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Black Wine   Bazi Tea   Chocolate    Larma juice   
Milk    Sand Kaiila Milk     Fermented milk kurds
Water    Ice    Ices   
Ale    Mead    Nectar     Rence Beer  
 Ka-la-na     Heated Ka-la-na     Kal-da  
 Diluted Wine     Falarian Wine     Palm Wine     White Wine
 Cosian wine     Ta-wine   
 Turian liqueur     Turian wine     Liqueurs   
 Paga     Sul Paga   
 Breeding Wine     Slave Wine   

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Gorean Drinks

"Pamela and Bonnie, heads down, silent effacing themselves, as is proper with slaves, again filled the small golden cups. It was again a serving of the first wine. In a Gorean supper in a house of wealth, in the course of the supper, with varied courses, eight to ten wines might be served, each suitably and congruously matched with respect to texture and bouquet not only to one another but to the accompanying portions of food"
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 277


"The Forkbeard himself now, from a wooden keg, poured a great tankard of ale, which must have been of the measure of five gallons. Over this he then closed his fist. It was the sign of the hammer, the sign of Thor. The tankard then, with two great bronze handles, was passed from hands to hands among the rowers. The men threw back their heads and, the liquid spilling down their bodies, drank ale. It was the victory ale."
"Marauders of Gor" page 99 "The Forkbeard greets you! shouted Ivar. I blinked. The hall was light. I had not understood it to be so large. At the tables, lifting ale and knives to the Forkbeard were more than a thousand men."
"Marauders of Gor" page 194

"Many were the roast tarsk and roast bosk that had roasted over the long fire, on the iron spits. Splendid was the quality of the ale at the tables of the Blue Tooth. Sweet and strong was the mead."
"Marauders of Gor" page 191

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Bazi tea

"I looked at the tiny copper kettle on the small stand. A tiny kaiila-dung fire burned under it. A small, heavy curved glass was nearby, on a flat box, which would hold some two ounces of the tea. Bazi tea is drunk in tiny glasses, usually three at a time, carefully measured."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 139

"Tea is extremely important to the nomads. It is served hot and highly sugared. It gives strength then, in virtue of the sugar, and cools them, by making them sweat, as well as stimulating them. It is drunk three small cups at a time, carefully measured."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 38

"In the cafes I had feasted well. I had had verr meat, cut in chunks and threaded on a metal rod, with slices of peppers and larma, and roasted; vulo stew with raisins, nuts, onions and honey; a kort with melted cheese and nutmeg; hot Bazi tea, sugared and later, Turian wine."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 48

"Hot Bazi Tea I wanted. This is an important trade item in the north. I now knew why. The southern sugars are also popular. I had originally supposed this was because of their sweetness, there being few sweet items, save some berries, in the north. I know began to suspect that the calories of the sugars also played their role in their popularity."
"Beasts of Gor" page 206

"There was a cup and a pitcher of Bazi tea on the counter. Bazi tea is a common beverage on Gor. Many Goreans are fond of it."
"Kajira of Gor" page 332

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Black wine

"Actually," I said to Elizabeth, "this is very rare. Thentis does not trade the beans for black wine. I have heard of a cup of black wine in Ar, some years ago, selling for a silver eighty-piece. Even in Thentis black wine is used commonly only in High Caste homes."
"Assassin of Gor" page 106

"I lifted the tiny silver cup to my lips and took a drop of the black wine. It's strength and bitterness are such that it is normally drunk in such a manner, usually only a drop or a few drops at a time. Commonly, too, it is mollified with creams and sugars. I drank it without creams and sugars, perhaps, for I had been accustomed, on Earth, to drinking coffee in such a manner, and the black wine of Gor is clearly coffee, or closely akin to coffee. Considering its bitterness, however, if I had not been drinking such a tiny amount, and so slowly, scarcely wetting my lips, I too, would surely have had recourse to the tasty, gentling additives with which it is almost invariably served."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 247

