Elementary School

Winans...The Place to Be

I went to Winans Elementary School. It was a lot of fun. I got in trouble in first grade for having a bad temper. My second grade teacher would go in her closet and scream when she was mad. My third grade teacher taught me a lot, like cursive and multiplication, and my fourth grade teacher retired after having me in her class.

Me getting off the bus, and my friend Philip Anderson.

Then I moved on to the Intermediate building. That was rough. My fifth grade teacher also retired after having me. She wore a toe ring. Not much happened in sixth grade, except I got to miss a lot of school for trips my family took me on. Seventh grade was really interesting. Our teachers all got us into one room and yelled at us for a couple hours to whip us into shape. After that they were just sort of weird for the rest of the year.

In 8th grade I joined an O.M. (Odyssey of the Mind) team. We placed first in the regional competition. Then we went to Mt. Pleasant to compete in the state competition. If we one there we would have gone on to world competition. But we didn't.

(Pictured L to R): Aaron Rivera, Adam Molner, Ian Hennesey, Colin Hennesey(the coach), me, Taurian Amunga, Jenny Pike(bottom), Rachel Anderson(top)
