
Also of course, see the Socio-Biology file.
Dec 19, 03: The German city of Cologne is resorting to a "sex tax" on brothels to boost its revenues. Prostitution is legal in Germany and prostitutes already pay tax on their income and a value-added tax.
Dec 11, 03: Almost half of Germans are cheating on, or has cheated on, their partner, according to a new survey. A November survey of 1,059 men and women aged between 20 and 60 by the Hamburg-based GEWIS research institute for "Stern" magazine showed 51% of men and 43% of women said they had cheated at least once on their partner.
. . Of the self-confessed cheats, some 61% of women and 47% of men said their transgressions came from a lack of love or interest shown by their partner.
Dec 5, 03: A French legal contract that allows two people - -of the same sex or not-- to enjoy nearly thhe same rights as under marriage, has proven wildly popular, with the number signed this year soaring, the state demographics institute said.
. . More than 15,000 of the contracts -- called PaCS, for Civil Solidarity Pacts -- were signed in the first half of this year, compared with 25,000 for all of 2002, which was a record year for the initiative introduced four years ago.
. . The number of traditional marriages, in contrast, has fallen in recent years.
Dec 5, 03: A Brazilian prosecutor says he's considering charging a mayor with discrimination after he signed a decree barring homosexuals from moving to his town. A conviction on charges he discriminated against homosexuals could land the mayor in jail for up to four years and force him to leave office.
Nov 26, 03: An American surgeon who has patented a device that triggers an orgasm has begun a clinical trial approved by the FDA in the U.S. and is looking for female volunteers. "I thought people would be beating my door down to become part of the trial", pain specialist Dr Stuart Meloy said.
. . So far, only one woman has completed the first stage of the trial, but with apparently breathtaking results. A second has agreed to take part. The married woman who tested the machine, dubbed an orgasmatron, had not had an orgasm for four years. But during the nine days she used it, she had several. "She even told me she had the first multiple orgasm of her life using the device."
. . He stumbled on the unexpected side-effect while using a spinal cord stimulator a few years ago. When Meloy placed the electrodes into a specific spot on her spine to find nerve bundles carrying pain signals to the brain, she moaned with delight.
. . Although the device has been compared to the orgasmatron featured in the 1973 Woody Allen film "Sleeper", Meloy envisions patients using it temporarily to retrain their sexual response.
. . The women in the trial described it as "really excellent foreplay."
. . Although some medical experts are sceptical about the procedure and say a vibrator can produce the same results, Meloy believes it could help to improve sexual response in women who cannot have orgasms and might even help men as well.
. . A full implant of the device would cost about 13,000 pounds. "I don't see it any differently from procedures such as breast implants", Meloy told the magazine.
Prostitution was legalized in Germany in December 2001, under a law giving sex workers legal recognition and social and labor rights.
Nov 18, 03: Massachusetts' highest court ruled that the state must give gay and lesbian couples the legal rights of marriage, granting them broader rights than same-sex couples in any other state. It could make Massachusetts the first state to legalize gay marriage, the Supreme Judicial Court stopped short of ordering the state to start issuing them marriage licenses. It said the state may not deny the rights conferred by civil marriage to two individuals of the same sex who wish to marry.
. . Nov 24, 03: A survey by the Boston Globe / WBZ- TV, revealed that of those surveyed, 50% agree with the "Gay Marriage" decision; 38% oppose it; and 11% have no opinion.
Nov 17, 03: Singapore, where prostitution is legal and oral sex is a crime, is doing some soul searching over morality, sexuality and the law. In a country ranked last for two straight years in a global list of most sexually active nations, and where fertility rates are falling, debate over laws on sex is growing after a 27-year-old man was jailed for two years for receiving oral sex. There was furious correspondence in the press deriding the oral sex ban as antiquated and out of step.
. . In face of the outcry, the government said it was reviewing whether to decriminalize oral sex. Legal experts say the law is dangerously opaque. In one case detailed in the Straits Times, a wife had tried to punish her unfaithful husband by performing oral sex on him and then reporting him to the police. "By enforcing the act, the state has made criminals of the majority of adults with a sex life."
Parents who were living with an opposite-sex spouse or partner before the child’s conception or birth were significantly more likely to have a male child than parents who were living apart.
Nov 13, 03: Greece's television regulator has fined a private channel 100,000 euros for "corruption of public morals" over scenes in a late-night TV series that included a kiss between two men. It said the scene "could damage young people by making them too familiar with vulgarity".
. . In modern-day Greece, public discussions on homosexuality are rare but the fine has sparked furious public debate.
A Singaporean police sergeant has been jailed for two years for having oral sex in a country where prostitution is legal but oral sex is not, a newspaper reported. Police coast guard sergeant landed in court after a 16-year-old reported to the police that she had performed oral sex on the man. She was above the age of consent and agreed to perform the act. The maximum punishment for the offence is life imprisonment.
Couples caught kissing on Moscow's underground rail system could be fined under new regulations being considered by city authorities while those going too far could face jail. The kissing ban could even extend to a husband embracing his wife.
Nov 7, 03: In a study in the journal Science, researchers say they have found that nematodes resulting from the union of a male and female worm are able to switch gender in response to changes in the environment. But worms born through a parent's self-fertilization are unable to make this gender change. . . "The hermaphrodite is not very mobile", she said. "It is sort of the couch potato of the worm world."
. . Fundamentally, said Goodwin, the study proves that "sex is good" for the species.
Nov 5, 03: Researchers said they had found erectile tissue in the tentacle of a male octopus, the first time such tissue has been seen in an invertebrate. Erections are key to sexual reproduction in the males of many, but not all, vertebrate species, but it was not known how broadly this particular adaptation was used.
. . In most octopus males, the tip of one of their eight arms is used to pass spermatophores, little packages filled with sperm, to females during mating. They found the extra modification in one species of shallow-water octopus. The tip of the arm was swollen & distended.
. . They called the finding weird, saying biologists have looked for erectile tissue in other mollusks, but not found them.
Oct 26, 03: 70% of women in the world --or at least, of those who read Elle magazine-- are in love, while nine out of 10 believe in staying faithful and two thirds consider love a prerequisite for sex. The results reinforce some old preconceptions -- the French are romantic, Americans like spending and Britons are cold.
. . Opinion varied widely on questions of love and sex: only a third of British readers thought love was a prerequisite for sex versus six out of 10 Turks. Norwegians attach the greatest importance to sexual satisfaction and women from Hong Kong were the most willing to experience sex with both genders.
Oct 28, 03: A study shows female wolf spiders will eat strange-looking males that try to mate with them, but spare and even hook up with familiar-looking males. The findings provide not just an interesting insight into spider behavior, but may help explain actions by "higher" animals, said arachnologist Eileen Hebets.
. . The female, which is slightly larger, can choose to mate, to run away or to eat her suitor. Sometimes she eats the hapless male after mating, Hebets said.
. . Hebets painted the legs of male spiders either brown or black with nail polish, and then raised females with either brown- or black-marked males, but not both.
. . When the females became sexually mature, she would put into their boxes a male of either color and watch what happened. The females were not exposed to males they already knew -- just males marked with the same shade of nail polish. "They just look like somebody they might know. None saw the same male, ever."
. . The females were more likely to eat males painted with the "wrong" color instead of mating with him. The more a female had been exposed to males with their legs painted a certain color, the more likely she was to eat a male painted with the other color. "It could be this is a way of learning your species and making sure that when you get older, you are mating with the right species."
Oct 10, 03: The lives of Roman Catholics in some of the countries worst hit by HIV/AIDS are being put at even greater risk by advice from their churches that the use of condoms does not prevent transmission of the disease, according to a British television program.
. . The World Health Organization, guardian watchdog of global wellbeing, rejected the Vatican view. "These incorrect statements about condoms and HIV are dangerous when we are facing a global pandemic which has already killed more than 20 million people, and currently affects at least 42 million."
Only about a third of Chinese newlyweds enter the bedchamber as virgins. In the most sexually active region of China, 90% of people surveyed had had intercourse before marriage, while in the least active, the figure was 44%.
Lawmakers, under intense pressure from the Catholic Church not to legalize divorce in Chile, one of the few countries in the world where it is banned, may include two marriage modes in a new divorce law: with and without the possibility of divorce.