"I had heard of black wine, but had never had any. It is drunk in Thentis, but I had never heard of it being much drunk in other Gorean cities. (...) Then I picked up one of the thick, heavy clay bowls. It was extremely strong, and bitter, but it was hot, and, unmistakably, it was coffee."
"Assassins of Gor" page 106

"I grinned, and washed down the eggs with a swig of hot black wine, prepared from the beans grown upon the slopes of the Thentis mountains. This black wine is quite expensive. Men have been slain on Gor for attempting to smuggle the beans out of the Thentian territories."
"Beasts of Gor" page 21

"Soon I smelled the frying of vulo eggs in a large, flat pan, and the unmistakable odor of coffee, or as the Goreans express it, black wine. The beans growl largely on the slopes of the Thentis mountains. The original beans, I suppose, had been brought, like certain other Gorean products, from Earth; it is not impossible, of course, that the opposite is the case, that black wine is native to Gor and that the origin of Earth's coffee beans is Gorean; I regard this as unlikely, however, because black wine is far more common on Earth than Gor, where it is, except for the city of Thentis, a city famed for her tarn flocks, and her surrounding villages, a somewhat rare and unusual luxury."
"Slave Girl of Gor", page 73

"From one side a slave girl, barefoot, bangled, in sashed, diaphanous, trousered chalwar, gathered at the ankles, in tight, red silk vest, with bare midriff, fled to Him, with the tall, graceful, silvered pot containing the black wine. She was veiled. She knelt, replenishing the drink. Beneath the veil I saw the metal of her collar.
I had not thought to have such fortune. She did not look at me. She returned to her place with the pot of black wine.
Ibn Saran lifted another finger. From the side there hastened to him another girl, a fair skinned, red haired girl. She, too, wore veil, vest, chalwar, bangles, collar.
She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray on the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure. She then held the cup to the side of her cheek, testing its temperature; Ibn Saran glanced at her; she, looking at him, timidly kissed the side of the cup and placed it before him. Then, her head down, she withdrew."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 88/9

"I decided I might care to taste the steaming, black wine. I lifted my finger. The girl in whose charge was the silver vessel, filled with black wine, knelt beside a tiny brazier, on which it sat, retaining its warmth. (...) She rose swiftly to her feet. She knelt, head down, before me. She poured, carefully, the hot, black beverage into the tiny red cup. (...) The other girl lifted her tray of spoons and sugars. But I turned away. She was not summoned. The girls, white-skinned, were a matched set of slaves, one for the black wine, one for its sugars."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 105

" 'Second slave,' I told her, which, among the river towns, and in certain cities, particularly in the north, is a way of indicating that I would take the black wine without creams or sugars, and as it came from the pouring vessel, which, of course, in these areas, is handled by the "second slave," the first slave being the girl who puts down the cups, takes the orders and sees that the beverage is prepared according to the preferences of the one who is being served. (...) The expression "second slave," incidentally, serves to indicate that one does not wish creams or sugars with one's black wine, even if only one girl is serving."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 244/5

"Eta piled several of the hot, tiny eggs, earlier kept fresh in cool sand within the cave, on a plate, with heated yellow bread, for him. I, grasping the pot with a rag and both hands, poured him a handled, metal tankard of the steaming black brew, coffee or black wine.
"Slave Girl" Page 74

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Breeding wine

"It is also called second wine and counteracts the effects of the slave wine, making a slave girl fertile."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 319

"The active ingredient in the breeding wine, or the "second wine," is a derivative of teslik."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 320

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"This is warmed chocolate," I said, pleased. It was very rich and creamy. "Yes, Mistress," said the girl. "It is very good," I said. "Thank you, Mistress," she said. "Is it from Earth?" I asked. "Not directly," she said. "Many things here, of course, ultimately have an Earth origin. It is not improbable that the beans from which the first cacao trees on this world were grown were brought from Earth." "Do the trees grow near here?" I asked. "No Mistress," she said, "we obtain the beans from which the chocolate is made, from Cosian merchants, who in turn, obtain them in the tropics."
"Kajira of Gor" page 61

