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           Physicians    Physicians' Practice    Physicians' Fees   
           Dar-Kosis    Bazi Plague   
           Stabilization Serums    Aphrodisiacs   Balm    Brack Bush    Breeding Wine    Capture Scent
           Frobicain    Gieron    Kanda    Laxatives    Sajel    Salt    Salve    Sedatives
           Sleeping Powder    Sip Root    Slave Wine   Tassa Powder    Teslik    Yellow Medicine
           Priest-Kings Ointment   
           Priest-Kings Medicine    Anesthetic darts   Blood Transfusion    Tube feeding   
           Orthopedic Care    Teeth Care    Head Wounds    Other Wounds   
           Suturing Wounds    Binding Wounds   
           Artificial Insemination    Birth   Frigidity    Menstruation    Virginity    Children Care   
Veterinary care

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"Similarly men of such castes as the Physicians and Builders make use of the fairs to disseminate and exchange information pertaining to their respective crafts."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 47

"On the other hand, I suspect that they fear too broad a dissemination of the Caste knowledge. Physicians, interestingly, perhaps for a similar reason, tend to keep records in archaic Gorean, which is incomprehensible to most Goreans."
"Magicians of Gor" page 395

"A notable exception to the generalization that woman of a caste normally do not engage in caste work is the caste of Physicians, whose women are commonly trained, as are the boys, in the practice of medicine. Even the Physicians, however, normally do not admit their women to full practice until they have borne two childeren. The purpose of this is to retain a high level of intelligence in the caste. Professional women, it is well understood, tend not to reproduce themselves, a situation which, over time, would be likely to produce a diminution of the quality of the caste. Concern for the future of the caste is thus evinced in this limitation by the physicians on the rights of their women to participate without delay in the caste craft. The welfare of the caste, typically, takes priority in the Gorean mind over the ambitiouns of specific individuals." >br>"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 210

"The women of the Physicians, at the age of fifteen, in many cities, wear two bracelets on her left wrist. When she has one child one bracelet is removed; when she has a second child the second bracelet is removed. She may then, if she desires, enter into the full practice of her craft."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 210

"I was pleased that she would go to Ar, where she, though a woman, might learn the craft of medicine under the masters appointed by Kazrak,"
"Priest-Kings of Gor" page 306

"Similarly men of such castes as the Physicians and Builders make use of the fairs to disseminate and exchange information pertaining to their respective crafts."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 47

"On the other hand, I suspect that they fear too broad a dissemination of the Caste knowledge. Physicians, interestingly, perhaps for a similar reason, tend to keep records in archaic Gorean, which is incomprehensible to most Goreans."
"Magicians of Gor" page 395

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Physician's Practice

"The Building where I would wait on these days was the house of a physician. I was taken through a corridor to a special, rough room, where slaves were treated. There my camisk would be removed. On the first day the physician, a quiet man in the green garments of his caste, examined me, thoroughly. The instruments he used, the tests he performed, the samples he required were not unlike those of Earth.(...) Further, certain pieces of his instrumentation were clearly far from primitive. For example, there was a small machine with gauges and dials. In this he would place slides, containing drops of blood and urine, flecks of tissue, a strand of hair. With a stylus he would note readings on the machine, and, on a small screen at the top of the machine, I saw, vastly enlarged, what reminded me of an image witnessed under a microscope. He would briefly study this image, and then make further jottings with his stylus (...). When he was finished he mixed several powders in three or four goblets, adding water to them and stirring them. These I was ordered to drink".
"Captive of Gor" page 92/3

"I was then at the infirmary. I had not known if it would be practical place to hide or not. I found that it was not. There the girls lay on wooden pallets, on the ground, chained to them by the wrist, ankles and neck."
"Vagabonds of gor" page 456

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""Thurnock," said I, "give this Physician a double tarn, of gold.""
"Marauders of Gor" page 19

