Okay,don't say I didn't warn you!

So my wonderful aunt from Texas sent me a box full of Mardi Gras goodies - decorations, instructions, and even a bottle of IBUprofen for the morning after. The idea implanted itself into many minds in the suite, and we were off! 20 hours worth of kickin' tunes, a dancing room and a popcorn bown full of "special" jello were all it took to throw the best Mardi Gras party ever!
Oh we had the clothes, the music...and the alchy to make it all work, and there were roomfulls of beautiful girls to boot!
Jessy and Mike, after a few spoonfulls of our "special" jello, demonstrated their amazing talents. Of course, what would Mardi Gras be without a little bead-earning?
This is one of the greatest pictures ever - thanks, Cindy! And no truly succesfull party is without a horrifying cleanup the next morning. Jamie, I don't envy you at all.

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