My disco Ball!
Old Pic of me

Hey everybody, what's up? Welcome to my little world. I went ahead and re did the page although I'm starting not to like it already. Oh well. It'll have to stay for a while till I get the energy to do this again. In my site you can learn all about me and what I like. If you're not interested in me, I have some other tight stuff to browse through. (Links, Music...etc.)  Just to give you a quick intro. My name is Nicole Cordeiro and I live in Houston, Tx. I'm an Aries and I'm 22. Man, I'm starting to

My favorite links
Shout outs
Thought of the Day
Misc Pics
In the News

sound like one of those personals. Ok,  enough of that. Just sit back, relax and enjoy my page.

Keep in mind people that I've only re done the front page so far. Thanks