"A physician entered the booth, with his kit slung over the shoulder of his green robes. He began to attend to the merchant.(...) When the Physician had finished the cleansing, chemical sterilization and dressing of the merchants wounds, he left. With him the majority of the watchers withdrew as well. The Scribe had paid the Physician from a small iron box, taken from a locked trunk, a tarsk bit."
"Beasts of Gor" page 104

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"Be that as it may, the Priest Kings have limited man severely on this planet in many respects, notably in weaponry, communication, and transportation. On the other hand, the brilliance which men might have turned to destructive channels was then diverted, almost of necessity, to other fields, most notably medicine"
"Assassin of Gor" page 30

"Sickness and infection, too were rampant, hunger and exposure, sunstroke and dysentery were common."
"Vagabonds of Gor" page 149

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"He was now bent and crooked, like a broken blasted shrub in his yellow shroudlike robe. The hood concealed his face. (...)
Pointing to its shadowed concealed face it whispered "The Holy Disease." That was the literal translation of Dar Kosis--the Holy Disease or equivalent the Sacred Affliction. The disease is named that because it is regarded as being holy to the Priest Kings, and those who suffer from it are regarded as consecrated to the Preist Kings. Accordingly it is regarded as heresy to shed their blood. On the other hand, the Afflicted, as they are called, have little to fear from their fellow men. Their disease is so highly contagious, so invariably devastating in its effects, and so feared on the planet that even the boldest of outlaws gives them a wide berth. Accordingly, the afflicted enjoy a large amount of freedom of movement on Gor. They are of course, warned to stay away from the habitations of men, and if they approach too closely, they are sometimes stoned. Oddly enough, casuisically, stoning the Afflicted is not regarded as a violation of the Priest Kings supposed injunction against shedding their blood. As an act of charity, Initiates have arranged at various places Dar Kosis pits where the Afflicted may volutarily imprison themselves to be fed with food hurled downward from the backs of passing tarns. Once in a Dar Kosis pit the Afflicted are not allowed to depart. (...)
I was glad that it was night and that the hood of the man was drawn, for I had no desire to look on what peices of flesh might still cling to his skull."
"Tarnsman of Gor" page 150/1

"No," said Flaminius, smiling. "No." He took another swallow. "I thought to find," said he, "an immunization against Dar-kosis."
"Dar-kosis is incurable," I said.
"At one time," said he, "centuries ago, men of my caste claimed age was incurable. Others did not accept this and continued to work. The result was the Stabilization Serums."
Dar-Kosis, or the Holy Disease, or Sacred Affliction, is a virulent, wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it, commonly spoken of simply as the Afflicted Ones, may not enter into normal society. They wander the countyside in shroudlike yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from their path; some of them volunteer to be placed in Dar-kosis pits, several of which lay within the vicinity of Ar, where they are fed and given drink, and are, of course, isolated; The disease is extremely contagious. Those who contact the disease are regarded by law as dead."
"Assassin of Gor" page 265/6

"For many years," said Flaminius, "and this was even before 10,110, the year of Pa-Kur and his horde, I and others worked secretly in the Cylinder of Physicians. We devoted our time, those Ahn in the day in which we could work, to study, research, test and experiment. Unfortunately, for spite and for gold, word of our work was brought to the High Initiate, by a minor Physician discharged from our staff for incompetence. The Cylinder of Initiates demanded that the High Council of the Caste of Physicians put an end to our work, not only that it be discontinued but that our results to that date be destroyed. The Physicians, I am pleased to say, stood with us. There is little love lost between Physicians and Initiates, even as is the case between Scribes and Initiates. The Cylinder of the High Initiate then petitioned the High Council of the City to stop our work, but they, on the recommendation of Marlenus, who was then Ubar, permitted out work to continue." Flaminius laughed. "I remember Marlenus speaking to the High Initiate. Marlenus told him that either the Priest-Kings approved of our work or they did not; that if they approved, it should continue; if they did not approve, they themselves, as the Masters of Gor, would be quite powerful enough to put an end to it."(...)
Flaminius took another drink, and then he looked at me, bitterly.
"Before the next passage hand," said he, "armed men broke into the Cylinder of Physicians; the floors we worked on were burned; the Cylinder itself was seriously damaged; our work, our records, the animals we used were all destroyed; several of my staff were slain, others driven away." He drew his tunic over his head. I saw that half of his body was scarred. "These I had from the flames," said he, "as I tried to rescue our work. But I was beaten away and our scrolls destroyed." He slipped the tunic back over his head.
"I had," he said, "shortly before the fire developed a strain of urts resistant to the Dar-kosis organism; a serum cultured from their blood was injected in other animals, which subsequently we were unable to infect. It was tentative, only a beginning, but I had hoped---I had hoped very much."
"Assassin of Gor" page 267

