Best of text messages ...
  clippings by gerwin hontiveros
Smile can make people glad. Love can make people trust.
Hate can make people mad. but, friends, they make life worth living for..  

Count your mornings by sunrise not by sunset, count your life by smiles not by tears and when life has reached its autumn, count your age by friends not by years.

For life to be meaningful, you have to add a little sacrifice, subtract anger and hatred, multiply friends and divide love for every one to share.

God saw you where hungry so He created food.  God saw you in the dark so he give you light.  He saw you without a friend so He created me.

One tree can start a forest, one smile can start friendship.
One touch can show you care and one lovely friend like you can make life worth living.

Don't love a person like a flower, because a flower dies in season. Love them like a river, because a river flows forever.

Fallen in love with God is the greatest romance, searching Him is the greatest adventure, finding Him is the greatest achievement and being with Him is the greatest source of joy.

Genuine friendship is not measured by time but its measured by acceptance. A friend is one where even though you reflect the silver he sees the gold on you.

Gods hand is upon you to day, touching your life with joy, blessing your heart with love and comforting your soul with peace.  Hope you are a real fine day.

Knowing a friend like you has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let you go I would find a million reason to make you stay!

Whatever happens, fire or cold, flood or storm or just growing old, our lives is stitched together by a thread of gold that won't break whatever change untold.

Be a person full of love and life, stay simple yet happy. When things go wrong, don't go blue just pray and say "I will get through" always remember God loves you!

The virtue of love is not finding the perfect person, but by loving the imperfect person perfectly, true love doesn't have a happy ending, it simple doesn't end.

When you follow your heart, worry not where it leads you.  Your heart knows the way and if you do get lost or reach a dead end, use your head to lead your heart back home...

I ask God to hug you tight, I ask the moon to keep you company tonight, I ask the wind breeze to blow you my kiss good night, and I ask the stars to grant your wishes tonight.

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