King James

Rex Carroll and Jimi Bennett

Rex Carroll, former lead guitarist of Whitecross and Jimi Bennett, former frontman of Sacred Fire, are the heart of the hard-rocking King James.

Rex and Jimi met in Atlanta back in 1988 when both were still with their former bands. Though the only thing they could share then was their mutual respect, they both held hopes of working together in the future.

In the mid 90s, when the time was right, they combined their talents to form King James. With former Stryper members, Tim Gaines and Robert Sweet filling in on bass and drums, they recorded their self-titled debut album and received rave reviews for its emotionally intense tracks. Their second album, "The Fall" was released in 1997 with an even harder edge than the first. King James in concert
When describing God's plan for their lives, Carroll and Bennett's words are simple...."It is a calling. It's a zeal that the Spirit puts in your heart, and you have to do it." As well as creating hard and fun rock and roll, King James has serious messages in its music. In addition to the salvation message, they stress the message of healing. King James wants to remind people that God is the Great Physician...a loving and merciful God who heals mentally, physically, and spiritually.

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