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Cosian Wine

"Peggy knelt before the table and began to place the cups, the vessels, and plates on the table. One plate was of meat, another of breads, another of sliced fruits, the fourth of nuts and cheeses. Each of us, with our fingers, would eat as we wished from the common plates. She had brought, too, paga, Cosian wine and water."
"Rogue of Gor" page 257

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Diluted wine

"When wine is drunk with Gorean meals, at home, incidentally, it is almost always diluted, mixed with water in a krater. At a party of convivial supper the host, or elected feast master, usually determines the proportions of water to wine. Unmixed wine, of course, may be drunk, for example, at the parties of young men, at which might appear dancers, flute slaves and such. Many Gorean wines, it might be mentioned, if only by way of explanation, are very strong, often having an alcoholic content by volume of forty to fifty percent."
"Renegades of Gor" page 70

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Falarian Wine

"Among these petitioners came one fellow bringing with him the promise of a gift of wine, a wine supposedly secret, the rare Falarian, a wine only rumored among collectors to exist, a wine supposedly so rare and precious that its cost might purchase a city."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 158

"Can this wine, which seems like a cheap ka-la-na, be the rare Falarian?"
"Mercenaries" page 159

"There will be delicacies from as far away as Bazi and Anango," she said, "and we shall open vessels of Falarian from the private stores of the Ubar."
"Magicians of Gor" page

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Fermented Milk Curds

"By one fire I could see a squat Tuchuk, hands on his hips, dancing and stamping about by himself, drunk on fermented milk curds, dancing, according to Kamchak, to please the sky."
"Nomads of Gor" page 28

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"My house, incidentally, like most Gorean houses, had no ice chest. There is little cold storage on Gor. Generally food is preserved by being dried or salted. Some cold storage, of course, does exist. Ice is cut from ponds in the winter, and then stored in ice houses, under sawdust. One may go to the ice houses for it, or have it delivered in ice wagons. Most Goreans, of course, cannot afford the luxury of ice in the summer."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 295

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"The High Initiate had risen to his feet and accepted a goblet from another Initiate, probably containing minced flavored ices, for the day was warm. Free women, here and there, were delicately putting tidbits beneath their veils. Some even lifted their veils somewhat to drink of the flavored ices. Some low-caste free women drank through their veils, and there were yellow and purple stains on the rep-cloth."
"Assassins of Gor" page 141

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"After the meal I tasted a drink, which might not inappropriately be described as an almost incandescent wine, bright, dry, and powerful."
"Tarnsman of Gor" page 26

"One girl held our head back, and others, from goblets, gave us of wines, Turian wine, sweet and thick, Ta wine, from the famed Ta grapes, from the terraces of Cos, wines even, Ka-la-nas, sweets and drys, from distant Ar."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 213

" (...) a small bottle of Ka-la-na wine, in a wicker basket.(...) I had never tasted so rich and delicate a wine on Earth, and yet here, on this world, it costs only a copper tarn disk and was so cheap, and plentiful, that it might be given even to a female slave. (...) It was the first Gorean fermented beverage which I had tasted. It is said that Ka-la-na has an unusual effect on a female."
"Captive of Gor" page 114

"A small bottle," I said, "of the Slave Gardens of Anesidemus."
"I have heard that is a marvelous ka-la-na," said the free woman, her eyes alight.
"So, too, have I," I said.
"It is very expensive," said the woman.
"Are you familiar with it?" I asked.
"Oh," she said, lightly, "I have had it a few times."
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"Yes," she said. "Yes!"
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 344

"Do you know the wine?" I asked.
"No," she said.
I turned the bottle so that she might read the label. It was a small bottle of Boleto's Nectar of the Public Slave Gardens. Boleto is a well-known winegrower from the vicinity of Ar. He is famous for the production of a large number of reasonably good, medium-grade ka-la-nas. This was one of the major wines, and perhaps the best, served in Ar's public slave gardens; indeed, it had originally been commissioned for that market; hence the name."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 360

