithful during marriage, a new study has found. "It appears that having an extramarital affair has already been incorporated into our culture, even if that's not what people want", said Carmita Abdo, a psychiatrist and professor at the University of Sao Paulo.
. . A separate study there by Abdo two years ago found that 63% of men and 23% of women had had at least one extramarital affair.
"Females (with body piercings) were about 2-1/2 times more likely to have had sex, 2-1/2 times more likely to have smoked, 2-1/2 times as likely to have used marijuana in the past month, and almost two times as likely to have skipped school in the last year." Boys with piercings were five times as likely to have skipped school in the past year, and had similarly higher risks for smoking and drinking as girls.
Feb 21, 02: Age is no barrier to an active sex life and the over-40s are having as much fun in bed as their younger counterparts, according to a survey published on Thursday by Pfizer, which makes drugs including the impotence treatment Viagra.
. . Older Spaniards and Belgians topped the sex survey with more of them saying they had sex at least once a day than any other nationality.
. . Koreans hit another high with 90% saying sex was very, extremely or moderately important in their lives.
. . Worldwide, more than 80% of men and 60% of women aged 40 to 80 said sex was an important part of their lives, when questioned for the Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors.
Those who had sex less than once a month were more likely to suffer sudden death from heart disease.
Feb, 02: Norwegians have the world's strongest yearning for sex in public places, according to a survey published in Germany. The survey was by Harlequin Romance, a publisher of novels, of 6,600 people from 20 countries.
. . It found that Norwegians were more likely to have sex in public places than any other nationality --66% said they had had such sexual encounters. The places where the sex took place included cars, trains, airplanes, beaches, parks, changing rooms, offices and libraries.
. . Australians came in second with 64%, Greeks were third at 60%, Sweden and Argentina were tied for fourth at 55% while Germany was fifth with 47%. Only 15% of Canadians have had sex in public --far below the global average of 41%.
. . At the bottom of the list was France. Only 13% of the French surveyed said they'd had sex in public places -- even fewer than the 15% of Canadians and 21% of Americans.

Other titillating trivia...
-- Only 16% of Japanese have had sex in a car, compared to 80% of Americans.
-- 28% of Australians have had sex in a movie theater and 16% have done it in a department store dressing room.
-- Finally, 73% of Danish folks think nothing of grabbing their partner's heiney in public but only 6% of Japanese can get behind that idea.

Feb, 02: One in four Britons has had sex in the parking lot after the office Christmas party, according to a survey, and more than 80% of British people admitted to enjoying saucy in- car activity. Women in Cheshire, northwest England, have sex in cars most often, with 20% saying they do it once a month or as often as possible. 22% of women in Newcastle upon Tyne, northeast England, said they had had sex in the back of a taxi. One in three Britons admitted having a sexual experience in the back of a cab.
Jan, 02: MSN Carview Internet company carried out an interesting poll among its clients. As a result of the poll (38 thousand people gave their sincere answers to the question) it turned out that one-fourth of the respondents had sex in a car after the Christmas party.
. . 84% of the respondents admitted they loved having car sex, they tried to think about this passion not less than once a month. 22% of women preferred love in a taxi cab to love in a common car. Some people absolutely do not mind the discomfort because of the limited space, some even like the risk of making love at a high speed.
40% of Italian males questioned declared that they had sexual relations with their wives against their will and the same 40% said that they feared the ever-increasing demands of their wives.
Dec 1, 01: The United States remains the sexual superpower of the world with Americans making love more often and with more partners than any other nationality.
. . Durex SSL International said that its annual poll of 18,500 people in 28 countries showed the world was having more sex and starting earlier than ever before, and the United States was leading the field in all departments. The survey -- carried out in May '01 --showed respondents averaging sex 97 times a year, up from 96 last year.
. . But those Americans questioned, averaged sex 124 times a year with over 14 different partners and were also starting earlier than anyone else at an average age of 16.
. . The Greeks made love the second most frequently -- 117 times a year on average --while the Germans were the second youngest to get started at 16.6 years. Japan remained bottom of the lovers league with an average 36 sexual encounters a year.
. . Overall, 60% of respondents said they had sex at least once a week and 4% claimed to make love daily. But single people had the least sex --86 times a year-- and the libido of married couples (100 times) also trailed those living together (145 times).
. . One in 10 people said they never had sex.
. . Men appeared to be more sexually active than women, claiming a frequency of 102 times a year against 91. Men also claimed an average 10.7 partners, versus 4.6 for women.
An estimated one in six couples has a fertility problem. 40% of cases are linked to men. Low sperm count or poor shape or swimming ability are the major problems in male infertility.
The likelihood that you will get divorced increases if several of your colleagues at work break up with their partners, Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reported on Monday, quoting a sociological study. "The study shows that divorce is contagious", Aftonbladet said. This was more true for men than for women, according to sociologist Yvonne Aberg, who surveyed the marital records of 37,000 people at 1,500 places of work over a seven-year period.
