Gerda's original Dutch tutorial can be viewed here

This tutorial was written for PSP 9.
You need to be experienced in PSP for this tut.


DSB Flux
Ulead Particles
download here

 Psp image 'gerdaxmasbabe',
tube '.xmasbabebal' - (changed for this tut)
- the original can be downloaded here -
sneeuwgerda4 ,
xmasbabefrgerda1 ,Brush
gerdakersttekst 53,
Preset Shape 'gerdaframe 4',
one silver pattern.
Download the supplies here

ght - click on the zip file.
Choose  the 'Extract to here' - option in
the drop-down menu
to open the file.
DO NOT click directly with the left mouse button on
the downloaded zip file. Lycos will only show
an empty folder
if you do that. :))

Step 1
Open the ' gerdaxmasbabe'- image.
The image is not empty.
It contains all the selections in the Alpha channel.
Change the foreground color to #edeff7,
background to  #4456b6
Set the foreground on gradient:
Style - Linear
Angle - 0
Repeats - 0
Invert - unchecked.
Fill the image with the gradient.

Add a new layer.
Load the 'gerdaxmasbabe1' from the Alpha channel.
Copy the template 'kerstgerda80'
and paste it into the selection.
Step 2
Duplicate the 'kerstgerda80'- template layer.
Layers --> Arrange --> Move Down.

Filter Dsb Flux --> Linear Transmission:

Effects -->Textures --> Blinds:
2/45 color white /  all options checked.

Lock the top ( template) layer.
Activate one of the others and merge all visible.

Filter Fm File Tools -->Blend Emboss
Unlock the top layer.
Activate and duplicate it.
Merge all layers.

Step 3
Add a new layer.
Load the 'gerdaxmasbabe2'- selection from the Alpha channel.
Fill with the gradient.
Filter --> Fm Tile Tools -->Blend Emboss.


Copy the 'sneeuwgerda4' - image
and paste onto the canvas.
Drag it to the bottom.
Merge layers.

Step 4
Change the foreground color to the silver pattern.
Lock the background.

Activate the Preset Shape Tool and find the
'gerda22' shape.
Settings should be:
Retain Style - unchecked.
Anti-alias - checked
Creats as Vector - checked.
Line Style - Diamonds !
Width - 2.

Draw a shape from top to bottom as
seen below:

Adjust --> Sharpen

Drop shadow: 1/1/50/0 color black

Activate the top layer. !!! :))

Open the 'xmasbabebal'- tube.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas.
Drag it into position
as can be seen in the example above.
Drop shadow:  10/10/50/5 color black.

Step 5

New layer.
Load the 'gerdaxmasbabe3'- selection from the Alpha channel
and fill with the gradient.

Open the 'xmasbabefrgerda1'- image.
Copy and paste onto the canvas as a new layer.
 Add a new layer.
Change the foreground color to your light color
(if it is not there already :-)

Activate the Brush Tool and find the
' gerdakersttekst 53'.
Apply it to the canvas.
Drop shadow: 1/1/50/0 color black.

Repeat the drop shadow with the color white.
Add your watermark or name.
Merge all layers.

Step 6
The snow

Open AS en minimize it
Go back to PSP and load
the 'gerdaxmasbabe1'- selection from the Alpha channel.

Filter Ulead-->Particle.
Click on the snow example and change the settings
to these below.
 The 'Random'option is not needed right now. We will use it
later in this step.


Paste as a new animation into AS.
Back to PSP.
Undo the last action by pressing CTRL +Z on your keyboard.
The marching ants should be active without the snow in it.

Filter Ulead-->Particle.
Now click on 'Random, as seen in the screenshot above.
Edit --> Copy.

Launch AS again.
Paste behind the current frame ( Shift + CTRL + L )

Back to PSP.
Undo the last action again until
the marching ants without the snow is active again.

Filter Ulead-->Particle.
Now ONLY click on "Random".
Deselect and copy it again.
Paste into AS behind the current frame ( Shift + CTRL + L )

You should have three frames in a row now in AS :))
Press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select all three frames.
Press Alt+ enter to open the Frame property window.
Change the property to 45.
Save as a GIF file by running your image through the wizard.

You're finished!! :-))

This tutorial can be used freely, but please don't copy.
You may use a text-link to it.

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©Design by Gerda


Visit Gerda's Dutch website here

Translated 5th December 2006



This website was created in March 2005 and is owned



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