Oct 1, 03: SOCIO-BIO: For the side-blotched lizard, a ubiquitous inhabitant of the American west, kinship is about more than family. While many other animals collaborate primarily with close relatives, these lizards somehow sense deeper genetic similarities when deciding whom to help, says Barry Sinervo, an ecologist at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
. . The lizards come in three color varieties, each of which denotes distinct mate-seeking behaviors. Oranges aggressively try to steal females; blues try to guard the females; and yellows try to sneak access. Only blue males form alliances: They band together so they can defend a much larger territory from sneaky yellows. When Sinervo analyzed DNA from a group of blue males to determine how they choose their allies, the results were unusual. Cooperating blue males sought alliances with others having the greatest overall genetic resemblance, regardless of their kinship. A blue side-blotched lizard would choose to assist an unrelated lizard with a nearly identical genome over a less similar brother or cousin.
Oct 4, 03: PET radioactive-imaging and MRI magnetic- imaging scans can now show whether a man and a woman are truly in love by measuring the amount of activity in the cingulate gyrus, an emotion center in the brain.
. . The male brain secretes less of the powerful primary bonding chemical oxytocin and less of the calming chemical serotonin than the female brain. So while women find emotional conversations a good way to chill out at the end of the day, the tired male brain needs to zone out all that touchy-feely chatter in order to relax -- which is why he wants the remote control to zap through "mindless" sport or action movies.
. . His brain takes in less sensory detail than a woman's, so he doesn't see or even feel the dust and household mess in the same way. Anyhow, the male brain attaches less personal identity to the inside of a home and more to the workplace or the yard --which is why he doesn't get worked up about housework.
. . Male hormones such as testosterone and vasopressin set the male brain up to seek competitive, hierarchical groups in its constant quest to prove self- worth and identity. That is why men, paradoxically (from a hormonally altered new mother's point of view), become even more workaholic once they have kids, to whom they must also prove their worth.
. . The consequences are profound for a generation of "liberated" women brought up to believe it is men who have to change, and men who must respond to a female way of relating in order for marriage to succeed.
. . Gurian says men can learn new skills and alter their behavior but they will not be able to meet all of women's expectations.
A Saudi father demanded a suitor pay $270 just to have a look at his daughter before marrying her. The father also asked the prospective groom to pay $1,350, apparently as down payment on a dowry, once his daughter --who is currently divorcing her first husband and father of her child-- agreed to the marriage.
. . The groom, a Saudi who is already married and has five children, paid both sums but called off the deal when he found that the bride had been married before.
Oct 1, 03: Marriage in China used to be a matter for a man, a woman — and the couple's employers. No longer. Today, China eliminated a much-resented requirement for couples to obtain their bosses' approval before tying the knot, prompting thousands of couples to wed.
. . Couples lined up as early as 5 a.m. outside marriage registration offices. Restaurants and hotel banquet halls were booked solid in major cities, and Beijing's streets were clogged with flower-bedecked motorcades.
. . The new marriage rules are among social reforms that increasingly are freeing private lives from unpopular government controls. Also beginning Wednesday, couples won't be required to get health checks to marry, and those wishing to divorce can do so without attending lengthy government mediation sessions.
. . But one of the most disliked official restrictions —-the household registration system that dictates where Chinese may live-— is still in effect. The government has given no indication that it might be repealed.
Sept 27, 03: A Saudi man married four women in one night only to prove to his estranged first wife that he was still attractive. Under the country's Islamic law, men are allowed to marry up to four wives at the same time.
Sept 29, 03: Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, is drafting regulations that could outlaw sex before marriage, living together outside wedlock, oral sex, and homosexuality. The draft revisions would also ban witchcraft.
. . Indonesians have long followed a moderate version of Islam, although an emphasis on Muslim practices and identity with Islamic traditions has gathered pace in recent years. Beliefs in witchcraft and mysticism are still widespread, especially on the main island of Java. And many Indonesians are also generally relaxed about homosexuality.
Sept 24, 03: Italy's Latin lover reputation took a serious hit when a medical congress heard that six out of 10 Italian woman confessed they can't get satisfaction. According to a survey of 600 men and women released during the meeting of the Italian Society of General Practitioners, the gigolos are no gos. Over two thirds of the men, according to the study, confessed to the kind of problems discussed in Viagra ads. She said the survey indicates that half the people are not satisfied with their sex life.
Sept 23, 03: Forget Latin lovers --horny Hungarians are now the most active between the sheets, leading a charge of eastern Europeans in the global sex charts.
. . Condom maker Durex's annual global sex survey published on Tuesday showed that Hungarian lovers enjoy sex 152 times a year. The French --fiercely proud of their sexual prowess-- only manage 144 performances a year.
. . The Italians and Spanish lag even further with scores of 119 and 123 times a year, while Americans make love an average of 118 times a year, Germans 120 and Australians 125.
. . Swedes chalk up a below-average score of 102 times a year, while Singaporeans only manage 96.
. . The survey of more than 150,000 people found lovers across the globe are having sex an average of 127 times a year and 73% of people say they are happy with their sex lives.
. . The most sexually satisfied couples are in Thailand with 92%, Vietnam with 90%, China and Spain with 83%, and Iceland with 80%.
. . Russians were the least happy with their lot. Only 59% said they were satisfied, despite having sex an average of 150 times a year.
. . One-night stands proved relatively popular across the world with 45% of people admitting to having had one.
. . Nordic nights were the most adventurous -- 71% of Icelanders, 70% of Norwegians and 68 percent of Finns have had sex with someone they had just met, compared with only 37% of Germans and 24% of Indians.
Sept 17, 03: Scientists have discovered fossils of the world's oldest genitals --belonging to 400 million-year-old insects-- in ancient rocks in Scotland. The penis of the ancient harvestmen insects, commonly known as a daddy-long- legs, was two-thirds the length of the body and remarkably similar to the modern-day species, New Scientist magazine said. "The discovery of the world's oldest genitals proves that little has changed over the last 400 million years --at least for daddy-long-legs." Also uncovered was a long egg-laying organ called an ovipositor from a female.
. . "As well as genitals, the fossils have the oldest known arachnid respiratory system, suggesting harvestmen's ancestors had long since crawled out of the sea and learned to breathe."
. . Harvestmen arachnids are sometimes mistaken for spiders but they are more closely related to ticks or mites because they do not spin webs.
There is no law in Britain against public nudity, although there are laws against indecent exposure —-which requires proof of intent to insult a woman-— or any behavior likely to cause "harassment, alarm or distress."
Aug 7, 03: Size is usually more of an issue but the shape of the penis is also important because it evolved to dispel other men's semen, according to scientists in the US. "They found that the coronal ridge... could scoop out more than 90% of the cornstarch mixture (from the artificial vagina) with just one thrust, while a phallus with no coronal ridge only managed to remove 35%", New Scientist magazine said Gallup and his team, who reported their finding in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, said the depth of penetration was also important in expelling more semen.
. . Their findings were supported with surveys of students who were questioned about their sexual experiences. "Sexual intercourse often involved deeper more vigorous penile thrusting following periods of separation or in response to allegations of female infidelity", they said.
Aug 7, 03: A new survey from People's University in Beijing showed that 28.7% of couples who are either married or live together have intercourse less than once a month. For 6.2% of the couples in the survey, there had been no sex over the past year. American couples in their 20s have sex three or four times a week on average, falling to once a week when they reach their 50s.
In 2001 alone, Pfizer sold $1.7 billion worth of Viagra.
July 17, 03: Research by Australia's Cancer Council Victoria found that the more often men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to suffer the disease that kills more than half a million men each year.
. . The survey of 1,079 prostate cancer patients and 1,259 healthy men found that those who masturbated or had sex at least once a day in their 20s were a third less likely to develop the malady. One theory that could explain the new results is that semen may have a carcinogenic effect on the cells lining the prostatic ducts if not flushed regularly out of the pipes by ejaculations.
. . The study, conducted between 1994 and 1998 but still being analyzed, did not focus specifically on masturbation. Nevertheless, it was the largest so far to ask participants not just about their sexual relations but also about masturbation, and to analyze the answers. Giles said the findings correlate with previous research that showed Roman Catholic priests were 30% more likely to get prostate cancer.
