Welcome to The Clans of Kerensky


Nicholas Kerensky named the original Clans after beasts, entities, or attributes he felt would inspire his warriors. Each exemplifies some worthy feature that he wished his warriors to reflect. Wolves, for  example, were admired for their cunning and stealth. Sixteen Clans remain of the orginal 20. Three of the missing Clans were absorbed by Clans through trails and Grand Council rulings. The third Clans is spoken of only as the "Not-Named Clan", the reasons for which are discussed later. Suffice it to say that the crime commited was considered so heinous that all mention of the Clan was purge from the official history of the Clans. Following is a list and their cons, of the original 20 Clans and the origin of their names.  

     Political Division of the Clans

  The Clans after the death of ilKan Nicholas Kerensky went through some major changes over the years.  One of them was concerning the return to Inner Sphere.  Some of the clans interpreted Kerenskys' teaching that they should return to the Inner Sphere as a conquering army coming back to reclaim the throne of the Star League and re-establishing it in the image of the clans.
       The others, interpreted his words as they should return to the Inner Sphere to be protectors and to teach them Kerensky way and his visions.  The Clans became somewhat evenly divided in this philosphy.  Those who supported a return as a conqurering army were called "Crusaders", and the others who supported the clans being as protectors were called "Wardens".  Many a trial was fought within each of the clans because of the conflicting views.  Nevertheless, the clans have returned to conquer the Inner Sphere in one form or fashion, but as it is today, two of the clans have crossed over the truce line to become members of the new Star League and are fulfilling their visions of wardens.  The others are contiplating their actions.
        Below list which clan is a "Crusader" and which clan is a "Warden".  Note, one of the clans has been split because of these views and because of the Refusal War they fought.  As of this date, no other homeclan has joined the Invader Clans to replace those lost do to joining the Star League or being defeated by the Star League forces.  

Warden Clans

Clan Coyote 
Clan Nova Cat 
Clan Steel Viper 
Clan Ghost Bear
Clan Goliath Scorion
Clan Snow Raven
Clan Cloud Cobra 
Clan Wolf in Exile

Crusader Clans

Clan Blood Spirit
Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Wolf
Clan Hell's Horses
Clan Ice Hellion 
Clan Diamond Shark 
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Clan Star Adder 
Clan Fire Mandrill

The Original 20 Clans

A list of the original clans and a short description. Click the links for detailed information about each clan



This name honors the esprit de corps that held together the 800 Bloodname warriors during the horrors of the Exodus Civil War.   



Has been absorbed by Clan Star Adder in 3060

This Clan is named for the burrock, a large invertebrate indigenous to Eden. The burrock is capable of burrowing through sold rock. It excretes a powerful, acidic mucous which allows it to move through rock.  Clan Burrock has been absorbed by Clan Star Adder for their Khan's dishonorable dealings with the Dark Caste and other dishonorable deeds.



The cloud cobra was introduced to Arcadia and adapted quickly to its new environment. It evolved to prey on fauna in the planet's misty jungles.



This Strana Mechty carnivore descended from coyotes found on the North American continent on Terra. This coyote is larger and apparently much more intelligent than the Terran species, perhaps because of genetic engineering.



This Clan was once called Clan Sea Fox. But after a genectically engineered shark with diamond like scales was unleshed by Clan Khan Howell of Clan Snow Raven, it had nearly destroyed the Sea Fox population. Seeing that their name sake had been so easily dispatched, the Bloodnamed warriors all voted to rename their Clan from Sea Fox to Clan Diamond Shark.



This name is taken from a primate introduced to Eden whose aggressiveness and fire-red fur were admired by warriors. Their Clan is organized into Kindraa or Kindsrac.  Each Kindraa is a Bloodhouse of Clan Fire Mandrill.  Each is independent of each other and which has caused problems for the clan as a whole.



  This Clan is named for the arctic bear that inhabits Strana Mechty's southern hemisphere. It is admired for its strength and cunning. The Bear has been quite since the Battle of Tukayyid.  There has been rumors of the Bears have been dismantling their Military bases between the Inner Sphere and the Clan Homeworlds.  No one knows what the bear is doing, and if he is sleeping, they do not want to wake him.



The large Babylon arthropod for which this Clan is named uses lethal poison to kill its prey. Many of the early settlers lost their lives to this creature. It is admired for its suicidal defense of its nest.



      In an attempt to genetically adapt horses to life in the deserts of Circe, Clan scientists bred carnivorous horses of uncontrollable aggressiveness. The prototypes of these horses were intended to be terminated, but a tender-hearted warrior set them free to live and breed in the deserts. These horses have peculiar fascination for Circe's many caves. The Clan has embraced the aggressiveness and hardy stock of its namesake.



