
I knew i was going to get busy, been two weeks since any substantial updates but i have used my day off well ^-^. Written an NAQ which may explain the next thing, my History of Aquarius (very almost complete), both are in The Fiction section. Schuldig finally has a profile and i've continued with the pic editing including my first ever attempt at cg'ing my own hand-drawn - Aquarius. I've revamped the Quiz and taken it off selectsmart and ummm oh yeah all the Image Album songs have links to lyrics, realised that was missing today. oooopsy


Yare yare! Sooo tired from work, and all my effort on this site too. Tires a fangirl out ya know! Neermind tho, i get to watch a Saiyuki ep a day and it seems to be heading into more yaoi themes as it goes along, one partic thing between Homura (yum!) and Goku... Anyhows, site-wise, just joined a new clique - Anime Bodyguards, - Schu is going to be mine i hope. Otherwise...*thinks* more on the History of Aquarius mainly. Been taking lots of kawaii quizzys, i got Sakura in one, yay! *sigh* Ja ne minna-san


Even more tired now and have an interview tomorrow for an office job (scary scary!), but otherwise I get a day-off (woohoo) before resuming work in the evening. Don't I have the best life!
I made some changes to the splash page, just added a kanji adoption and some sprites I made. In the fic section I have put up a full chapter listing and fic will follow asap, but hardly any of these link right now. It's a guide at the moment. I updated the Aquarian History, the untitled fic and I'm re-doing 'Darkest Days' (now Violent Legacy) as MoJo changed loads of it. *sigh* ^-^ More tomorrow!


Last time i did a mid-month update it was the 16th... odd trend emerging. Maybe it's cause my brain yells at me to 'update godammit, stop putting it off'. No drastic changes, Athene got a new pic, MoJo's fic is back up in revised glory and theres one more chapter to 'Friendship'. I have got some articles written and pending transferrence on random stuff like page layouts, ageism in anime and Evangelion. Have fun people (i'm not working 65 hours a week!). But ooh, i downloaded End of Eva, that is soo good, i love that movie, finally saw A Clockwork Orange (hurrah) and am going to Vex Red on Friday. Woohoo! ^-^


Woooh! I managed to update again within the month, but why is it i never do the 'randomness' per month until the very end and then get in a mini-tizz when i try to think what to write it on. Ah well. Lately i've updated the music page with 3 (yes 3) new soundtracks. I'm so much happier with the cdart for Eternity than the first two, shows what a bit of practice can do. I've added another rant, but more in a style of an article/essay. Oh and also Athene has a new pic, or did i do that earlier...and there is a new Laverna drawing in the Artwork bit. Yup i think thats it. Ja ne ^-^

07/11/02 (11/07/02)

Has been a while. Too busy... even suffering from exhaustion so i'm cutting down some hours in the pub. I need some life back, and i need time to watch my new X movie which i got for a tenner (!). I've updated random little things, new sprites on most zodiac character pages and added the cd art for all the soundtracks and also finished the lyrics on everything except 'ai'. That needs to be done. Oh and Juno finally has a profile. Wooo, when i put my mind to somnt i can get it done. I'm not that big a slacker, just a little one. ^-^


Nothing major really, I've been suffering a nasty bout of depression recently and although i'm drawing more, my will to do anything has gone right down. Anyway, my ficcy now named 'Tomodachi o Eien'- excuse the title, brain weary - is nearing completion and I have 2 chapters left to write! I also attempted to draw a manga for it but I haven't posted that up as yet. I have however posted up Chapters 10 & 11, also I have drawn some pieces I am very happy with - Laverna & Amelia, a shoujo-ai Esa and Cassie oh and some Chibi-senshi edits. Just bits and pieces really.

26/11/02 11/26/02

WOOOOH saw James Bond tonight! I love my Bond movies I do (still like GoldenEye best though) although the new one is damn good despite Madonna providing an awful theme for an incredibly cool credits sequence. Anyway, I am on quite a happy high because finally I'm shifting myself into gear and I have posted up chapters 1-9 of the fic, Arc I almost completed (hurrah). Oh and some more pictures I drew while bored. No November randomness, I find it hard to think of anything...hmmm Xmas coming...I work in a pub...^_^ p.s. Tomodachi o Eien is finished, I just need to post it (if anyone wanted to know or 'owt)
