Tipworld -> Origins

(n.) 1. Agitation and propaganda, especially on behalf of communism 2. A work of art, literature, drama, or music intended to convey a political perspective, with little, if any, regard for the truth

Borrowed directly from Russian, "agitprop" is adapted from a much longer expression that refers to the "Agitation and Propaganda Section" of the old Communist Central Committee. These days it's used much more loosely, as evident in a recent article by Ruth Shalit. Writing in Salon about the now infamous commercial produced by the Wieden Kennedy ad agency, which depicted a terrified female Olympic athlete outrunning an attacker with a chainsaw, Shalit observed:

"OK, so it's a bit of a stretch for Wieden to spin a chain-saw-killer ad into a victory for postmodern feminism. Nonetheless, Nike's evolution away from 'Our Sports Bras, Ourselves' agitprop seems a milestone worth cheering--especially when you consider how mired other brands are in the same old first-wave formulas."