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Bazi Plague

"It is the Plague! she cried. It is the Plague! I walked over to a mirror. I ran my tounge over my lips they seemed dry. The whites of my eyes clearly were yellow. I rolled up the sleeve of my tunic and saw there on the flesh of the forearm like black blisters open, erupted, a scattering of pustules."
"Explorers of Gor" pg 135

"I simply did not feel ill. I was slightly drunk and heated from the paga, but I did not believe myself fevered. My pulse and heartbeat, and respiration, seemed normal. I did not have difficulty catching my breath. I was niether dizzy nor nauseous, and my vision was clear. My worst physical symptoms were the irritation about my eyes and the genuinely nasty itchiness of my skin. I felt like tearing it off with my own fingernails."
"Explorers of Gor" page 136

"I knew that I had not been in a plague area. Too, the Bazi Plague had burned itself out years ago. No cases to my knowledge had been reported for months."
"Explorers of Gor" page 136

"The Physician would check the health of the crew and slaves, Plague some years ago had broken out in Bazi, to the North, which port had been closed by the merchants for two years. In some eighteen months it had burned itself out, moving south and eastward. Bazi had not yet recovered from the economic blow."
"Explorers of Gor" page 117

"The tall man crouched down beside us, irritably. One of the men with him wore the green of the physicians. The tall man looked at us. As naked female slaves we averted our eyes from his. I smelled the straw.
“Wrist-ring key,” said the tall man.
The merchant handed him the key that would unlock the wrist rings.
“Leave the lamp and withdraw,” said the tall man. The short merchant handed him the lamp and, frightened, left the room.
The men crouched down and crowded about the auburn-haired girl. I heard them unlock one of her wrist rings.
“We are going to test you for pox,” he said. The girl groaned. It was my hope that none on board the Clouds of Telnus had carried the pox. It is transmitted by the bites of lice. The pox had appeared in Bazi some four years ago. The port had been closed for two years by the merchants. It had burned itself out moving south and eastward in some eighteen months. Oddly enough some were immune to the pox, and with others it had only a temporary, debilitating effect. With others it was swift, lethal and horrifying. Those who had survived the pox would presumably live to procreate themselves, on the whole presumably transmitting their immunity or relative immunity to their offspring. Slaves who contracted the pox were often summarily slain. It was thought that the slaughter of slaves had had its role to play in the containment of the pox in the vicinity of Bazi.
“It is not she,” said the physician. He sounded disappointed. This startled me. “Am I free of pox, Master?” asked the auburn-haired girl.
“Yes,” said the physician, irritably. His irritation made no sense to me.
The tall man then closed the auburn-haired girl’s wrist again in its wrist ring. The men crouched down about me. I shrank back against the wall. My left wrist was removed from its wrist ring and the tall man pulled my arm out from my body, turning the wrist, so as to expose the inside of my arm.
I understood then they were not concerned with the pox, which had vanished in the vicinity of Bazi over two years ago.
The physician swabbed a transparent fluid on my arm. Suddenly, startling me, elating the men, there emerged, as though by magic, a tiny, printed sentence, in fine characters, in bright red. It was on the inside of my elbow. I knew what the sentence said, for my mistress, the Lady Elicia of Ar, had told me. It was a simple sentence. It said; “This is she.” It had been painted on my arm with a tiny brush, with another transparent fluid. I had seen the wetness on the inside of my arm, on the area where the arm bends, on the inside of the elbow, and then it had dried, disappearing. I was not even sure the writing had remained. But now, under the action of the reagent, the writing had emerged, fine and clear. Then, only a moment or so later, the physician, from another flask, poured some liquid on a rep-cloth swab, and, again as though by magic, erased the writing. The invisible stain was then gone. The original reagent was then again tried, to check the erasure. There was no reaction. The chemical brand, marking me for the agents with whom the Lady Elicia, my mistress, was associated, was gone. The physician then, with the second fluid, again cleaned my arm, removing the residue of the second application of the reagent. The men looked at one another, and smiled. My left wrist was again locked in its wrist ring.
“Am I free of the pox, Masters?” I asked.
“Yes,” said the physician."