 Even though this cunning pack predator of Hector's snowy mountains preyed on the first Clan explorers, it was admired for its lithe shape and blindingly white fur.



  The jade falcon is a large bird that was genetically altered from a Terran peregrine to live in the jungles of Eden. It has a distinctive, shimmering, emerald-green plumage and an ear-piercing cry.  Clan Jade Falcon was devistated in the Refusal War with Clan Wolf.  But under the leadership of Khan Martha Pryde, she has rebuilt her clan into a more capable fighting machine then before the Battle Of Tukayyid.  And now Clan Jade Falcon has a tentive peace in place with Clan Wolf and together, they are working on getting the Invasion back in full swing.



One of the absorbed Clans, the Mongoose was named after the sinuous predator found on the
planet Shadow. It stalked and killed that world's large, dangerous venom worms, which endeared it to the Clan. Clan Mongoose was absorbed by Clan Smoke Jaguar because they were weak and would not survive.



  The Dagda feline whose mane stands on end (like a sudden nova) whenever it is alarmed was the
inspiration for this Clan name. Its mane is tipped with barbs containing a substance poisonous to most creatures. The nova cat is admired for its alert response to danger. Clan Nova Cat's invasion force has been taken in "Trials of Possessions" be the new Star League Defence Force.  And now they are part of the new Star League and defending the Inner Sphere along side Clan Wolf-In-Exile.



Smoke jaguar is an altered Terran jaguar let loose in the jungles of Strana Mechty, so named because its fur looks like grayish smoke. Nicholas Kerensky held up the smoke jaguar as the epitome of unadulterated aggressiveness, citing as proof the animal's ferocity and its habit of springing on its prey from above. They also absorbed Clan Mongoose because of their ferocity and aggressiveness.  But to the dismay of Clan Smoke Jaguar, this aggressiveness was turned against them as their entire invasion force was either destroyed or what was left of it, left the Inner Sphere in full retreat running back to it's homeworld.  But to their dismay, the Jaguars found the Star
League Army waiting for them on their homeworld, having already destroyed their defending forces,
they were ultimately destroyed there in a final battle against the Star League Army and forever
removed from the clans and the inner sphere as a threat anymore.



 This Clan name was inspired by the huge ravens inhabiting Strana Mechty's southern tundra. The
warriors honor the creature's unwillingness to waste anything the tundra offers them, the sign of a true survivor.



The star adder is a genetically altered adder that was released into the northern steppes of Stana Mechty to control the disease carrying crana, a rodent-sized insect. The snake's shimmering black scales, peppered with white spots, might be reason enough to call it the star adder. The real source of its name, however, is its nightly rearing and swaying in response to almost constant stellar displays resembling the aurora borealis. Clan Star Adder is now considered one of the strongest clans because they had absorbed Clan Burrock.  If they are to join the invasion force it would mean a different scope of fighting for the force defending the Inner Sphere.  Star Adder is one of most dangerous of Kerensky's Clans.



This Clan name refers to the tenacious Arcadian snake that coils around its victims in a solid grip, then slowly releases a poison. The word steel refers both to its unyielding embrace and rigidity of its victims once they have been thoroughly poisoned.



The second absorbed Clan was named for the black widow spiders accidently released into the jungles of Eden, where they grew to three times their Terran size. Their aggressiveness and the strength of their poison increased at the same rate. (Clan Widowmaker was absorbed by Clan Wolf.)



Though nearly twice the size of their progenitors, the Strana Mechty wolf is otherwise identical to Terran wolves. Wolf packs roam both the northern and southern continents, and the Kerenskys considered them the epitome of the warrior spirit. Clan Wolf was nearly destroyed in the Refusal War with Clan Jade Falcon.  A full third of their best and brightest warriors fled to Arc-Royal to defend the Inner Sphere against the Clans.  The survivors of the Refusal War were absorbed into Clan Jade Falcon.  But Star Captain Vlad Ward, called for a Trial of Refusal for the aborption of his clan.  He won, then he was elected Khan and like Khan Pryde, has rebuilt his clan into a more capable fighting force.  But to what extent, that is anyone's guess.



  Wolverines were introduced to the forests of Strana Mechty, where they flourished, growing in size and ferocity. They were admired by warriors because they stood their ground against any intruder, no matter what its size or strength. The Wolverine Clan is the Not-Named Clan, which was annihilated by Clan Wolf.


The external links lead to Webghost's Clan pages.