Feedback - I'm Listening

Got anything to say about this website? Want an answer to a Frasier question? Or spotted a mistake in one of my pages? Let me know by e-mailing me at - don't forget to put GNS in the subject bar!. The page will be updated regularly.

Notes: All comments, whether good or bad, are welcome. If your native language is not English but you send me a message in English, I will correct the spelling but otherwise not alter your message. E-mail addresses will be published unless you say you don't want them to be. Thanks.

Alan Walsh

Thanks for the updates. Channel 4 here in the UK shows episodes at the drop of a hat and never in the right order, who wants Christmas specials in April etc, etc. Keep up the great work, glad to know `someone's listening'. Regards to all concerned!



Reiner Sahlsten


Great site. I think the show is very funny.




I've been a Kelsey Grammer/Frasier fan from the "Cheers" days -- haven't missed an episode of either show.

In addition to watching the first-runs, I watch old eps in syndication, and it occurred to me suddenly the other day that Lana used to be Lorna. Mom thought I was quite mad, so I went to Google, typed in "Frasier Lorna Lana" and went right to your site.

I'm SO glad you have done all this work on it! I have spent about 2 hours there today -- it's thoroughly enjoyable. Good job!



Alyson Leslie

What an amazing site - and labour of love. Thanks for collating all this material and presenting it so brilliantly - I've passed details on to other Frasier fans.

Regards, Alyson



The Fernández family

Hello Gareth! We write you from Spain to tell you how wonderful is your site. We are a family: Isabel (46 years old), Damián (15 years old) and Tomás (47 years old). We don't have such good web pages in Spanish and everything here is really interesting. We want to send you a BIG thank you for your site and encouragement for you to go on with it.



Miss Felicia Timperley

Thank you for your website, it's obviously had a lot of effort put into it and it's casual and entertaining.



Amanda Tackett

Hi Gareth,

I just happened upon your Frasier website and I love it! It's good to know that there are other huge Frasier fans like myself out there!

I have 11 video tapes filled with what I call, "The Best Of Frasier"... it's shown every day here so I tape my favorite episodes. I love to watch them over & over again.



Name not given

Goodnight Seattle is GREAT.

We get reruns on a local station (Ch 24 in Erie PA). They don't seem to be very careful about the sequence they run them and your information really helps.

Thank you.



Phyllis Caba

Gareth, You do a great site, that is a great accomplishment for someone so young!!! Keep up the good work! I enjoy reading the stories. Frasier is my very favorite show.

God bless, Phyllis ()

Phyllis later sent in another compliment:

Gareth, I have read and enjoyed all your fiction stories. My favorite is "When Martin Met Hester" I am looking forward to Part 6. God bless, Phyllis



Ben Towse

I, like many other Frasier fans, was shocked to hear about the death of David Angell. The comedy world has suffered for his loss. I was pleased to see you closed the site down for a few days as a tribute - I thought that was very touching. Keep up the good work.





I've just found your website and I'm very impressed at the quality here :-) Everything is easy to use and well planned. I've bookmarked it and will definitely be back :-)



Frasier Club UK

We are delighted to advise you that you are our Featured Site Of The Week for the week commencing 21 May 2001. We are a UK Based Yahoo! Frasier fan club and each week we feature a different site devoted to our favourite show. Our particular favourite is your episode guide and the A-Z index is superb! Nice to have quick access to all areas of the site. Also nice to see a UK based site detailing episodes currently showing here. We have included a brief write-up on our message board about your site and have added a link in our links section. We would like to congratulate you on your hard work so far and look forward to visiting the site often.

With kind regards and best wishes from, Nicola On behalf of Frasier Club UK




Hey, just wanted to say I enjoyed the first instalment of your series. Not only a nice change of pace as in a little used character, especially in fanfiction -- but a touching, and yet at times comedic fic. Look forward to reading more.




Gareth, I just checked out your updates and they look great! Nice oil pastel picture of Eddie! You have quite the makings of an artist. I haven't had a chance to visit your site in quite awhile and I can say it has really grown in the last little while! I love your selection of "related sites" - especially your linking up to the Seattle Opera site! I feel like I am *sneaking a peek* in on Frasier and Niles' life, especially since there is a mention of Das Rheingold. Anyway great to see your website is so interesting - also loved the detailed list of supporting and occasional roles and it was fun reading your list of "Roz's Loves"! Keep up the good work!



Kelly Dean Hansen


Your site is wonderful! It has things to offer that even Eunice's doesn't. Keep up the good work and get it as complete as possible! Good luck!

Kelly from CN Mailing List



(E-mail address withheld)

----It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year----

I really like the fanfic you wrote. It has a good plot, and lots of creativity. It's funny, my cousin Charlotte has a friend named Daphne!!!

Have a nice day,

Sarah in Seattle



Joyce Hackney

I've just been reading your fanfics Gareth, on your GNS website. I enjoyed them. You have the speech mannerisms off to a T. I could hear the voices as I read the stories. Thanks for putting them there.




Jen the way, awesome site!!!





Hi Gareth, I wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your story [When Daphne Met Frasier]. Poor Daphne, but everything worked out all right in the end. I can imagine her getting into that situation, and Roz reacting that got the characters just perfectly. I haven't finished looking over your site yet, but I've liked what I've seen so far. It's very thorough--I can tell you've put in a lot of time and effort.



Keep the comments coming please!!!

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Frasier created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee. Based on the character "Frasier Crane" created by Glen and Les Charles and featured in the NBC / Paramount production "Cheers". Frasier is a Grub Street Production for NBC and Paramount. All Frasier characters are copyright NBC, Paramount and Grub Street Productions.

Goodnight Seattle created and maintained by Gareth Thomas ( Any comments? E-mail me and let me know. I'm listening.

This site is totally unofficial.