by Shaun Watson

Wow. It's been a hot minute since I initially set out to write this page. I'll tell you what though; I can wish whatever I want and I still can't have. The job has been a bit much and I also have put more attention to the Movie Views and Reviews Page, so FREESTYLE has suffered from slackness. I have come to remedy the situation today by taking about the second installment in the X-Men movie saga, X-2: X-Men United.

The movie itself wasn't all that alluring in itself, all I wanted to know is if they were gonna keep Halle Berry as Storm in this movie. They did, so that's OK. To acquiesce to my wishes would constitute a grave error in continuity and actor recognition. I still agree with the original "X-B*A*P*S" and say that Halle Berry was thewrong choice in the first place. Hence, I titled this webpage with a play on movie titles. The title combines the first two titles that made the titles of "X-B*A*P*S": X-Men and
B*A*P*S. The secong part of the title comes from a notorious sequel with a strange title called Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. Thus I call this rant on the X-Men movie franchise " X-B*A*P*S 2: Electric Boogaloo."

I'm here mainly to assess Halle's performance. So off I go:
I actually got to enjoy Halle's performance this time. I was not as focused on how she was gonna do and whether she would do justice the the Weather Witch. I just wanted to know what happened after Professor X and Magneto discussed their undying rivalry across the glass chessboard. Everybody has to admit that waas a tense scene at the end of the first movie. I'll dismiss the contents of the first movie, particularly the question of what happens to different animals when they get hit by lightning--

Dammit. DON'T YOU DARE--

"The same thing that happens to everyone else�"

CURSES!!!!! See, folks? You see why that doesn't work? The fact that Halle was doing the part didn't help matters, either.
That's why I actually liked Halle Berry in this turn around in X-2. They refined her look to be a bit more mature, her outfit more utilitarian to fit her main role as a pilot, which I liked better. Her role as "pilot of the Blackbird" suits Storm better than "girlie superheroine to be knocked about by Sabretooth." She didn't have many lines, and the few she did have made sense. Her choice of maneuvers were sound and well-thought out. So, all in all, I must say that Halle has improved the role of Storm greatly through her acting ability and her wardrobe staff. I guess winning an Academy Award really does something to a person--like make them appreciate their craft even more.

Thank you, Ms. Berry. I hope you didn't take the first "X-B*A*P*S" to heart (I know you didn't� right?), but you have to admit, your lines and actions were very stupid. Slap the writer next time you see him. Keep in mind, that you must be as good or better for X-3. To think, had Jean Grey used her powers properly instead of commiting suicide she might be there a the Xavier Institute and not the ethereal catalyst for the third installment of the X-Men movie line. Stoopid psychic.

Ah well, more money for Halle�


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