"Slave Girl of Gor" page 325/6

"She, as a slave knows that if she should contract the disease she would in all probability be summarily slain."
"Explorers of Gor" page 134

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"The river and forests teemed with life. Fibrous, medicinal, and timber resources alone seemed inexhaustible. A new world, untrapped, beautiful, dangerous, was opened by the river. I think it would be impossible to overestimate its importance."
"Explorers of Gor" page 383

Stabilization Serums

"You spoke of knowing the Cabots for four hundred years, I said. Yes, said Misk, and your father who is a brave and noble man, has served us upon occasion, though he dealt only, unknowingly, with Implanted Ones. He first came to Gor more than six hundred years ago. Impossible! I cried. Not with the stabilization serums, remarked Misk."
"Priest Kings of Gor" page 126

"Strangely, though it had now been six years since I left counter-earth, I can discover no signs of aging or physical alteration in my appearance. I have puzzled over this, trying to connect it with the mysterious letter, dated in the seventeenth century, ostensibly by my father, which I received in the blue envelope. Perhaps the serums of the Caste of Physicians so skilled on Gor, have something to do with this, but I cannot tell."
"Tarnsman of Gor" page 218

"The Player was a rather old man, extremely unusual on Gor, where the stabilization serums were developed centuries ago by the Caste of Physicians in Ko-ro-ba and Ar, and transmitted to the Physicians of other cities at several of the Sardar Fairs. Age, on Gor, interestingly, was regarded, and still is, by the Castes of Physicians as a disease, not an inevitable natural phenomenon. The fact that it seemed to be a universal disease did not dissuade the caste from considering how it might be combated. Accordingly the research of centuries was turned to this end. Many other diseases, which presumably flourished centuries ago on Gor, tended to be neglected, as less dangerous and less universal than that of aging. A result tended to be that those susceptible to many diseases died and those less susceptible lived on, propagating their kind. One supposes something similar may have happened with the plagues of the Middle Ages on Earth. At any rate, disease is now almost unknown among the Gorean cities, with the exception of the dreaded Dar-Kosis disease, or the Holy Disease, research on which is generally frowned upon by the Caste of Initiates, who insist the disease is a visitation of the displeasure of Priest-Kings on its recipients. The fact that the disease tends to strike those who have maintained the observances recommended by the Caste of Initiates, and who regularly attend their numerous ceremonies, as well as those who do not, is seldom explained, though, when pressed, the Initiates speak of possible secret failures to maintain the observances or the inscrutable will of Priest-Kings. I also think the Gorean success in combating aging may be partly due to the severe limitations, in many matters, on the technology of the human beings on the planet. Priest-Kings have no wish that men become powerful enough on Gor to challenge them for the supremacy of the planet. They believe, perhaps correctly, that man is a shrewish animal which, if it had the power, would be likely to fear Priest-Kings and attempt to exterminate them. Be that as it may, the Priest-Kings have limited man severely on this planet in many respects, notably in weaponry, communication and transportation. On the other hand, the brilliance which men might have turned into destructive channels was then diverted, almost of necessity, to other fields, most notably medicine, though considerable achievements have been accomplished in the production of translation devices, illumination and architecture. The Stabilization Serums, which are regarded as the right of all human beings, be they civilized or barbarian, friend or enemy, are administered in a series of injections, and the effect is, incredibly, an eventual, gradual transformation of certain genetic structures, resulting in indefinite cell replacement without pattern deterioration. These genetic alterations, moreover, are commonly capable of being transmitted. For example, though I received the series of injections when first I came to Gor many years ago I had been told by Physicians that they might, in my case, have been unnecessary, for I was the child of parents who, though of Earth, had been of Gor, and had received the serums. But different human beings respond differently to the Stabilization Serums, and the Serums are more effective with some than with others. With some the effect lasts indefinitely, with others it wears off after but a few hundred years, with some the effect does not occur at all, with others, tragically, the effect is not to stabilize the pattern but to hasten its degeneration. The odds, however, are in the favor of the recipient, and there are few Goreans who, if it seems they need the Serum’s, do not avail themselves of them. The Player, as I have mentioned, was rather old, not extremely old but rather old."
"Assassin of Gor" page 29/31