July 8, 03: The green-eyed monster of jealousy is alive and well - and living in Brazil, according to an international study. It reveals that Brazilian men are the most jealous; Swedish men and women are more concerned about sex than any other nation, and Japan is the least jealous country.
. . Gary Brase --University of Sunderland, UK-- looked at jealousy in many countries and found the expected differences between men and women. He found that the biggest difference between men and women was in Brazil; the smallest in Japan. Another finding was that Swedish women were the most concerned about their partners having sex with someone else.
. . Looking deeper into his survey, Brase noticed that the fertility rate of the country seemed to make a big difference. Countries with high fertility rates, like Brazil, had men who were very jealous about their partners having sex with others. Men in countries with a lower overall fertility rate, such as Japan, were less bothered. Brase believes the results support the evolutionary view of the origin of jealous behavior.
. . It seems that males want to know if their rival was good in bed; females want to know if he loves the "other woman". It is well known than men are mostly jealous about sex, while women are mostly concerned about emotional attachments. Psychologists have conflicting explanations for this, believing it comes either from evolution or from culture. The new cross-cultural research suggests the former is more important.
July 9, 03: Geniuses and criminals may not seem to have much in common but they both do their best work in their 30s --and mainly to impress the opposite sex.
. . When Satoshi Kanazawa, of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, studied biographies of prominent, mostly male scientists, he discovered that they made their key discovery before their mid 30s, around the same age that criminal behavior peaks.
. . He believes the male competitive urge to attract females is a driving force for the scientific and criminal achievements. He added that the competitive drive decreases with age and as men's priority shifts from competing for women to taking care of their offspring. Kanazawa also found that marriage dampens the drive in both arenas.
July 10, 03: A piscatorial transexual. Scientists could have written a gender-bending plot twist to Disney's "Finding Nemo": Clownfish have a natural ability to change their sex.
. . Clownfish, the aquarium pet of choice since the release of the animated movie, live in such a rigid social structure in the wild that if one of the dominant breeding adults is removed, the size, status and even sex of the other clownfish change rapidly to return the group to the status quo.
. . "If the female of the group dies, the male changes sex and becomes the breeding female", said Cornell University evolutionary biologist Peter Buston, "while the largest non-breeder becomes the breeding male." Each group of clownfish, he discovered, comprises a breeding pair and up to four non-breeders.
. . Some other species of fish are known to do the same thing.
July 9, 03: Chilean researchers say they are aiming to develop a new pill to combat impotence that will have the added bonus of being a male contraceptive, based on experiments with the venom of black-widow spiders.
. . Last November, they discovered by accident that one ingredient in spider venom could not only facilitate male erection in a way similar to the popular Viagra pill, but also render sperm infertile.
. . Several Chilean doctors were slightly sceptical of the project before seeing scientific results.
Prostitution is legal in Greece, though only three prostitutes can work in a single, obligatory brothel which must not be near a school or a church.
June 26, 03: The U.S. Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws that make it a crime for people of the same sex to engage in "deviate sexual intercourse", a ruling that gives gay rights advocates a major victory. [note that it affects straight couples too.]
. . By a 6-3 vote, the nation's highest court in an opinion written by Justice Anthony Kennedy ruled a Texas law violated constitutional privacy rights.
. . The court's three most conservative members, Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissented.
. . By a separate 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court also overturned its 1986 ruling that upheld a Georgia sodomy law and that declared that homosexuals have no constitutional right to engage in sodomy in private.
June 25, 03: It's not just women who have biological clocks, British researchers reported. As men get older, it takes them longer to father a child. The time it took women to get pregnant became noticeably longer when their partners were 45 or older. Even adjusting for factors like frequency of intercourse and the age of the woman, it took a man five times longer to father a child if he was over 45.
June 23, 03: Ambitious and free-thinking, East European youths are spurning the age-old institution of marriage to the point where the formerly communist region now has one of the lowest marriage rates in the world.
June 18, 03: The Canadian cabinet approved a new national policy today to open marriage to gay couples, paving the way for Canada to become the third country to allow same- sex unions. "You have to look at history as an evolution of society", Prime Minister Jean Chrétien told reporters after a meeting of his cabinet. "According to the interpretation of the courts, these unions should be legal in Canada. We will ensure that our legislation includes and legally recognizes the union of same-sex couples." Netherlands and Belgium do too.
. . The policy opens the way for same-sex couples from the United States and around the world to travel here to marry, since Canada has no marriage residency requirements. Vermont has enacted a law providing for civil unions, which allow gay couples many of the benefits of marriage. Legal challenges to same-sex couples claiming rights and privileges deriving from their Canadian marriages seem certain to arise in at least some states.
June 17, 03: The modern western woman is now almost as likely to cheat on her partner as a man. In an online survey of 1,427 men and women aged between 25 and 35 by the Hamburg-based GEWIS institute for social research for "Woman" magazine, 53% of women said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared with 59% of men.
. . The survey revealed that non-sexual desires, such as the need for reassurance and understanding, were a primary motive among women for infidelity.
. . "In recent years, numbers of unfaithful men and women have evened out a lot." As the frequency of cheating rose, the gap between the sexes was reduced, and eventually reversed. Some 17% of woman said they had cheated two or three times, as against 22% of men. But when it came to having cheated four or five times in the course of a relationship, women moved ahead of men with eight% against four.
May 29, 03: An Indonesian electronics salesman bought two uniforms at a market and posed as an army officer to win the hearts of six brides. But seven proved an unlucky number for the bogus soldier when the father of his next bride turned out to be a real soldier who checked his credentials.
Men in a remote village in the desert of western India are struggling to find wives as women flee the community because of an acute water shortage.
. . Would-be brides are reluctant to marry into families in the village of Saderi, 300 miles southwest of New Delhi, because they would have to walk long distances every day to fetch water. In a reversal of Indian tradition, whereby brides pay hefty sums for the hand of a groom, the men in Saderi are offering to pay dowry in a desperate attempt to woo women to their village. Temperatures can touch 111.2 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months.
May 1, 03: Traffic pollution can affect male fertility by damaging sperm, Italian scientists said. After studying 85 attendants at tollgates on Italian motorways, researchers at the University of Naples in southern Italy discovered the men had poorer quality sperm than other young and middle-aged Italian workers in the same area. They identified nitrogen oxides and lead as the most likely causes.
. . Sperm motility, or ability to swim, was lower, which could affect its ability to fertilize. About one third of all infertility cases are due to a male problem.
Apr 29, 03: The Alabama House voted against a bill that would have removed a ban on sexual devices, such as vibrators, from the state's obscenity law. The ban on sexual devices was added at the last minute when the obscenity law passed the Legislature in 1998. However, maybe they're not as stupid as they sound...
. . A federal district judge in Birmingham has twice ruled that the ban is unconstitutional. The first ruling was overturned by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and the second ruling has been appealed to the appeals court.
. . The sponsor of the bill, Rep. John Rogers, D- Birmingham, said because of the court ruling, the obscenity law is unenforceable as long as it contains the ban on sex toys.
In Seattle, rain-soaked citizens celebrate the return of sunshine with an annual summer solstice parade featuring traditions like samba dancers, colorful floats and --believe it or not-- nude bicyclists.
. . But with officials regularly hinting they may crack down on this cheeky biking trend, a local nudity advocate has sued the police, demanding they keep their pants on while he takes his off. He cites a Washington state law he says defines nudity as indecent only if it is likely to cause reasonable affront or alarm.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster has radically changed the lives of worms in the region, which now enjoy more sex. Scientists in Sebastopol have compared the way worms reproduce around Chernobyl, where radioactivity levels in the soil are 100 times higher than normal, with their cousins elsewhere.
. . Nearly a quarter of irradiated worms are seeking out partners to reproduce sexually rather than asexually, against 5% in less-affected areas, the research showed. This is because sexual reproduction allows the worms to transmit their most radioactivity-resistant genes to their offspring, giving them the most chances of adapting to their new environment.
New York City has to fork out $10,000 for arresting a woman who appeared topless at the 2001 Coney Island Mermaid Parade, her lawyer says. "A woman has a constitutional right to appear in public topless, the same right that men have."
