Frequently Asked Questions

of the author Gerry Taylor

Erotic Gay Stories

001 Is Gerry Taylor your real name?
002 Where do you live?
003 Are you a professional writer?
004 Are you published?
005 How many books have you written?
006 Can I make a suggestion about a scene or a scenario for a chapter in one of your future books?
007 I have spotted a typo or an error. Will you be offended if I mention it?
008 In one or two chapters, there is very little or no sex. Why?
009 Is Dahra a real place?
010 Why do you call it The Dahran Series?
011 How can I join the Erotic Gay Stories mailing list /group?

  • top 001
  • No, Gerry Taylor is a nom-de-plume, a name I have taken as a writer.

    I thought of Gerry because I felt it sounded American and Taylor because it sounded British.

    The name sort puts me in the mid-Atlantic!
  • top 002
  • I live in Dublin, Ireland. I am Irish.

  • top 003
  • No. I write at night for my own amusement and enjoyment.

  • top 004
  • Both The Prison Doctor, my very first novel, and The Changed Life can be purchased on this site in Acrobat .pdf format.

    The other novels have not yet been published as full books, but just been serialised to date.

  • top 005
  • Online at Yahoo Groups and Nifty
    The Prison Doctor - my first full novel written in 2002

    The first Dahran trilogy comprises:
    The Changed Life
    The Reluctant Retrainer
    The Market Offer

    The second Dahran trilogy comprises:
    The Special Memories
    The Dahran Way
    The Dahran Rebuttals

    The third Dahran trilogy has started and comprises:
    The Seventh Desert
    The Dahran Sands The Time Line in process of being serialised.

    Also on-line
    The Kazakh's Story - which is The Changed Life written from the viewpoint of a slave.

    Not yet on-line:
    Three books each of 26 short stories
    - generally gay (sometimes humorous):
    - The Other Lads - based on my own true experiences
    - The Other Lads again
    - The Other Lads yet again

  • top 006
  • Please do, to the eMail address below. It would be my pleasure, within the bounds of decorum and my own limited abilities as a writer.

  • top 007
  • Not at all. Please let me know to the eMail address below. Typos are a bane in the life of any writer.

  • top 008
  • Did no one ever tell you that too much of a good thing is bad for you? :)

    Sex in writing comes in three shapes.
    A setting, a foil and an action.

    In the slave trilogies mentioned above, the entire setting is pregnant with sex.
    The foil is the set-up for a particular set of scenarios.
    The action is the specific occurrence.
    There has to be a balance of all three - not always achieved, alas!

    As a writer, I am attempting to reach a balance of the erotic, of the gay, and of the story. Personally, I think the story-line is the most important, and the other two just make it interesting. At times, when one of these is emphasised, the balance with the other two can be temporarily disturbed.
  • top 009
  • No. Dahra is a fictional place. A fantasy of the imagination. Its limitations and borders are set by the parameters of the story.

  • top 010
  • I write for fun and the enjoyment of writing. The Dahran Series started out merely as a book, and then there were two, and then three....Now I am writing the ninth book of the series - the last one of the third trilogy.

e: GerryTaylor78@hotmail.com
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