
Ooh pinch punch first of the month etc. August is already here!!! Exam results in 15 days and i have toooo much to do. Shouldn't spend my life on my psx should i? Anyway, done quite a bit today, added MoJo's fic in 'Other Fics', Summaries for the actual Zodiac Fic and started a top ten anime list in the Random Stuff. Tis taking shape, tis taking shape.


I got my second Saiyuki dvd boxset today!!! YAY, i have the entire series now but the subbing is a little um off in places ^-^. Ok, added some interactive (wooo) elements, a Zodiac Quiz (it should have little banners when you get the results but the links aren't working right now) a Pole and the Top Ten Anime in the Randomness section. Also finished linking the thumbnails in the gallery and written the Mythology of the Zodiac characters. Quite a lot really!


I went to London today, got lots of lovely shopping including 2 more dvds, the Utena movie and Weiß Kreuz at long last. Raining though, great for summer! Ok new things, i have written up my reasons in the Top Ten Anime, made some awards for you to win -in Randomness- (although i'm not sure if the form works yet), written profiles for all the senshi in 'About Sailor Moon' and added the pictures of Heion for Mojo's fic. Oh and i've created a mini-manga gallery. It keeps on growing...


Guess what... Lord of the Rings came out today!!! wooohooo. And it's my last day of freedom to do nothing but go on the net and play Final Fantasy as my parents are home tomorrow. Oh joy! Back to the site, i have finally learnt to make my own sprites, yay, they're in their little gallery in the Randomness section. Also i have made a gallery to the boys of the fic (in Characters), added a couple of rants and written information for half the SM villains.


Well i watched 'Adolescence of Utena', in a word... WOW. So gorgeous, so poetic, and confusing yet i did manage to follow it! Not a bad dub either... otherwise i am now officially addicted to making little gif chibis. I'm attempting my best at them and it's all that has really been done this last two days. By the end of today i may have filled up the 'Obsessions' section of Randomness and finished the SM Villains profiles. Ah now what could that obsession be....


Has been a while since i've done anything, i've been soo busy. Went to Chessington World of Adventures (theme park) today, its now 1:30am and i'm knackered. Still... As for my new additions, the untitled fic is coming along pretty well, chapters 3-5 have just been added, and i made a Hitomi sprite. Oh and the villains page isn't finished, will be very soon but tomorrow am on a job hunt! Nite nite


Weeelll, nerve racking ol day today. Got my A Level results but i received 4 A's so i'm not complaining! Then did quite a bit of drinking down in town with more to come i guess, aaah luv to celebrate! I finally got round to finishing the Villains page...the obsessions is not done yet *sigh* but, new sprites, new theories (all in the randomness) and a little unfinished piece on the villains of SMZ too. Must be off now, more celebrating to be a-doing. Ja ne! ^-^


I can't believe its been a week since Reading...i was sooo good, i'm still wearing the wristband! I'm going to use it as September's randomness actually. Otherwise i am so damn scared of next year. Rightio, back to the present i have done a LOT to the fic. I.e., 5 chapters of the Silver Millennium are up, so is a profile of Aquarius with maps, city plan and coin images (plus some ideas of how Mara looks in my head - Gladiator screenshots basically). Senshi profiles updated too with a mini image gallery each and attacks are now there for Virgo and Pisces ^-^ (ah lots of anime smileys today)