"Wine, Master?' she asked. 'Yes, Slave,' he said. Then she knelt before him, back on her heels, head down, lifting the goblet to him, proffering it to the master with both hands."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 405

"(...) she poured the diluted wine into my cup (...) backed gracefully down the stairs behind me, then turned and hurried away."
"Assassins of Gor" page 89

"The man, one of Arn's, who had seen the Ka-la-na by the wall, crawled over to it. He pulled the bottles into his lap, and began to work at the cork of one of them. With his sleen knife he had pried the cork up a bit from the bottle. He then, slowly, with his fingers and teeth, managed to withdraw the cork."
"Hunters of Gor" page 123

"Virginia Kent, with her pitcher of Ka-la-na, ran lightfootedly to Relius, guard in the House of Cernus."
"Assassins of Gor" page 238

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Heated Ka-la-na

"I turned and, among the furnishings of the tent, found a bottle of Ka-la-na, of good vintage, from the vineyards of Ar, the loot of a caravan raid. I then took the wine, with a small copper bowl, and a black, red-trimmed wine crater, to the side of the fire. I poured some of the wine into the small copper bowl, and set it on the tripod over the tiny fire in the fire bowl.
He sat cross-legged, facing me, and I knelt by the fire, facing him.
After a time I took the copper bowl from the fire and held it against my cheek. I returned it again to the tripod, and again we waited.
I began to tremble.
“Do not be afraid, Slave,” he said to me.
“Master!” I pleaded.
“I did not give you permission to speak,” he said.
I was silent.
Again I took the bowl from the fire. It was now not comfortable to hold the bowl, but it was not painful to do so. I poured the wine from the small copper bowl into the black, red-trimmed wine crater, placing the small bowl in a rack to one side of the fire. I swirled, slowly, the wine in the wine crater. I saw my reflection in the redness, the blondness of my hair, dark in the wine, and the collar, with its bells, about my throat.
I now, in the fashion of the slave girl of Treve, held the wine crater against my right cheek. I could feel the warmth of the wine through the side of the crater.
“Is it ready?’ he asked.
A master of Treve does not care to be told that his girl thinks it is. He wished t be told Yes or No.
“Yes,” I whispered.
I did not know how he cared for his wine, for some men of Treve wish it warm, others almost hot. I did not know how he wished it. What if it were not as he wished it!
“Serve me wine,” he said.
I, carrying the wine crater, rose to my feet and approached him. I then knelt before him, with a rustle of slave bells, in the position of the pleasure slave. I put my head down and, with both hands, extending my arms to him, held forth the wine crater. “I offer you wine, Master,’ I said.
He took the wine and I watched, in terror. He sipped it, and smiled. I nearly fainted.
I would not be beaten.
I knelt there, while he, at his leisure, drank the wine.
When he had almost finished, he beckoned me to him, and I went to kneel at his side. He put his hand in my hair and held my head back.
“Open your mouth,” he said.
I did so, and he, spilling some from the broad rim of the crater, I feeling it on my chin, and throat, as it trickled under the collar, and body, poured the remainder of the wine down my throat. It was bitter from the dregs in the bottom of the cup, and, to my taste, scalding. I, my eyes closed, my head held painfully back, throat burning, swallowed it. When I had finished the wine he thrust the wine crater into my hands. “Run, El-in-or,” he said, “put it back, and return to me.” I ran to the side of the tent and put back the wine crater, and fled back to his side."
"Captive of Gor" page 331/3

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"Kal-da is a hot drink, almost scalding, made of diluted Ka-la-na wine, mixed with citrus juices and stinging spices. I did not care much for the mouth warming concoction, but it was popular with some of the lower castes, particularly those who performed strenuous manual labor. I expected its popularity was due more to its capacity to warm a man and stick to his ribs, and to its cheapness (a poor grade of Ka-la-na was used in its brewing) then to any gustatory excellence. I had hardly settled myself behind the table when the proprietor had placed a large, fat pot of steaming Kal-da before me."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 76