Apr 21, 03: A company that markets a "morning-after pill" applied for U.S. permission to sell the pill without a prescription, saying women need quicker access to emergency contraception. "Plan B" can prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of sex, but is most effective when used within 24 hours. A prescription requirement would keep women from getting the product in time.
Feb 21, 03: Florida law prohibits same-sex marriages, and bars homosexuals from adopting children. Circuit Judge Gerard O'Brien said Florida law did not require marriage license applicants to prove their gender. A man who was born a woman won custody of two children, with the judge ruling he is legally a male and his marriage to their mother did not violate Florida's ban on same-sex unions.
"Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself." --Roseanne
. . "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place." --Billy Crystal
Apr 17, 03: A German company said it wants to market a new condom to improve men's sexual performance by numbing the penis to prevent premature ejaculation. The condom, which would carry thin film of anaesthetic on its inner lining, has yet to win regulatory approval.
Apr 16, 03: That winking glow of the firefly that brightens summer evenings and sends children scampering with jars is basically a big boast akin to a peacock's elaborate tail, U.S. researchers say. Male fireflies who mustered up a longer fluorescent flash delivered a bigger "nuptial gift" to their mates -- who in turn produced more baby fireflies. "Pretty much all they do once they turn into adults is reproduce. Most other things also eat. Some organisms also watch TV. But there aren't any distractions from sex for fireflies."
Apr 11, 03: Italy's infamous men of honor may be macho but they are not too turned on by sex, Sicily's pre-eminent specialist on the Mafia psyche said. "The virile Mafia boss is a thing out of American movies", said Girolamo Lo Verso, who recently compiled the report "La Psyche Mafiosa" based on hundreds of sessions with Mafia wives and children and even a few turncoats.
. . "We found that real mafiosi are more interested in power and being in command than sex", psychoanalyst Lo Verso said in a telephone interview from Palermo. "They have hurried sex with their wives in order to have children and some have lovers to prove their virility, but it's not really a situation of passion", he said.
Apr 9, 03: Britain's 5,000 transsexuals are awaiting a landmark ruling that could help in their battle for legal recognition of their marriages. The House of Lords said five law lords would rule in the case of Elizabeth Bellinger, 55, a male-to-female transsexual who is seeking recognition for her marriage of over 20 years. Britain is one of just four countries in Europe that refuses to recognize sex changes. The others are Ireland, Albania and Andorra.
"Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp."

Apr 3, 03: When in the mood for romance, a female finch ignores fancy feathers and melodic songs. She goes for the guy with the vivid colored beak, a sure sign of health and vigor among the finches, according to a new study.
. . Researchers in England and France experimented with the diets of male birds and found that increasing the content of carotenoids, a type of antioxidant that plays a key role in disease resistance, caused the beaks of zebra finches and European blackbirds to take on a strong, reddish color.
. . And when females were given a choice of mates, they almost invariably preferred the males with the brightly colored beaks. During the test, the female flies from one end of the cage to the other, looking over the males. Eventually she makes a choice and then "hangs around the one she likes best", said Blount. Nine out of 10 female finches selected males with the brightest beaks.
Mar 31, 03: Vietnam, alarmed by nearly a million unmarried cohabiting couples, is offering wedding licenses door to door to make it easier for people to tie the knot. Vietnam, with a population of 80 million, had an estimated 929,319 unmarried couples living together last year.
In Brazil, 25,000 to 27,000 women undergo breast augmentation annually. "They say now that a Brazilian woman goes to the plastic surgeon as often as she goes to the dentist."
. . Silimed is the world's third largest maker. Their clients --plastic surgeons worldwide-- charged between $500 and $1,200 for packs ranging from modest 40 cubic centimeters (2.5 cubic inches) to buxom 600 (36.5 cubic inches).
. . Increasingly popular, although expensive, silicone packs are coated with a thin layer of polyurethane foam, which Robert says sharply reduces the chances of an implant and the breast deforming. "Sometimes the breast with an implant starts looking like there's a billiard ball inside, but polyurethane helps to avoid it."
Apr 2, 03: Human sperm become excited when exposed to the scent of lily of the valley, doubling their speed and homing in on the aroma, a German scientist said.
. . Hans Hatt, a biology professor at Ruhr University in Bochum, said knowledge about a newly discovered odor receptor on the sperm's surface could enable researchers to devise alternative contraception methods or, unfortunately, ways to boost fertility.
. . "This is the first time sperm has been shown to respond to smell."
. . Another compound, undecanal, was found to block the attraction and could be used for contraceptive ends.
The Tuscan town of Vinci, more commonly known for its Renaissance artist son Leonardo, is renovating a car park complete with soft lighting and special trash bins for condoms. "We're just recognizing that young people love each other", Mayor Giancarlo Faenzi.
. . Italians talk of a "Car-ma Sutra", illustrating positions best suited to specific car models. Car sex is not illegal in strongly Catholic Italy --as long as the windows are covered up. But woe betide anyone who is spotted in flagrante, whatever their age. Last month, an 85- year-old man and his 74-year-old lady friend were caught having sex in a car park.
In Africa, homosexuality is illegal among men in 29 countries and among women in 20 countries. South Africa, however, has the most permissive gay rights legislation in the whole world, including a national gay rights law that bans some anti-gay discrimination. South Africa allows homosexuals in its military, and the partners of gay and lesbian civil servants are now entitled to full pension benefits upon their death. In many Islamic countries, homosexuality is a crime, punishable by imprisonment, flogging, and even death. In Australia, for example, "buggery" was a capital offense until 1861. But most states in Australia dropped their sodomy laws long ago, with the conservative island of Tasmania being the last to do so.
. . In pre-European North American cultures, homosexuals were sometimes referred to as Two-spirited. The Two-spirited condition was viewed as a gift from the Creator, granting the ability to see the world from two perspectives at the same time. This greater vision was a gift to be shared with all, and Two-spirited beings were revered as leaders, mediators, teachers, artists, seers, and spiritual guides. They were treated with the greatest respect, and held important spiritual and ceremonial responsibilities.
Mar 14, 03: Biologists at the University of Pennsylvania said they found male perspiration had a surprisingly beneficial effect on women's moods. It helps reduce stress, induces relaxation and even affects the menstrual cycle. Researchers collected samples from the underarms of men who refrained from using deodorant for four weeks. The extracts were then blended and applied to the upper lips of 18 women, aged 25 to 45.
. . The women rated their moods on a fixed scale for a period of six hours. The findings suggested something in the perspiration brightened their moods and helped them feel less tense. Blood analyzes also showed a rise in levels of the reproductive luteinizing hormone that typically surge before ovulation.
. . Wysocki, a study co-author, said the research could point to a "chemical communication" subtext between the sexes that enables men and women to coordinate their reproductive efforts subliminally.
Mar 16, 03: Most newlyweds experience a brief emotional bounce after their wedding, but they eventually return to the same outlook they had on life before they tied the knot, according to a new study. "We found that people were no more satisfied after marriage than they were prior to marriage." People who were already satisfied with their lives before marriage were more likely to stay married longer.
. . The study also found that widows and widowers were less likely to regain the same level of happiness they had during their married years, especially if their marriages were satisfying. Most people who lost a spouse but did not remarry took about 8 years to recover emotionally.
Of the 1,170 human societies cataloged in Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas, over 72% permit multi-spouse relationships. See the file.)
Mar 5, 03: Every year, tens of thousands of women gather at a Hindu temple in southern India and worship in the nude, despite efforts to stop them. For 17 years, authorities and social reformers have tried to prevent the devotees from disrobing as they bathe in the Bhadra River and roll around the temple of the Hindu goddess Renukamba. And on Wednesday, officials said they have once again banned nudity during the temple fair from March 9-11 in the village of Chandragutti in Karnataka state.
. . Many of the devotees are young women who are performing an initiation rite to enter prostitution, while others are fulfilling vows they have made to the goddess.
Mar 4, 03: A German artist has applied for a license to open a brothel in Berlin for sexually frustrated dogs and says it will be the first of its kind anywhere. Karl- Friedrich Lenze, 54, said he planned to charge dog owners $27 per half hour of happiness. "If dogs can't get what they want, they get cranky --just like people."
