46. MASSAGE- Swedish, Thai, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu 1-2 a week, the more the better.
47. YOGA- stimulates organs, flexibility and blood flow, posture
48. SHOWER FILTER- Shower water is loaded with fluoride, chlorine and other contaminates. The body absorbs more toxins through showing than through drinking. Steam is inhaled with the toxins again. Dry skin is caused by the chlorine. check out Ewater.com and wellnessfilter.com
49. ELECTROMAGNETIC CHAOS ELIMINATOR- Q-Link, E-Pendant, Biopro device for your cell phone.
50. BREATHE- 10 minutes, twice a day, check out U-cure.com, breathe2000.com, oxycise,com, tbfinc.com, breathing.com and bestbreathingexercises.com
53. CHAMOMILE TEA- daily 1 cup or more to help relax
54. ALPHA CALM- 1 cap, 2 times a day reduces stress, relaxes, but does not make drowsy.
55. DE-STRESSING CDS- check out u-cure.com
56. FIBER- reduces appetite, constipation, digestion, cleanses toxins, increases energy, helps correct years of eating refined food
57. PARASITE CLEANSE- allergies, skin gas, diabetes, cancer
58. LIVER CLEANSE- energy, depression, metabolism, hunger, sense of well-being
59. LIFT WEIGHTS- anti-aging, improved skin, youthful appearance, energy, long term metabolism changes
60. DRUGS- all non-prescription, prescription, even aspirin lead to weight gain. |