
Ok i think this is just going to be an online journal update thingy. Not really news, should have called it 'updates' i spose. Anyways, this page is so far lacking a layout i know but i need to decide what to do, continue with the senshi theme or change because the page is more administrative *shrug*. I'm crediting anyway in the links but thanks to the Sailor Mom's page again for the buttons, i don't as yet have paintshop or photoshop which is verily much annoying but what can ya do??? (except buy them of course!) Today did the Artwork page, the pics will link somewhere i promise, and the Character page. That will have links too (i will update this frequently i hope). As for the fic itself, well it plays out a lot in my head other than that i need to connect pen and paper *sigh* get exams out of the way first i think.


Think i will go with the senshi theme, only thing is there isn't a saturn page. Hmmm. Most things on the index page link somewhere. YAY. I am updating, and yet i'm gonna fail my exam on friday because of it. Damn page designing is far more interesting than the UK Balance of Payments anyday O.o Rightio, think i should get some of the 'site' page up soon and start to do credit banners. First though i really want to find Neptune's planet pic. Arrrgh (stress gets to me)


I've been updating this daily i realise, well its better to get everything up and running i think. I made quite a few more pages have something in them today, as well as added another little bit, so theres now a page for every senshi. Can't do much more today though, abandoning work is not good and tonight (oh yay) I'm off to the Red Hot Chili Peppers gig. Life is looking up.