Feb 23, 03: The traditionally "female" hormone progesterone makes male mice aggressive towards their offspring. It overturns the textbook view that testosterone prompts males to threaten their pups.
Feb 27, 03: Men and women generally agree about how attractive another person is, and are often quite accurate in predicting how others will rate their own appearance, new study findings show. Raters were most likely to agree about the attractiveness of another person if all raters were male, and the person being rated was female, Marcus and Miller note. The least agreement among raters occurred when men rated other men.
Feb 26, 03: A Gucci advertisement featuring a woman with her pubic hair cropped in the shape of a letter "G" got the go-ahead from Britain's tough advertising watchdog. Sixteen outraged members of the public had complained. [I have the JPG (PNG, actually) It's no big deal.]
Masks used to be such an integral part of Venetian life that at one stage they were worn well beyond the carnival period and streets were full of anonymous faces --and the licentious behavior they allowed-- for eight months of the year.
. . When the "Serenissima" Republic of Venice fell under Austrian rule in the late 18th century, hiding behind a papier mache face was considered a threat and masquerading was banned until the carnival was re-instated in 1979.
Feb 21, 03: Florida law prohibits same-sex marriages and bars homosexuals from adopting children. Circuit Judge Gerard O'Brien said Florida law did not require marriage license applicants to prove their gender. A man who was born a woman won custody of two children, with the judge ruling he is legally a male and his marriage to their mother did not violate Florida's ban on same-sex unions.
Feb 21, 03: British school children are to be controversially asked to consider oral sex instead of intercourse as part of a drive to cut the country's high teenage pregnancy rate. With nearly 39,000 girls under 18 conceiving each year, Britain has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Western Europe. The government wants to halve it by 2010. In line with that aim, students have already been offered condoms, oral contraceptives and easier access to counselors in schools.
. . Sex education teachers are being trained to discuss with youngsters various "stopping points" on the road to full sex in a bid to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, the government said. The idea is to encourage pupils to discover "levels of intimacy", including oral sex, which stop short of full sexual intercourse. "Another 'stopping point' is to hold hands", she added.
Feb 20, 03: A Florida law requiring some women to advertise their sexual history in newspapers before placing children for adoption looks set to be struck from the statute books in the face of widespread opposition. Dubbed the "Scarlet Letter Law" by critics, the 2001 law applies to women who do not know who fathered the children they want to put up for adoption.
. . It requires them to try to find the father by running newspaper ads in cities where conception might have occurred, listing their names and descriptions, the children's names, the names and descriptions of men they had sex with and the dates they had sex.
. . "One can scarcely conceive a more egregious intrusion than such forced disclosure of one's sexual relations in the mass media", the American Civil Liberties Union said in a friend-of-the-court brief opposing the law.
. . The law was passed to protect men's parental rights and to assure adoptive parents the adoption would not be challenged afterward by men who belatedly learned they fathered children.
Feb 18, 03: Penis extensions are the top cosmetic surgery treatment for British men while women choose liposuction or breast enlargement, medics said. The Harley Medical Group, which runs 10 private clinics in Britain, released figures for 2002 which showed more than a third of operations on men were for penis extensions, followed by nose surgery and liposuction.
Kissing the Right Way May Start in the Womb
. . When you kiss your sweetheart this Valentine's Day, you may well turn your head to the right, echoing a preference born in the womb, a researcher suggests. A researcher reports that he spied on 124 pairs of adults who turned their heads left or right while kissing on the lips in public places in Germany, Turkey and the United States. Two-thirds of the kissers went to the right, he found.
Feb 13, 03: Fed up with giving his wife the usual flowers and chocolates for Valentine's Day, one Brit is opting for a more unusual present --a vasectomy that will be broadcast on live radio on Friday, February 14. "Some women get flowers, but my wife is getting my vasectomy", the 31-year- old father of two said. "She's got to be one of the luckiest women in London: it's the most romantic thing I've ever done."
. . The 10-minute procedure under local anaesthetic will be accompanied by a "snip-by-snip" commentary by Xfm radio DJ Christian O'Connell.
Feb 7, 03: In 1990, Singaporean women, on average, gave birth to 1.87 babies in a lifetime. That fell to 1.42 by 2001. Singaporeans below the age of 40 have sex six times a month, far lower than many other societies. Singapore ranked *last* in a global list of the most sexually-active nations.
Feb 4, 03: Viagra, Levitra [maybe after "levitation". get it?] and Cialis all work by blocking an enzyme known as PDE- 5 which affects blood flow to the penis. There are 30 million men with ED [erectile dysfunction] in Europe. Cialis is manufactured near London. Pfizer has a "mark two" version of Viagra for women in clinical trials, which should be finished in a couple of years.
. . Both Cialis and Viagra have been priced in Britain at the same level of 19.34 pounds ($31.68) for a pack of four pills and Brown said the product would be priced at competitive levels to Viagra in other countries.
. . In the United States, Cialis has an "approvable letter" from the Food and Drug Administration, indicating the authorities are ready to approve the product pending resolution of some outstanding issues. Its U.S. launch is expected in the second half of 2003.
. . It may rival Viagra and last longer and act quicker, but Briton Russell Cialis is not happy that the latest anti-impotence pill to hit the market shares his name, and wants the company to change it. The public relations executive and his family do not want their name linked to a drug that boosts male libido.
Jan 31, 03: (G'hog day: Feb 2) Groundhogs that emerge from their dens in early February are probably looking for sweethearts, not shadows, a researcher says. And what's more, the girl groundhogs invite the boys in for a visit. Their scouting done, the groundhogs then return to hibernating until the March mating season. Although a male might stay with a female for as long as two days, they don't appear to mate then. Instead, the visits might be a necessary ritual of courtship for the normally anti-social creatures.
Jan 22, 03: Forget dieting --there's nothing like love to help you shed those extra pounds, according to a survey published by an Italian health magazine this week. Eight out of 10 Italians find that a new love interest is the best way for both men and women to get into shape. But the slimming effects of romance don't last forever. For a third of Italians, the pounds stay off only until marriage; and for 23%, a first child can bring those love handles back on for *both mama and papa.
Jan 22, 03: Yaakov Schlosser heads Israel's Men's Rights in the Family. The fringe party believes men get a raw deal in divorce courts and by being forced to pay child support to girlfriends who committed "sperm theft" --sexual relations with the aim of getting pregnant. Schlosser espouses an "anti-sperm theft" party platform that would enable a man to force a woman to have an abortion if she planned to give birth to a child he did not want.
Jan 15, 03: It is only by a quirk of evolution that our sexual organs and excretory organs are united. This has led to the human race seeing sex as dirty and embarrassing. If alien sexual appendages developed in different locations, aliens would not have hang-ups, and their entire sexual psychology would be different. - Clifford A. Pickover, The Science of Aliens. [What crazy engineer would run a sewer line thru a recreation area!?]
Jan 12, 03: Brazilian women, beautiful but downtrodden by a macho Latin culture, look forward to a fairer deal in a new civil code. The code, which updates social rules in Latin America's largest country of 170 million people, formally ended many of the most sexist laws that allowed men to rule the roost in government, business and at home.
. . Replacing a 1916 text, the code states that a bridegroom can no longer throw out his bride if he discovers that she is not a virgin. It also gives women equal rights to men in marriage. Despite some protests, the new code doesn't recognize homosexual unions as a framework for a family. Adultery is still considered a reason for ending a marriage, which some lawyers consider unfair because Brazilian society is more tolerant of promiscuity by men. The legal aid for marriage is reduced to 18, from 21, and children can become independent at 16. Adopted children and those born out of wedlock now enjoy the same rights as those born within marriage. And men can request paternity tests whenever they want, and no longer have to do so within two months of a child's birth.
The Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus in Australian waters cannot figure out the sex of its partner until a specially modified arm has checked out the target. So... males were equally likely to start to copulate with other males as females. Most male-to-male copulations ended rapidly in amicable separation; while in male-female copulations, the male was less enthusiastic about departing and would take more than an hour and a half... to ensure fertilization, the scientists said.
