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"What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are."
-Sir Walter Scott was wrong.
Ardell Lash and Brow Growth Accelerator Treatment Gel
Approx $4.00
Sally's Beauty Supply, CVS, Amazon, Ebay, etc.

I originally spoke of this product briefly without really testing it out. (See original blurb here:
Bedroom Eyes) In December 07, I bought 3 bottles of it after my interest was sparked again because of the discussion at this forum: "Rave for Drugstore Eyelash Growth Serum!"

After my bottles promptly arrived, I started applying it once a night, right before bed to both my upper and lower lashes, on both SIDES of the lashes and to my brows.

In just one month, my lashes are longer and thicker than I ever needed them to be. Granted, I was blessed with nice lashes to begin with, but as you can see from the picture below, NO ONE has natural lashes this long! That picture was taken on January 16, 2008, 1 month after I started using it every night. Unfortunately, I did not take "before" pictures to compare it to, but I can tell you it wouldn't have looked anything like this!
Note that this is without ANY PRODUCT on my eyes, lashes or even skin.

I had to stop using the Ardell on my brows because I simply cannot keep up with tweezing them, shaving them, waxing them, whatever. The hairs just grow too darn fast. Again, I have naturally thick brows, but this is ridiculous. So if any of you are longing to have your brows fill in, try Ardell before you fork over $35.00 for Anastasia's
just for brows NUBROW serum. 

Here are some other LASH GROWTH products that I have either tried, or wish to try.

(So far, however, the consensus is that Ardell is by far the best product for the price and results. But we never stop looking, do we?!)

Jan Marini Age Intervention Eyelash Conditioner
RevitaLash MD
Enormous Lash (formerly Massive Lash)
ProCyte MD Lash Factor Eyelash Conditioner
Talika Lipocils Lash Conditioning Gel
Talika Eyelash Conditioning Cream
Osmotics FNS Nutrilash Lash & Brow Enhancer
DermaLash by DermaQuest Skin Therapy
Ecrinal Fortifying ANP Eyelash Gel
Lash + Brow Growth Stimulator by Modelco
Mavala Double Lash
Dream Lash
Rozge Cosmeceutical Renew Eyelash Revitalizer
Refectocil Long Lash
Natural Angel Eyelash Grow Tonic
DivaDerme Lash and Brow Grow Tonic
Castor Oil

As always, I will update you on my findings. I have used a few of these others, (namely Talika, Mavala, Dream Lash and Castor Oil.) I'm still sticking with the Ardell!
copyright 2002-2008 Bonnie Betti