"I had hardly settled myself behind the table when the proprietor had placed a large, fat pot of steaming Kal-da before me. It almost burned my hands to lift the pot. I took a long, burning swig of the brew and though, on another occasion, I might have thought it foul, tonight it sang through my body like the bubbling fire it was, a sizzling, brutal irritant that tasted so bad and yet charmed me so much I had to laugh."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 78

"Other girls now appeared among the tables, clad only in a camisk and a silver collar, and suddenly, silently, began to serve the Kal-da which Kron had ordered. Each carried a heavy pot of the foul, boiling brew and, cup by cup, replenished the cups of the men."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 226

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Larma juice

"I purchased some larma juice for a tarsk bit. "Is it cool," I asked. "Yes," she said."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 257~

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" 'It is time for the liqueurs, slave,' I told her 'Yes, Master,' she whispered. 'Ah,'said Glyco. 'The liqueurs!' First from the kitchen, bearing her tray, came the voluptuous slave of Aemilianuus. Behind her, too with her tray, came the little dark-haired slave. In a moment both were deferentially serving. The collared softness of the dark-haired girl well set off the metal of the tray, and the small multicolored glasses and bottles upon it."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 254

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"In the north generally, mead, a drink made with fermented honey and water, and often spices and such, tends to be favored over paga."
"Vagabonds of Gor" page 16

"I handed the horn to Thyri, who, in her collar, naked, between two of the benches, knelt at my feet. 'Yes, Jarl,' said she, and ran to fill it, from the great vat. How marvelously beautiful is a naked, collared woman. 'Your hall,' said I to the Forkbeard, 'is scarcely what I had expected.' 'Here Jarl,' said Thyri, again handing me the horn. It was filled with the mead of Torvoldsland, brewed from fermented, honey, thick and sweet."
"Marauders of Gor" page 89 and 90

"Bera went to the next man, to fill his cup with the mead, from the heavy hot tankard, gripped with cloth, which she carried."
"Marauders of Gor" page 78

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"I looked again upon the city in the distance. From here it looked very beautiful. Yet I knew that somewhere within it, perhaps within its crowded quarters, from which mobs might erupt like floods, or within its sheltered patios and gardens, where high ladies might exchange gossip, sip nectars and toy with dainty repasts, served to them by male silk slaves, or among its houses and towers, or on its streets or in the great baths, that somewhere there, somewhere behind those walls, was treason."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 258

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"The bosk, without which the Wagon Peoples could not live, is an ox like creature. It is a huge, shambling animal, with a thick, humped neck and long, shaggy hair. Not only does the flesh of the bosk and the milk of its cows furnish the Wagon Peoples with food and drink, but its hides cover the dome like wagons in which they dwell; its tanned and sewn skin cover their bodies…"
"Nomads of Gor" pages 4/5

" The smell of fruit and vegetables, and verr milk was very strong."
"Savages of Gor" page 60

"I heard the lowing of the milk bosk from among the wagons."
"Nomads of Gor" page 27

"When the meat was ready, Kamchak ate his fill, and drank down, too, a flagon of bosk milk"
"Nomads of Gor" page 139

"Too I had brought up a small bowl of powdered bosk milk. We had finished the creams last night."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 295

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Sand Kaiila Milk

"... kaiila milk, like verr milk, is used by the peoples of the Tahari; it is reddish and has a strong salty taste, features which one supposes are connected with some sort of climatological adaptation; it has a high iron content; men do not drink it unless water is plentiful;"
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 71

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"I decided, if worse came to worst, that I could always go to a simple Paga Tavern where, if those of Tharna resembled those of Ko-ro-ba and Ar, one might, curled in a rug behind the low tables, unobtrusively spend the night for the price of a pot of Paga, a strong, fermented drink brewed from the yellow grains of Gor's staple crop, Sa-Tarna, or Life-Daughter."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 74