6/18/02: Psychologists at St. Andrews University in Scotland has debunked the theory that opposites attract. They say people really want a partner who looks a lot like what they see in the mirror. After recruiting volunteers to rate the attractiveness of faces flashed on a computer screen, the researchers found that both men and women gave higher scores to the countenances that more closely resembled their own. When the researchers used a program to morph each subject's face into a gender-reversed version, the responses got even more enthusiastic. "The ideal was a slightly changed version of themselves, what an identical twin of the opposite sex would look like if such a thing were possible", says David Perrett, who led the study.
Three new drug rivals to Viagra:
. . German Bayer Group: "Vardenafil".
. . Eli Lilly's: "Cialis" (pronounced see-al-is).
. . Abbott Laboratories' is "Uprima", which will go on sale in the Netherlands after winning marketing approval from the European Commission. Abbott's Japan-based partner Takeda Chemical Industries will sell it as "Ixense".
Nov 5, 02: The side-blotched lizard is the most common lizard in the American west. It lives among rocks west of the Rocky Mountains from Canada to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. The animal is small —-with the male reaching about 2.3 inches and the female about half that-— but it has a complex mating and reproduction system.
. . "It would be like a human female who marries a short, dumpy rich guy and then has an affair with a muscular 20-year-old to have a handsome son who grows up in a mansion and goes to the best schools."
. . The female is "incredibly promiscuous", commonly mating with five or six males per reproductive cycle. The female collected the sperm from many partners in a special body cavity, called the spermatheca, before it was allowed to fertilize her eggs, Calsbeek said. Then, somehow, the female caused the sperm from big males to make sons, while the sperm from the small males was used to make daughters.
Nov 8, 02: Germany's top court has ordered the state of Bavaria to allow partner-swapping, dismissing complaints from residents in the conservative southern state by ruling that "swinger clubs" are not immoral.
Prostitution is legal in France, although current laws make overt soliciting punishable by fine.
For the fetus to get enough nutrients to grow a hefty brain, the placenta has to aggressively invade a mother's uterus, says a new theory. But that can also provoke her immune system, causing dangerous complications.
. . However, recent research suggests that exposure to a man's semen helps a women's immune system prepare for pregnancy (New Scientist, 9 February, p 32). So low rates of conception in humans reduce complications during pregnancy by giving a woman's immune system more time to adapt.
. . Human fetuses spend 60% of their energy on their brain, three times as much as other mammals. Twenty weeks into pregnancy, the placenta attacks the uterine wall for a second time, burrowing in more deeply than in any other mammal.
. . But burrowing deeper is risky. It can provoke the mother's immune system to attack the placenta, which is loaded with foreign genes from the father. This can trigger pre-eclampsia, where the placenta leaks toxins into the mother's circulation, causing blood pressure to spike dangerously. Within hours it can escalate into kidney failure, brain haemorrhaging and death.
. . Pre-eclampsia occurs in three per cent of pregnancies. We are also far less fertile: a bitch that mates just once when it is on heat usually gets pregnant, yet women typically take six months to conceive.
. . Women who have sex with the father for over a year before getting pregnant have a five per cent chance of developing high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia compared with a massive 40 per cent chance for those who have only been having sex with the father for four months or less.
. . Robert Martin, an anthropologist at The Field Museum in Chicago, questions whether invasive placentas are linked to larger brains. "Dolphins have a non-invasive placenta, yet the next biggest brain sizes after humans are found in dolphins", he says.
Oct 10, 02: Reproductive physiologist Roger Short, from the University of Melbourne's obstetrics department, said a few drops of lemon juice can be a cheap, easy-to-use solution to protect women from both HIV and pregnancy. The juice should be squeezed onto a piece of sponge or cotton wool and placed into the vagina before sex, he said. "We can show in the lab that lemon juice is very effective in immobilizing human sperm and also very effective in killing HIV."
Sep 13, 02: Sex was first recognized in the fossil records more than 500 million years ago and the oldest known penis is about 100 million years old, a conference heard. It belongs to an ostracod, an early crustacean related to crabs, shrimps and water fleas, and was found in a fossil sample unearthed in Brazil. In fact the ostracod fossil had not one penis, but two.
. . Siveter, an expert in paleontology, believes ostracods are very sexy animals because they have the second longest sperm in the animal kingdom. A one millimeter ostracod can produce a single sperm 10 millimeters long.
. . "An ostracod has the longest sperm to body ratio of any animal known to man, so clearly it has to have special equipment to deal with the sperm.
Sept 11, 02: Scientists in the United States have come up with news that may help millions of men --they have succeeded in growing major parts of penises in the laboratory. The test tube penile parts were successfully used to rebuild the members of rabbits who --after rest and recuperation-- put them to the use that rabbits are famous for.
. . "They were able to copulate, penetrate and produce sperm", Anthony Atala, whose team at Harvard Medical School carried out the experiments, told New Scientist magazine. He said the researchers were now trying to grow entire penises in the test tube. But he also said the technique was at an early stage and that it would be a while before the technique was tried with human tissue.
. . The scientists had only been successful in growing the erectile tissues of rabbit penises --not the entire organ-- and in all cases, the erect member had the reduced firmness of a 60-year-old against that of a more virile 30-year-old.
To date, the youngest premature baby that has survived was delivered after just over three months in the womb! The womb is where the baby grows --a man's body has no such organ, but the embryo could be implanted somewhere in the abdominal cavity, and it would attach itself and grow --at great risk to both.
Sept 4, 02: MicroSort Sperm Separation technology for screening sperm, the Genetics & IVF Institute in Fairfax, Virginia. It costs $2,300. Couples pay extra for the fertilization procedure. About 80% of the babies are girls. The success rate of the process is higher for female chromosome sperm (90%) than for male chromosome sperm (73%), "so we have many people trying for girls", Seitz said. There are also inherited diseases --e.g Hemophilia & a certain Muscular Dystrophy-- that mostly/only boys get, so those parents who know their susceptibility are the first to get this service; later, we'd expect mostly a boy-choice.
Aug 5, 02: Based on official figures, about 300,000 women are engaged in the sex trade in Iran and the numbers is steadily rising. The latest idea is the so-called "chastity houses", regarded by some religious leaders as a more acceptable version of brothels, to both shelter poor street women and satisfy the sexual needs of men who cannot afford to get married. The idea has been widely publicized in the Iranian media but, with prostitution long held as a "cardinal sin", few dare to openly endorse it and most officials have dissociated themselves from it.
. . At least one senior cleric, Ayatollah Mohammad Mousavi Bojnurdi, has come out strongly in defense of the plan, provoking an uproar among feminist and conservative groups.
. . Under the scheme, couples would register for a temporary, Islamicly correct marriage and receive a license as well as free contraceptives and health advice. The license would legitimize their relationship and make them immune from harassment by the modesty police, who prowl the streets looking to arrest young couples who are out together but are not related.
. . The idea of "chastity houses" is similar to "Sigheh", or temporary marriage, practiced among some Shi'ites as an alternative, though it is not common in Iran. In Sigheh, couples exchange vows for a limited period. The man pays a small sum to the woman but is not bound by any other obligations.
July 3, 02: Viagra-like drugs designed to increase sexual pleasure and orgasms may work better for some women than others --depending on the size of their "G spot." The area inside the vagina famous for producing incredible orgasms was first dubbed the G spot in 1950. It contains in the Skene's glands, an enzyme called PDE5 which is involved in female arousal. If the Skene's glands are large and there is plenty of PDE5, researchers believe Viagra-like drugs should work well but they might be less successful in women with a small G spot. "But even for those with a small G spot or none at all, Viagra-type drugs might have some effect, as PDE5 is found in the clitoris too", New Scientist magazine said.
June 21, 02: Hormone replacement therapy for men? Extra testosterone may help men fight symptoms of "male menopause" like grumpiness and loss of strength, scientists said. However, it can slightly raise their risk of prostate cancer.
Washington Post writer, June 02: "Women, how can we know what is 'natural' for us when we are treated as unnatural for wanting our lust, our freedom? There are still huge areas of sexual practice that women may or may not enjoy - anal sex, for instance, or rape fantasies - that we can't really discuss. Of course, mystery makes for great sex -- and earnest, clinical examination around the water cooler does not. But we have to fathom a better way of filleting what deserves to remain mysterious from what does not."
