See, Spring Break in Minnesota can be fun!

Ya start with a little Dance Dance Revolution...

play a little TWISTER

then you pile on the loser and proceed to pinch each other's nipples
and have a grand old time!

Thinking too much gives you wrinkles

but...there's always room for more LOVE

Happy Birthday! it your birthday?
I'm...I'm gonna blink! Really! Just watch!

And of course, it wouldn't really be Spring Break without

Back to my web page, G

A little Spring Break Q&A:
Q: This is full of cheap tables and crappy HTML obviously written by a novice. What the dilly, yo?
A: Give me a break! I go to school full-time, pretend to have some sort of a social life and am looking for a job - I don't see yooouuur web page, smartass!

Q: Is that a guinea pig?
A: Yes.

Q: Whose crotch is that?
A: I'll give you a hint: he thinks really hard.

Q: You're hot. Especially with boxers on your head.
A: I know.