"They are administered in four shots ...said the Physician. ...The guard took me and threw me, belly down on the platform, fastening my wrists over my head and widely apart, in leather wrist straps. He similarly secured my ankles. The Physician busying himself with fluids and a syringe before a shelf in another part of the room laden with vials. I screamed. The shot was painful. It was entered in the small of my back, over the left hip. They left me secured on the table for several minutes and then the Physician returned to check the shot. There had been apparently no unusual reaction. ...On the first day I had been examined, given some minor medicines of little consequence, and the first shot in the Stabilization Series. On the second, third and fourth day I received the concluding shots of the series. On the fifth day the Physician took more samples. The serums are effective ...he told the guard."
"Captive of Gor" page 93

"I had spent eight days in the slave pens, waiting the night of the sale. I had been examined medically, in detail, and had had administered to me, while I lay bound, helplessly, a series of painful shots, the purpose of which I did not understand. They were called the stabilization serums. We were also kept under harsh discipline, close confinement and given slave training". I well recalled the lesson which was constantly enforced upon us: "The master is all. Please him fully."
"What is the meaning of the stabilization serums?" I had asked Sucha. She had kissed me. "They will keep you much as you are," she said, "young and beautiful."
I had looked at her, startled.
"The masters, and the free, of course, if there is need of it, you must understand, are also afforded serums of stabilization," she said adding, smiling, "though they are administered to them I suppose, with somewhat more respect than they are to a slave"
"If there is need of it?" I asked.
"Yes " she said.
"Do some not require the serum'?" I asked.
"Some, said Sucha, "but these individuals are rare, and are the offspring of individuals who have had the serums."
"Why is this?" I asked.
"I do not know," said Sucha "Men differ."
The matter, I supposed, was a function of genetic subtleties, and the nature of differing gametes. The serums of stabilization effected, it seemed, the genetic codes, perhaps altering or neutralizing certain messages of deterioration, providing, I supposed, processes in which an exchange of materials could take place while tissue and cell patterns remained relatively constant. Ageing was a physical process and, as such, was susceptible to alteration by physical means. All physical processes are theoretically, reversible. Entropy itself is presumably a moment in a cosmic rhythm. The physicians of Gor, it seemed, had addressed themselves to the conquest conquest of what had hitherto been a universal disease called on Gor the drying and withering disease, called on Earth, ageing. Generations, of intensive research and experimentation had taken place. At last a few physicians drawing upon the accumulated data to hundreds of investigators, had achieved the breakthrough, devising the first primitive stabilization serums, later to be developed and exquisitely refined. I had stood in the rage startled, trembling. "Why are serums of such value given to slaves?" I asked.
"Are they of such value?" she asked "Yes," she said, "I suppose so." She took them for granted, much as the humans of Earth might take for granted routine inoculations. She was unfamiliar with ageing. The alternative to the serums was not truly clear to her. "Why should slaves not be given the serums?" she asked. "Do the masters not want their slaves healthy and better able to serve them?"
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 282