June 17, 02: A Taiwanese man who claims to have castrated about 50 people and was caught with human testicles in the refrigerator of his suburban Detroit home may not have committed any crime, police said. There may not actually be a law against it, when voluntary.
June 12, 02: A hormone patch made by Novartis AG may help menopausal women shake off their typically low libido and enjoy more intense orgasms than women taking hormone pills, the Swiss drugmaker said.
. . "At the end of the eight-week study, the Estalis patch was associated with a increase in ability to have orgasm, intensity of orgasm, ability to have multiple orgasms, sense of control/timing of orgasm and a sense of relaxation and well-being after orgasm, as compared with the two oral therapies", it said.
. . Menopausal symptoms include declining sexual function, hot flushes and night sweats, disturbed sleep and memory loss. Women also run a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Novartis said more than a third of women over the age of 50 may need treatment for these symptoms.
June 7, 02: Japan's cash-strapped government decided today to clamp down on child care benefits for single mothers, blaming a rising divorce rate for a big rise in costs. The number of divorces annually has almost doubled since 1990, with 264,000 couples formally breaking up in 2000.
June 7, 02: Once staunchly conservative and strongly influenced by the Roman Catholic Church, Quebec gave legal status today to civil unions of same-sex couples, as well as allowing gay couples to adopt children, Attorney General Paul Begin said.
. . Quebec will become the second province to legalize civil unions of same-sex couples. Nova Scotia was the first. Quebec however said that the unions won't be called marriages.
. . The bill, adopted by the Quebec legislature, gives same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married heterosexual couples, including adoption and artificial insemination. Gays and lesbians will now get most of the benefits of married couples, including health and insurance benefits, tax status and rights to benefits after divorce or death.
. . Quebec couples who opt for civil unions may divorce simply by signing an agreement before a notary public, provided there are no children involved. The biological mother and another parent will be recognized as "co-parents". Couples who opt for traditional marriages must still go to court to divorce.
. . It was pointed out that 20% of all couples living in Quebec had common law status, while 3% were gays or lesbians. More than 75% of Quebecers support civil unions for homosexuals, polls show.
March 28, 02: A new edition of the 1,700-year-old Sanskrit sex manual, the Kamasutra, has hit bedside tables, but this time around, women's needs have wrestled themselves on top. "The new translation of the Kamasutra reflects the original emphasis on a woman's pleasure and the importance of gratifying her", says the Oxford University Press in its promotional materials. Women have started getting a better deal since the Kamasutra was first translated for Victorian England --at work, at home and in bed. With the changing times, nuances that were overlooked in the first publication (1883) have now come to light.
Jan 29, 02: Exercise not only loosens the muscles and clears the mind --it also makes the arteries more stretchy and less prone to hardening, researchers said.
Feb 6, 02: Sex, and plenty of it, not only increases the odds of getting pregnant, it can also help avoid problems that sometimes lead to miscarriages and stillbirths, New Scientist magazine said. Having sex early and often, even oral sex, with the intended father can reduce the chances that the mother's immune system will reject the fetus.
. . According to reproductive biologists at the University of Adelaide in South Australia, far from being an exercise in futility, plenty of sex --even a full year before conception-- helps guard against a litany of ailments.
. . The more accustomed the woman's immune system is to the man's sperm, the less likely her body will be to reject the fetus, which contains foreign proteins from the father, according to the scientists.
. . Sperm is full of foreign proteins, so the woman's immune system goes into high alert at the first sign of it, but the scientists said it also contains components that promote acceptance by the woman's body. "If there's repeated exposure to that signal, then eventually when the woman conceives, her (immune) cells will say: 'We know that guy, he's been around a long time, we'll allow the pregnancy to continue'" Dekker added.
Polly Want a Divorce? - A Chinese housewife is seeking divorce claiming the family's talking bird dropped clues on her husband's illicit affair, state media said. The woman said she uncovered the affair when their mynah began saying things like "Divorce", "I love you" and "Be patient" after it overheard the husband's telephone calls with his mistress.
. . The woman said she noticed the feathered tattle-tale's strange new vocabulary after she returned from a month-long visit with her parents that started in May. Already suspecting her husband was having an affair, she observed that the bird became particularly talkative whenever the telephone rang, confirming her suspicions.
. . She brought the bird to a law office for consultation, hoping it could testify in court. "Can my mynah be used as witness?" Lawyers were not optimistic. "The judges are unlikely to rule against your husband based only on the mynah's words", attorney Wu Di told her.
A man seeking gratification in the red-light district in the German town of Aachen was surprised to run into his wife, who was secretly working as a prostitute, police said.
. . Prostitution is not illegal in Germany, but police were required to calm an argument between the couple that broke out after the chance encounter in the small hours.
Three young Colombian women preyed on men by smearing their breasts with a powerful drug and luring the victims into taking a lick, before making off with their wallets and cars, police said.
. . The women stood by the side of the road near bars and restaurants in wealthy parts of the capital Bogota, striking seductive poses to lure men driving by to stop.
. . After licking the women's breasts, the men lost all will-power. They came to their senses hours later to find they had lost their wallets and cars but with no memory of what had happened.
July 27, 01: A new drug being developed would eliminate menstruation altogether, while still allowing women to get pregnant. Another drug would eliminate both periods and pregnancy. A paper published in the Journal of Human Reproduction shows that in rhesus macaque monkeys, one drug stopped menstruation while still allowing pregnancy. Another version of it stopped both ovulation and menstruation. If the drugs, called progestin antagonists, are also successful in humans, they could treat women with the painful symptoms of endometriosis. "Not only will women be free from the monthly bleeding episode, they will not have the cramps, bloating, and mood changes."
. . The drugs block the action of progesterone, a hormone responsible for thickening the uterine lining to make a home for a fertilized egg. If a woman is not pregnant, progesterone levels in the blood fall. The decrease in progesterone is the signal that leads to menstruation.
. . A possible obstacle to widespread use of the drug is the erroneous notion that it's unnatural or unhealthy not to get a period every month. "Many women believe that having a monthly period is necessary for their well-being. This belief dates back to the Dark Ages when people were bled for just about any ailment, and it should remain there."
Viagra, the anti-impotence drug that has improved the sex lives of men, also works for women, Italian sexologists reported.
. . The Italian findings conflict with those of a study of 577 women presented last year at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists which found the placebo was more effective than Viagra.
. . Pfizer said it was still assessing whether the drug, available only on prescription, could be developed for use by women.
Kids From Homosexual Families 'Doing Extremely Well'
. . A University of Southern California analysis of studies on the subject:
. . Teenage boys with homosexual parents were more sexually restrained then their counterparts who were raised by heterosexual couples. And boys raised by lesbian couples exhibited less aggressive and more nurturing social behavior then boys raised in heterosexual families.
. . On the other hand, teenage girls showed an opposite trend. Girls raised by lesbians gravitated toward less stereotypically feminine dress, play and occupations, Biblarz said. They also appeared to be more sexually adventurous and less chaste than girls raised by heterosexuals.
. . The study also showed that more children from homosexual households gravitated toward same-sex relationships although they were not statistically more likely to identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
. . There seemed to be no difference in the mental and emotional health of children based on whether their parents were homosexual or heterosexual, or in the quality of the parent-child relationships, the analysis said.
. . "They are doing extremely well", Biblarz said. "There's no evidence that in terms of their adjustment and development and well being ... that kids (from homosexual families) are suffering greater harm." He added that "Children brought up by lesbians and gay men are well adjusted, have good levels of self esteem, are as likely to have high educational attainments as children raised in more traditional heterosexual families."
. . Biblarz said the USC study focused mainly on children raised by lesbians, because fewer studies of co-fathers exist. He added that there seemed to be advantages to lesbian over heterosexual parenting in that co-mothers tend to be more involved in their childrens' lives and more nurturing than heterosexual couples. They also exhibited greater harmony in their parenting approaches, he said.
A quarter of Thai men have more than one wife, despite the fact the country outlawed polygamy decades ago, according to a study by Thai doctors. "I would say that around 25 to 30% of married Thai men maintain another wife, in another house", Nongphanga Limsuwan, a doctor at Bangkok's Ramathibodi Hospital said.