"Do you have the paga of Ar, of the brewery of Temus?"
"Woe," smiled Shaba. "We have here only Schendi paga, but I think it is quite good. It is, of course, a matter of taste."
"Very well," I said. (...)
"My dear," asked Shaba, of the dark-haired girl, "would you bring us paga?" She stiffened.
"Fetch paga, Woman," said Msaliti. "You are least among us."
"Why am I least among you she asked.
"Forgive us, my dear," said Shaba.
"I will bring the paga," she said.
In a few moments she returned with a bottle of Schendi paga and four cups. She filled these cups."
"Explorers of Gor" page 157

"What would you like?" asked my hostess.
I had been considering a glass of paga, perhaps, if it were available in a place such as this, of the brewery of Temus. I now, considering the rather revealingly clad free female, changed my mind.
"I think, upon reflection," I said, "that I shall order later."
"Very well," she said. Then she turned to Louise, kneeling in attendance. "When you are dismissed, if you are dismissed, return to your post," she said. "Do not neglect, however, to observe this table. When he wishes to order, and lifts his finger, hurry to him. Then obtain what he wishes from the bar."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 342

"At a gesture from the proprietor, the grimy man in the tunic of white and gold, one of the serving slaves, with a flash of her ankle bells, hurried to the Assassin and set before Him a bowl, which she trembling filled from the flask held over her right forearm. then, with a furtive glance at the girl chained at the side of the room, the serving slave hurried away. Kuurus took the paga bowl in both hands and put his head down, looking into it. Then somberly, He lifted it to his lips and drank."
"Assassins of Gor" page 9

"The girls filled their vessels, which, like the hydria, or water vessel, are high-handled, for dipping, in a large kettle hung simmering over a fire near the entrance to the enclosure. Warm paga makes one drunk quicker, it is thought.(...) Some Cosians tend to be fond of hot paga."
"Vagabonds of Gor" page 16

"The proprietor, sweating, aproned, was tipping yet another great bottle of paga in its sling, filling cups, that they might be borne to the drinkers."
"Raiders of Gor" page 105

"Paga, Master?", she asked, kneeling before me, the metal cup held before her, in her two hands"
"Explorers of Gor" page 160

"Master," she said, kneeling before me. She poured me paga, filling the goblet she had taken from the rack, from the vessel she carried."
"Vagabonds of Gor" page 17

"I thrust out the silver paga goblet, studded with rubies, and Telima, standing beside my thronelike chair, filled it."
"Raiders of Gor" page 223

"The beast returned from the cabinet with two glasses and a bottle. 'Is that not the paga of Ar?' I asked. 'Is it not one of your favorites?' he asked, 'See,' he said, 'It has the seal of the brewer, Temus."
"Beasts of Gor" page 371

"In a few moments she returned through the door bearing a tray. She knelt near the table, put the tray on the floor, unbidden performed obeisance and then, as though submissively, put the tray on the table, and put the paga, in a small kanthatros, and the bread on its trencher, before me. Then she put the bowl of porridge, with a spoon, before me."
"Renegades of Gor" page 71

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Palm Wine

"Schendi's most significant exports are doubtless spice and hides, with kailiauk horn and horn products being of great importance. One of her most delicious exports is palm wine."
"Explorers of Gor" page 115

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Rence Beer

"At such times there is drinking of rence beer, steeped, boiled and fermented from the crushed seeds and the whitish pith of the plant."
"Raiders of Gor" page 18

"The plant itself has a long, thick root, about four inches think, which lies horizonally under the surface of the water; small roots sink downward into the mud from the main root, and several "stems," as many as a dozen, rise from it, often of a length of fifteen to sixteen feet from the root; it has an excrescent, usually single floral spike."
"Raiders of Gor" page 7

