Grandma's Quilts

family photos

(July 2001)

A large contingent of the Thompson family was able to get together, in early July of 2001, to help celebrate grandma's approaching 90th birthday (and grand-daughter Karen's 40th birthday, too). Like all family occasions, it was a great time to see one another and catch up on news and old times.

This short page simply includes a few photos from that great day...

First of all, Grandma with her younger sister, Julia Fagg and her older brother, Floyd Fisher. I'm glad they enjoy the activity and excitement, because there was a lot that day!

Sandy Dorsey, Karen's cousin, had the party at her house, quite a generous donation. Here's Sandy with her son Eli, and nephew Flint...the boys were helping make sure the cake was cut correctly. I don't think they wanted to be first to get pieces of cake, do you?

Grandma & Karen show off a few of their MANY wonderful gifts! Those gifts almost made it worth it to be 40!

Gma & Karen open gifts

Gma & Karen opening gifts?

I just love this picture because it shows definitively that Marc is NOT in our family--he's looking at the camera when he's supposed to! Everyone else is on another planet. Or maybe it is Marc on the other planet!

A typical family photo!

Finally, a picture of the cake. On it is a cake version of an old picture of me with my grandmother--taken on my grandparents' front porch in 1963. The picture is a personal favorite, and it was a great idea to put on the cake.

The super delicious, sentimental cake!

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