Zombies & Human-Hair Purses
Zombies & Human-Hair Purses
(dated 2004.8.10)

As of last night, I had this strange dream. It's not the usual fare; flying, saving the world and getting poon.

I came back from the dead.

Perhaps I should back up.
Now, almost everyone has had the dream where they are falling and wake up before they hit the ground. Other people have died in their dreams, cut and dry with nothing further. This dream for me, however, was different due to the fact that (a) I hadn't had a crazy dream like this since "Pennies From Heaven". and (b) this is the first time that I can remember having a dream where I start off already dead.

So, like I was saying: I came back from the dead. What made it worse was that I woke up in the medical examiner's filing bureau. I tried to open the drawer from the inside, but it seems that they lock those things. I decided to take drastic measures and try to force my way out. I used my head as a battering ram, because the coroners put me in feet first. I rammed the door with my head many times, and I rammed it so hard once that I knocked myself out.
I was out only for a few minutes when I felt the file cabinet open and the cold light hit my face. The medical examiner had a couple guys load me onto the examination table and position me appropriately. The examiner turned to fill a syringe with something. At the same time, I was coming back to consciousness. When the examiner turned back around, I was gasping for air and I said to him: "Oh my you have to help me!"
The examiner took a look at me and said to calm down because I'm already dead. The examiner came at me with the syringe and I fought with him, saying "What the fuck? I am NOT dead! Don't you hear me talking to you?"
I eventually had to beat the medical examiner up and after I did, I said to him, "How DARE you call me dead! I'm leaving for now, but when I come back, I'm coming for your license�bitch!
After getting my stuff from the orderly, I left the hospital in a huff. Strangely enough, I headed for my old high school, DASH(Design & Architecture Senior High School).

I went to my old high school, and it turns out that it's the 10 year class reunion. There I was, surrounded by old faces I knew and some I couldn't remember. There was one person that was there that caught my attention.
An old enemy had come back from the Army and was more than happy to see me. I was happy to see him too, as our mutual hatred of each other had died during the time of our separation. He asked me how I was doing and I said, "I was dead a couple of hours ago, but I'm OK now." I asked him how he was doing. He told me how he got married to his high-school girlfriend(she was there that night) and how he's doing OK for himself. He called his wife over and she was still as spunky as I remember. Hell, they both were pretty much the same people I left on Graduation Day, with a small exception--both of them were completely hairless. I didn't want to stare any longer than I already had, so I asked them why they had no hair. They told me they sold it for money. What could they sell all their hair for, aside from hair extensions?
It turns out that the latest fad in 2007 is to own a HUMAN-HAIR PURSE. How the hair could be woven into an actual purse is beyond me. So it was that most of DASH's graduating class of 1997 sold their hair to scouts for crazy amounts of money. I saw many female former classmates sporting a human-hair purse without a strand of hair on their heads. It was kinda weird that I was the only one that had hair, but it was scarier that the world had come to shearing itself to make ends meet.

I sincerely hope that human-hair purses don't become a fashion statement. If they do, I hope they die a quick fashion death like skirt-pants, day-glo and iPods.

...and that's it.