Support Ro

Here are some advices for you if you want to support Ronan:

  1. listen to his music and buy his cds
  2. go to his concerts and...
  3. ...tell people about his music and him
  4. wear a ronan t-shirt
  5. cover your calendar with ronan pix
  6. put ronan posters on the wall so that everyone sees them when they come in
  7. write to radio stations that you want to hear his current single
  8. when you're in a cd shop put all the ronan cds in front of other cds
  9. ask the peple that work in the shop when the next ronan cd will be released (even if you know it... they'll realise that people are interested in ronan!!)
  10. write to magazines that you want to read more about ronan
  11. ask tv stations to play ronan's videos
  12. hand out flyers to people in the streets -> recommended by Lizzie
  13. know any more tips? tell me!
  14. add this button to your homepage (no matter what content it might have!) and add a link to my ronan site or another ro site: