A little corner to my top ten (current) favourite anime and a little bit about why I like them. It's pretty much the same list as that in the 'about the webmistress' bit but with a little bit extra ^-^. A few which are generally popular, like CCS, GW, Eva and of course Sailor Moon, and also some other series which haven't had a US release yet but I found on random net browses, got onto WinMX and downloaded some eps and thought *hmmm*. Ok so my absolute favourite ten animes, in no particular order:


Gundam Wing, aired first in 1997 and a continuation in the long Gundam tradition but one of the most popular. Many have said the high bishounen count of pilots and Zechs have drawn in many female fans to a mecha series. Personally I love the characters, Lady Une is one of the strongest and coolest women in anime and the animation style just appeals to me. Oh and the politics, I love the convoluted politics of it. Must be the only one.

Sailor Moon the manga is exquisite in terms of illustration, as an anime it is addictive. It doesn't always get the best reviews and many will look at you oddly if you do like it, but there is something about the characters again, the way Usagi grows up and also somehow the idea of all the myths and transforming into super sailor soldiers is oddly enticing. I must admit the animation looks dated though, even in SuperS, yet the story draws you in and despite the almost needless episodic youma attacks, as a whole the story is excellent with all its created mythology.

Evangelion is incredible. Simply put, it is. Often gruesome (remembering episode one where the Eva's eye opened suddenly, it is a bit freaky) and a plot with themes so dark and reaching it really does attempt to mess with your head. I read somewhere its the animated version of the Book of Revelations. Characters are also strong, I especially like Asuka and the ever mysterious Ayanami Rei. If i have a gripe, it would be Misato's frequent mentions of 'fanservice', then again as a bishounen fangirl I really shouldn't be griping.

Talking of being a bishounen fangirl...Saiyuki...four bishounens and a fresh almost contemporary spin on the Monkey myth. Same story as DBZ, much better and totally different anime. Yeah they're pretty boys, (Hakkai and Sanzo...two of the finest i've seen!) but its the level of how they develop that got me, you can feel for the characters so much. Animation is ok, I like it, many moan about it as Saiyuki's low point, but the story is strong and it has lots of humour which is just perfect for a comedy fan like me. One of my favourite series, and I've just got episodes 26-50 to watch, but I do dread a dub^_^

I first saw the Excel Saga last year sometime (eps 3 and 4) and at the time I thought it was very funny indeed (make that hilarious) but its randomness in early episodes put me off a bit. Then I downloaded the full series and after seeing episode one with its five restarts of the anime, I was just hooked by its oddball nature. Apparently I am alot like Excel herself (O.o). It does eventually have a point though, but along the way are countless funny-beyond-words parodies. This show is just genius, and I was so angry when I heard how the dub has gone. Il Palazzo.....

The first Utena episode I saw was weird. It had Nanami going 'mooo' alot, but the ideas of roses, and chivalry and the uniforms and swordfights attracted me to actually buy the series. Glad I did, characters are again strong in an excellent plot that makes you think alot. Utena is such a great lead character. The animation style is unusual but still very appealing and I think that anyone hearing the Absolute Destiny Apocalypse theme with the startup for the duels will instantly become hooked on this amazing series.

I have an admission. I have only just started to see the CCS sub and until one moment (when Sakura asks Eriol if learning Japanese is hard) I didn't think the dub was too bad. Now i have seen the sub i think i have to say i prefer the series even more! The animation is undoubtably gorgeous, it is a CLAMP. I love the way Sakura's hair moves when she rollerskates. The plot is strong and balances well as an anime about ordinary life as much as a magical girl. The music is excellent as well, especially Sakamoto Maaya's third opening theme, 'Platinum'.

I only recently discovered Gravitation, actually it was by reading a Weiss fanfic. I got interested, downloaded the series and fell in love with it. It's probably not to all tastes being open shounen-ai but despite it's short length it manages to cram alot in with two plots of both Bad Luck's rise to stardom and Shuichi's relationship with Yuki. It's hilarious, animation is clear and crisp and characters are good and endearing, especially the interactions between Sakano and K ^_^.

Is it just me or is Weiss a bit of an anomaly? The plot isn't the strongest and yes the characters do angst a bit too much. The fandom really got me interested although I have enjoyed episodes seen. The animation isn't as bad or old as some have decided and the story is still interesting and involving. Perhaps though, this is my fangirl anime, its the bishounen (Bradley, Schu, Ken, Aya!) that really attract me, and the seiyuu.

Fushigi Yuugi is brilliant, the story is very strong, so are most of the characters (Chiriko and Mitsukake seem very wasted as per development) and animation is also excellent. Not too shiny as a brand new anime but not old and simplified either. Yet I still can't help feeling that the series can pretty much be summarised in a few exchanges of Miaka in trouble:'Tamahooome', Tamahome comes to rescue:'Miaaakaaa' and a bit more of the 'Tamahome'/'Miaka'/'Tamahome'/'Miaka'. Mind you the series did parody this in the OVA ^_^