Aug 28, 01: Eight out of 10 women in Sweden would like to have sex more often and over half said they had been unfaithful to their partners, the tabloid Aftonbladet reported.
. . In a poll of 1,700 women, two thirds said it was a myth that men are keener on sex than women. The same proportion said they had had sex on a first date.
Aug 28, 01: Eight out of 10 women in Sweden would like to have sex more often and over half said they had been unfaithful to their partners, the tabloid Aftonbladet reported. In a poll of 1,700 women, two thirds said it was a myth that men are keener on sex than women. Two-thirds said they had had sex on a first date.
June 18, 01: Love in the wild outdoors or in the steam of the sauna top the list of sexual fantasies among Finns, an online survey revealed. The survey was of some 3,000 Finns, & published by the tabloid Iltalehti.
. . Women in particular are drawn to the forest and fantasize about open-air encounters. More than a third of men and a quarter of women polled said their erotic back-to-nature dream had already come true. The sauna came a close second as the most stimulating scene for love. Men also dream of sex in shop fitting rooms or the office.
. . The risk of getting caught excited about half of those polled, but only a few said they wanted witnesses to watch their sexual activities.
Oct 17, 00:Americans Have Sex the Most, Japanese the Least
. . Americans had sex most often this year, while older teens and young adults in Japan did it the least, a global survey by a British condom maker said. They surveyed 18,000 adults aged between 16 and 25.
. . Americans were also the quickest to lose their virginity but it was the French who boasted of having the most sexual partners, said SSL International, which manufactures Durex condoms.
. "On average, people globally are having sex 96 times a year."
. "The Americans claim to be enjoying the most sex at 132 times a year, followed by the Russians (122), the French (121) and the Greeks (115)."
. . The survey said young Japanese made love the least often at 37 times a year while Malaysians did it 62 times a year and the Chinese 69 times a year.
. . Most Dutch people said they learned about sex from their mothers, while the Americans attributed their knowledge to their fathers.
. . Most Italians said they were told about sex by their brothers and sisters while the French gave credit to their bed partners.
. . Americans were the earliest to have sex at an average age of 16.4 years, followed by Brazilians at 16.5 and the French at 16.8.
. . The French also seemed to have the most sexual partners, claiming an average of 16.7 each. The Greeks were second with 15 partners each, followed by the Brazilians at 12.5 and Americans at 11.8.
. . Indians were the most faithful to their partners, with 82% saying they have had sex with just one person.
April, 00: Researchers at Wilkes University found that people who have sexual relations once or twice a week boost their immune systems as much as 30%. They found that sex somehow triggers an increase in Immunoglobulin A, a compound that attacks germs and prompts the immune system to destroy bacteria.
Research is still inconclusive about the long-term effects of sex on flu prevention, but this winter there may be few remedies as sweet. It puts new meaning to the injunction "Stay in bed."
Basic but important info from :"I'm much happier when a man licks my clitoris than when he f***s me", says New York City sex educator Betty Dodson, Ph.D. "Most women I know feel the same way."
. . The clitoris holds some 7,000 sensory nerve endings, a greater concentration than any other structure in the body, and four times more than the glans of the penis. Under the clitoris, is another part of the Clitoral System, the clitoral shaft, analagous to shaft of the penis, only much smaller. Like the shaft of the penis, it’s filled with spongy erectile tissue. When women become sexually aroused, the clitoral shaft fills with blood and becomes longer and firm.
. . As the penis becomes erect, a ligament in the lower abdomen, the suspensory ligament, causes it to stick out or up. Women also have a suspensory ligament, which is part of the Clitoral System. It tightens during sexual arousal and retracts the flap of tissue that covers the clitoris, the clitoral hood, exposing the clitoris as it becomes erect.
. . The clitoral hood is analagous to the foreskin of the penis. Just as the foreskin retracts when the penis becomes erect (assuming it has not been removed by circumcision), the clitoral hood gets pulled upward by the tightening suspensory ligagment as a woman becomes sexually aroused, allowing the growing clitoris to become more prominent and visible.
. . While men’s erectile tissue is concentrated in the shaft of the penis, women’s is distributed throughout the Clitoral System. A good deal of female erectile tissue occupies the area between the inner vaginal lips, particularly around urethral opening, about halfway between the clitoris and the vaginal opening. This area is known as the urethral sponge. When its erectile tissue becomes engorged with blood, it bulges somewhat and becomes firm. But the bulging is hardly visible externally between the vaginal lips. Instead, the urethral sponges bulges inward, causing a little mound in the front vaginal wall. This mound can be felt on the inside of the vagina, about two inches in from the vaginal opening. It’s the G-spot, yet another facet of the Clitoral System. But the G-spot isn’t really a spot. It’s the entire internal manifestation of the erotically aroused urethral sponge. It may be as large as a quarter coin.
. . What's NOT part of the Clitoral System? Oddly enough, it’s the vagina. the vagina is more of a sex organ for men than for women.
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