. . So-called "minor wives" have been a feature of Thai society for centuries, with men maintaining long-term mistresses who get money, gifts and often her own house. Some men have several such "wives", even though polygamy was outlawed in 1932.
. . A quarter of 80 married men interviewed for the study admitted to having more than one wife, and the real percentage was likely to be even higher due to the reluctance of Thai men to admit to having minor wives. "Men do not want to reveal the problem because it would no longer be accepted by most people in Thailand", she said.
. . The survey found that most of these husbands were businessmen between the ages of 30 and 50, while minor wives tended to be college graduates between the ages of 20 and 30. Of the men interviewed, 35% did not think polygamy was morally wrong, while 55% said they had intended from the outset to have more than one wife. Half of the men with minor wives said they would finish the relationship if their first wife found out.
. . "Most men I talked to do not want to lose their first wife --they want to have both.
The Reykjavik Commercial Workers Union surveyed its members in October. The findings were based on 3,400 answers.
. . Blonde employees earned 10% less than their light brown haired colleagues, whose monthly pay averaged ($2,700). People with very dark hair came second, followed by red-and grey-haired individuals. All these were ahead of blondes. Women earned 18% less than men.
. . Men above the height of 179 cm were paid 16.5 percent more than men 10-15 cm shorter. Women taller than 179 cm took home 213,000 crowns compared with 195,000 crowns for females below 165 cm.
May, 01: A team led by Dennis McFadden of the University of Texas studied weak, echo-like sounds produced in the inner ear. The researchers found that these sounds are more pronounced in the ears of heterosexual women than in those of homosexual or bisexual women.
May 1st, 01: The presence of an extra copy of a human sex gene can transform an embryo from boy to girl and produce genitalia that doctors cannot determine to be male or female, researchers said.
. . Researchers at UCLA, who conducted a study appearing in the American Journal of Human Genetics, said the problem of babies born with this condition was relatively common. They said they hoped their findings would help doctors ascertain more accurately and quickly the sex of these babies and perhaps lead to ways of correcting the defect before birth.
Other names for breasts, if you really wanna know. The word-count of such things must signify something about human nature.
Compiled by amateur etymologists Parker Bennet and Tom Mannis.

Angel Cakes, Doozies, Loaves, PT Boats, Apples, Double-Whammies, LobLollies, Pumpkins, Balboas, Dueling Banjos, Love Mellons, Rangoons, Balloons, Dugs, Love Muffins, Rib Balloons, Bangers, Dumplings, LuLus, Rib Cushions, Bangles, Dunes, Macaroons, Rivets, Bassoons, Ear Muffs, Mambos, Roundies, Baubles, Eclairs, Mammaries, Sandbags, Bazongas, Eggplants, Mammies, Satellites, Bazookas, Enchiladas Mams, Scones, Bazooms, Flapjacks, Mangos, Scoops, Beacons, Flappers, Marangos, Set, Beanbags, Flesh Bulbs, Maraschinos, Shakers, Bebops, Flesh Mellons, Marimbas, Shebas, Betty Boops, Floaters, Marshmallows, Shermans, Big Boppers, Floats, Mau Maus, Shimmies, Bikini Stuffers, Fog Lights, Mausers, Silos, Billibongs, Fried Eggs, Meatballs, Skin Sacks, Blinkers, Fun Bags, Meat Loaves, Skooners, Bombers, Gagas, Melons, Smoothies, Bombshells, Garbos, Milk Cans, Snuggle Pups, Bon Bons, Gazingas, Milk Fountains, Spark Plugs, Bongos, Gazongas, Milk Shakes, Specials, Bonkers, Glands, Molehills, Spheres, Boobers, Globlets, Mommas, Spongecakes, Boobs, Boobies, Globes, Mondos, Spuds, Gob Stoppers, Montezumas, Stacks, Boops, Gongas, Moo Moos, Stuffing, Bops, Goombas, Mother Lodes, Sugar Plums, Bosom, Grapefruits, Mounds, Sweater Meat, Boulders, Grillwork, Montain Peaks, Sweater Puffs, Bouncers, Guavas, Muchachas, Sweet Rolls, Bra Buddies, Gum Drops, Muffins, Tahitis, Bra Stuffers, Handsets, Mulligans, Tamales, Breasts, Hand Warmers, Mushmellons, Tartugas, Bronskis, Headers, Nancies, Tatas, Bubbas, Head Lamps, Nectarines, Tattlers, Bubbies, Headlights, Niblets, Teats, Buds, Headphones, Nibs, Tetons, Bulbs, Headsets, Nippleoons, Thangs, Bulges, Hefties, Nippleos, Thingumajigs, Bullets, Heifers, Nippers, Tidbits, Bumpers, Hemispheres, Nippies, Titbits, Bumps, Hills Nips, Tits, Bust, Hindenburgs, Nodes, Titskis, Busters, Honeydews, Nodules, Titters, Busties, Honkers, Noogies, Titties, Butterballs, Hood-Ornaments, Nose Cones, Tomatoes, Buttons, Hoohas, Oboes, Tom-Toms, Caboodles, Hooters, Oompas, Tooters, Cams, Hot Cakes, Orbs, Torpedoes, Cannon Balls, Hottentots, Ottomans, Tortillas, Cantaloupes, Howitzers, Padding, Totos, Carumbas, Hubcaps, Pagodas, Twangers, Casabas, Huffies, Pair, Tweakers, Cha-chas, Humdingers, Palookas, Tweeters, Charlies, Hush Puppies, Papayas, Twin Peaks, Chihuahuas, ICBMs, Parabolas, Twofers, Chimichongas, Jawbreakers, Pastries, Tympanies, Chiquitas, Jemimas, Paw Patties, U-Boats, Coconuts, Jibs, Peaches, Umlauts, Congas, Jobbers, Peakers, Wahwahs, Corkers, Jugs, Peaks, Waldos, Creamers, Jukes, Pears, Warheads, Cream Pies, Jumbos, Pects, Watermelons, Cuhuangas, Kabukis, Peepers, Whoppers, Cupcakes, Kalamazoos, Pillows, Windjammers, Curves, Kazongas, Pips, Wobblers, Dingers, Kazoos, Plums, Wongas, Dinghies, Knobbers, Pointer-Sisters, Woofers, Dingos, Knockers, Points, Yabbos, Dirigibles, Kongas, Pokers, Yams, Domes, Kumquats, Polygons, Yayas, Doodads, Lactoids, Pompoms, Zeppelins, Doorknobs, Lip Fodder, Pontoons, Zingers, Doozers, LLamas, Potatoes.

A California Appeals Court has upheld a jury's decision to give a woman $1.08 million because a doctor surgically enlarged her breasts without her permission, but the woman has decided against getting the operation reversed... because (she says) she no longer trusts doctors. She went from size 34B to 40DD. [poor kid! but she's keepin' 'em!]
2001: San Francisco plans to become the first U.S. city to finance sex change operations for city workers under its health care benefits program, officials said. The proposal, which is expected to receive final approval from the city Board of Supervisors and Mayor Willie Brown, would permit city employees to claim up to $50,000 of the cost of sex reassignment surgery, Supervisor Mark Leno said. "This is a medically diagnosed condition --gender identity disorder. One does not enter in to this cavalierly. It really is a matter of equal benefits for equal work" Leno said. The change, which would go into effect July 1, would make San Francisco the first U.S. city to partially finance sex changes for city workers. The total cost for such surgery is estimated at about $37,000 for male-to-female procedures, and about $77,000 for more complicated female-to-male operations.
The boom demand, especially in Rio and Brazil's Carnival- loving northeastern beach cities, is for everything from breast implants to tummy tucks and reconstructive surgery. It has made Brazil the world capital of plastic surgery in per capita terms --surpassing former champion, the United States, in 2000.
. . Demand from women who want last-minute improvements before Carnival is really strong. The five days of wild parties and elaborate parades kicks off on Feb. 23, but the rush to go under the scalpel begins as early as November.
Oct 9th, '00: Vigorous regular sex can make you look up to seven years younger, researchers claimed. Energetic love- making can reduce fatty tissue and release endomorphins from the brain which are natural painkillers and reduce anxiety, according to the authors of a new book "Secrets of the Superyoung."
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