Cho Hakkai and Trowa Barton... ok maybe not separated at birth but there are a few bizarre little similarities that I felt like sharing with the world. As the deranged little fangirl I am, I have my favourite bishies and these two are pretty much favourites, so I began to think - dangerous thing thinking!. Don't know why really (apart from being v cute indeed ^_^) but maybe their similarities say something. Hehehehe ahem...

...both have green eyes

...both are the quiet 'reasonable' ones of their friends

...both are very agile - Trowa's standing leaps and flips, Hakkai seems to be able to jump verrrry high

...both are close to their sisters without knowing it (ok i know Hakkai does find out but for a while he's blissfully (O.o) ignorant)

...both have very dark backgrounds (this is true for all the GW/Saiyuki boys but its still a link!)

...both have a name change;
Triton Bloom - Trowa Barton
Cho Gonou - Cho Hakkai

...both cover the mystery very well

oh yeah and final point, both have cute floppy fringes. ^-^

Hmm seems quite a bit more than my original notes, any more suggestions do tell me ^_^
