Selected Families and Individuals


Frank Augusta Kebert

Lived in Neodesha in 1941

Charles Willard Kebert

Not sure 1876 is correct birth year
Lived in Dunn in 1897?

Minnie J. Lynd

Not sure 1876 is correct birth year

Major Robert Bradford

Marriage: Batch #: A458200
Source 4, p. 14
had 4 children
an aid to General Lafayette, who in person, presented him with a sword for his
gallant service
fought in the Indian War
built the first mill in the state, which the Indians burned as soon as it was

Kesiah Little

Marriage: Batch #: A458200

Robert Bradford

Batch #: 7712304 Call #: 1126129 Sheet # 51

Sarah Stetson

Batch: C500921 Call #: 873752 IT 2

Major John Kingston Bradford

May have died in 1651 or 1652. Married Mercy Warren

Ruth Pabodie Peabody

Death date same as spouse?