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Slave Wine

"Slave wine is bitter, intentionally so. Its effect lasts for more than a Gorean month. I did not wish the females to conceive. A female slave is taken off slave wine only when it is her master's intention to breed her."
"Marauders of Gor" pages 23 and 24

"Sip roots are extremely bitter. Slave wine, incidentally, is made from sip roots."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 124

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Sul Paga

"Sul paga is, when distilled, though the sul itself is yellow, is clear as water...the still with its tanks and pipes lay within the village, that of Tabuk's Ford, in which Thurnus, our host, was caste leader. 'Excellent,' said my master, sipping the sul paga. He could have been commenting only on the potency of the drink, for Sul paga is almost tasteless. One does not guzzle Sul paga. Last night one of the men had held my head back and forced me to swallow a mouthful. In moments things had gone black and I had fallen unconscious."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 134

"My master extended his cup to me, and I, kneeling, filled it with sul paga. I pressed my lips to the cup, and handed it to him. My eyes smarted. I almost felt drunk from the fumes."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 134

"Sul paga, as anyone knew, is seldom available outside of a peasant village, where it is brewed. Sul paga would slow a tharlarion. To stay on your feet after a mouthful of Sul paga it is said one must be of the peasants, and then for several generations. And even then, it is said, it is difficult to manage. There is a joke about the baby of a peasant father being born drunk nine months later."
"Slave Girl of Gor" pag 414

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"One girl held our head back, and others, from goblets, gave us of wines, Turian wine, sweet and thick, Ta wine, from the famed Ta grapes, from the terraces of Cos, wines even, Ka-la-nas, sweets and drys, from distant Ar."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 213

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Turian Liqueur

"The liqueurs of Turia are usually regarded as the best, but I think this is largely a matter of taste. Those of Cos and Ar, and of certain other cities, are surely very fine."
"Kajira of Gor" pag 406

"`They are ready for their liqueurs,' whispered Susan.We then brought them to them, on the two small trays.'Liqueurs, Masters?' asked Susan `Liqueurs, Masters?' I asked."
"Kajira of Gor" pag 407

A thick, sweet liqueur from Turia, served in tiny glasses. These liqueurs are considered the best on Gor. "Guardsman of Gor" page 237 and 259

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Turian Wine

"One girl held our head back, and others, from goblets, gave us of wines, Turian wine, sweet and thick, Ta wine, from the famed Ta grapes, from the terraces of Cos, wines even, Ka-la-nas, sweets and drys, from distant Ar."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 213

"I did not much care for the sweet, syrupy wines of Turia, flavored and sugared to the point where one could almost leave one's fingerprints on their surface."
"Nomads of Gor" pages 83 and 84

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Goreans drink spring water from the mountains, from the liana vine or from the carpet plants grown in the rain forest area inland of Schendi.

"Another useful source of water is the liana vine. One makes the first cut high, over one's head, to keep the water from being withdrawn by contraction and surface adhesion to the vine. The second cut, made a foot or so from the ground, gives a vine tube which, drained, yields in the neighborhood of a liter of water."
"Explorers of Gor" page 310

"One type of palm, the fan palm, more than twenty feet high, which spreads its leaves in the form of an open fan, is an excellent source of pure water, as much as a liter of such water being found, almost as though cupped at the base of each leaf's stem."
"Explorers of Gor", page 310

"The girls filled their vessels, which, like the hydria, or water vessel, are high-handled, for dipping..."
"Vagabonds of Gor", page 16

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White Wine

"The first wine, a light white wine, was being deferentially served..."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" p. 275-276

"Pamela and Bonnie, heads down, silent effacing themselves, as is proper with slaves, again filled the small golden cups. It was again a serving of the first wine. In a Gorean supper in a house of wealth, in the course of the supper, with varied courses, eight to ten wines might be served, each suitably and congruously matched with respect to texture and bouquet not only to one another but to the accompanying portions of food"
"fighting Slave of Gor" page 277

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