Adrisport & Codyville Railroad


Codyville side with backdrop Adrisport side with backdrop

The backdrop/divider helps to break the layout into 2 separate scenes. The will help keep the layout from seeming like the simple circle that it is while trains circle endlessly. It is made out of two 1/8" pieces of foamcore board glued together. In the future each side will have a different scene that will be the background for the structures. The yard side will be a skyline scene, while the other side will be a small town and farm in the distance.

Codyville side with backdrop Codyville side with backdrop
Adrisport side with backdrop Adrisport side with backdrop

I painted the backdrop a light blue that my wife had left over from an earlier project. It worked great and looks like a pale blue sky. On the Codyville side, I have put together a mockup of the backdrop I am going to use. It is made by Realistic Backgrounds for Model Railroads. This same background can be seen on the cover of the May Model Railroader and in the article "All about signs". I plan on cutting the buildings from the sky and pasting them onto my backdrop. I will do the same thing on the Adrisport side using one of their country scenes. They look great and are very inexpensive.