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Before......  (The boys are their fave friend Amanda is red, and I am white)
A sample from the unhosted (for a reason) story
All My Life by: Purpura Lipstick (and yes it WAS written this way)

So what are we going to do?

We are gonna set them up, duh!

Shut up you little smart aleck.

Hey guys...back to "the plan".

Yeah, Nick how are we going to do this? (Kevin since his fave is blue too)

It's vera vera simple. Well, umm...get them alone together in the dark.

Oh, how are we gonna pull that off?

That's not going to work. If the lights went off they'd both start looking for flashlights,
not getting closer.

No, wait. It might work...I have an idea...lemme call someone.


You called

Heh, yeh...we wanna fix up Lore and Brian.

All-right! How?

That's what you're here for.

Oh, well, I see. Let's discuss.


Amanda, what do you think is so special about this place?

It's a real dump...the kind of place you usually hang out, huh?

So...ahem, cough, cough...just why are we here?

You'll see. What we're here for is at the top of this building.

Okay, if you say so...

(Lore and Brian get on the elevator. The others pretend to but then step back quickly.
Nick hits the 8th floor button and then jumps out.)

(As the door closes) What's going on?

(Lore tries to wedge the door open) Hey!

Now! Now!

Quick, Howie, hit the switch!


What the heck just happened??

I don't know, but I think they were all in on it.

Duh, you think?!

Sorrydon't be so rude.

I'm sorry it's not's just...Well, I'm afraid of the dark.

Don't be scared I'm here with you.

(back on the main level)

So what do you think is going on?

I don't know, but let's hope it's as good as what's happening with A.J. and Amanda.

Where did they go??

Where do you think?

Note from me: Now you can see why I never posted this story on the internet...
this was just a sample of what was4 notebooks full in high school.


A Sample from Wulf's Bane by: Purpura Lipstick
Can be found on her website

The woman looked at Nick, unsure, and then she looked at the woman and motioned for Albert to come a bit closer
with Rose. When they were close enough, she held her hand up and Albert stopped his advancement.
The woman saw the blood at Rose's side and gasped. "You were right, she hurt bad. Come, come with me."
She motioned to the men to follow, and they walked through the streets. When they came to a group of boys, the play stopped, and they scampered off indoors. Nick glanced back at Albert and shrugged.

The woman stopped about ten feet away from a small building sitting on the outskirts of the town.
"Here, that sick house, take her there. Beware, sick people plenty in there." Having done her good deed, the woman
turned and tottered away with a quickened pace.

Nick turned from watching the woman and wandered inside the sick house. Inside, he saw why the
woman did not want to come any closer to the place, and instinctively he put his hand to his mouth to keep
germs away. People were all along the walls. Many of them looked like any sick person would, and some had pus-filled
boils covering their bodies.

Albert had followed Nick, and held Rose closer to him when he saw what Nick was viewing. Beds were full with two,
sometimes three people; many more were lying on the floor. The smell was overwhelming; a mixture of vomit and excrement
mingled in the air. There was a closed door at the back of the front room, and Nick, carefully stepping over those on the floor, made his way over to it.

The smell was overpowering where the door was, and Nick gagged, almost adding his own vomit smell to the mess.
Quickly, he knocked; the person or people in charge of this sick house had to be behind the door, but doing what? And how could they stand the smell?

A small, wiry old man answered. He glanced at Nick, then behind him where Rose and Albert were. "Find a place to
put her, and we will be with her when we can." Then he waved Nick away and shut the door again. Nick only stood
stunned for a few seconds before he knocked again. Again, the old man answered.
"Young man, I told you what to do; now git, I'm with a patient."

Before he could shut the door this time, Nick put his hand out and stopped it. "You don't understand, sir. She's not sick,
she's wounded. You know, bleed-ing? We were brought here for help; can you help her? Please say you can help her."

The man sighed and looked past him at Albert again. "Bring the girl here." Albert now made his way carefully over
groaning bodies, cringing at the smell. Soon, all three were in the small room behind the door. The patient the old man was with didn't look sick; in fact, Nick thought she looked quite like the nurse. His suspicions were confirmed when the old man
asked her to bring his utensils. Albert and Nick exchanged a glance, but said nothing about it; this doctor was going to help Rose after all.

They watched as slowly the man cut away the clothing around the area of the wound so he could get a better
look. He said nothing, but grunted and pondered the wound before choosing his next course of action.
He pulled some sort of liquid out of a cabinet close at hand, dumped it on the wound, and watched it
fizz and bubble. Then nodding, as if that was the reaction he wanted, he reached for a long needle.

Nick turned away, not wanting to see what came next, but Albert watched, intrigued, as the old man used the needle
to stitch Rose's wound. When he finished with that, he poured the liquid over the wound again, and was pleased that it bubbled less this time around. With a grunt of approval, he took a cloth and wiped the area around the wound of excess
liquid and blood. Finished, he called the nurse back into the room, and gave instructions to her. She enlisted the help of Albert, and they carried her off to another room while the doctor turned to Nick.

"I did what I could, but the wound was deep and untreated for too long. I fear it won't last. She will be good for a few days,
but she won't last, I am afraid." Using the cloth, he wiped his hands, then started to clean his area. "I am unpracticed,
and not up-to-date on the techniques for wounds. Most I see around here is the sick like you see out there." Sighing, he went behind his desk.

"Isn't there anyone else we can see? Someone else who can heal her better?" Nick pleaded. He had just met this Rose woman, but he did not want to see her die so soon, either.

The old man took a minute of contemplation before he spoke again. "Most of the doctors are gonna be like me, treating the
sick, but there is something that might help. Many of those in the waiting room are on a pilgrimage to the next town over.
There is supposed to be some sort of healing woman there, some say an angel."

Nick nodded; talk of an angel was nothing compared to what he'd already seen. He was ready to take on an
angel. "How far is the next town?"