The Early Years

It was the first snowstorm of the entire season, and it was the first day of spring. I was born at 11:00pm on March 21 way back in '83 at Lansing General Hospital. I was three weeks premature.

Up through age four, I spent my afternoons in the care of a Polish babysitter named Barbara. She was swell.

In 1986 my family and I moved from our home on Park Blvd, near Cedar St, to our present residence in Dimondale. I spent my days there climbing trees and swimming in the river. I really stunk whenever I came out of the river.

My favorite toys were legos, and a big toy bus I could steer. My favorite food was peanut butter and jelly, and still is. I really like peanut butter and jelly.

Happy Ben

Not-so Happy Ben

Me on Easter morning

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