Adrisport & Codyville Railroad

Adding color and landscaping

I was able to carve out the area where the turntable is going to stay. This was a fairly simple process using a knife to cut out the entire 2 inch thick circle. I had already traced the outline of the turntable when I was transferring the trackplan to the foam. Turntable looking towards service track
Turntable looking towards engine house You can see the engine house just to the left of the turntable. There are 2 tracks that lead into the engine house and 3 that sit to the sides of it. Just behind these is the caboose track and 3 track yard, which fills up quickly.
Here you can see the beginnings of some ground cover. I used Woodland Scenic's green undercoat and fine textured mixed green ground cover. It gives a good base coat of grass. I will come back over it in the future and add some shrubs and different textures to liven things up. Siding passing team track and engine house
Coming around from Adrisport Coming around from Adrisport

I have only applied grass to the Codyville side of the layout. In these pictures you can see trains coming from around the backdrop in both directions. While the backdrop down the middle may seem a bit unusual, it is really not that distract. And it is fun to see trains disappear for a while and then come back in a little while. In the picture on the left, I will be adding trees in the corner and an overpass into Codyville. In the picture on the right, I will be adding trees on the other side of the engine, between the siding, the interchange track, and the edge of the table.

Waiting on the interchange track Waiting on the interchange track

While I have been able to add grass to the Codyville side and it makes a big difference, I still have much to do. The next thing on the list is to add some dirt texture to the yard and service track areas. Then I will need to ballast and weather the track to remove some of the shine. Here you can see a train waiting on the interchange track for another to pass.