"In the first house of my slavery, I said, I was given a series of injections. I am curious about them. Were they innoculations against disease? I know those you mean, he said. No, they were the stabilization serums. We give them even to slaves. What are they? I asked. You do not know? he asked. No, I said. They are a discovery of the caste of physicians, he said. They work their effects on the body. What is their purpose? I asked. Is there anything in particular which strikes you generally, statistically, about the population of Gor? he asked. Their vitality, their health, their youth, I said. Those are consequences of the stabilization serums, he said. I do not understand, I said. You will retain your youth and beauty, curvaceous slave, he said. That is the will of masters. I do not understand, I said frightened. Ageing, he said, is a physical process, like any other. It is, accordingly, accessible to physical influences. To be sure, it is a subtle and complex process. It took a thousand years to developed the stabilization serums. Our physicians regarded ageing as a disease, the drying, withering disease, and so attacked it as a disease. They did not regard it as, say a curse, or a punishment, or something inalterable or inexplicable, say, assume sort of destined, implacable fatality. No. They regarded it as a physical problem, susceptible to physical approaches. Some five hundred years ago, they developed the first stabilization serums. How could I ever pay for such a thing! I gasped. There is no question of payment, he said. They are given to you as an animal, a slave. Master, I whispered, awed. Do not fret, he said. In the case of a woman from earth, like yourself, they are not free. Master? I asked. He took my collar in both hands, and moved it in such a way that I could feel how sturdily, and obdurately, it was locked on my neck. For a woman such as you, he said, their price is the collar."
"Dancer of Gor" page 472

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"One dish I recall was composed of the tongues of eels and was sprinkled with flavored aphrodisiacs..." Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 204

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"Return him to his kennel, she said. Put balm on his wounds."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 207

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Brack Bush

"On the first day of the Waiting Hand, the last five days of the old year, the portals of Ar, including even that of the House of Cernus, had been painted white, and in many of the low-caste homes had been sealed with pitch, not to be opened until the first day of En'Kara. Almost all doors, including that of the House of Cernus, had nailed to them some branches of the Brak Bush, the leaves of which, when chewed, have a purgative effect. It is thought that the pitch and the branches of the Brak Bush discourage entry of bad luck into the houses of the citizens."
"Assassin of Gor" page 211

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Breeding Wine

"The active ingredient of breeding wine or second wine is a derivative of teslik."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 320

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Capture scent

"She opened her eyes, and shook her head. What is this? she said. Capture scent, I said."..."Shall I hold again the vial beneath her nose? I asked. Soaked in a rag and scarf and held over the nose and mouth of a female it can render her unconscious in five Ihn. She squirmed wildly for an Ihn or two, and then sluggishly, and then falls limp. It is sometimes uesd by tarnsmen; it is often used by slavers. Anesthetic dart, too are sometimes used in the taking of female; these maybe flung, or entered into the body by hand; they take effect in about fourty Ihn; she awakens often, in a slave kennel."
"Marauders of Gor" page 115/6

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"They seem very quiet," I observed.'We permit them," said Flaminius, deigning to offer a bit of explanation, "five Ahn of varied responses, depending on when they recover from the frobicain injection. Mostly this takes the form of hysterical weeping, threats, demands for explanation, screaming and such. They will also be allowed to express their distress for certain periods at stated times in the future."
"Assassin of Gor" page 126

"The man with the thief's scar again emerged from the ship, this time with a syringe. He injected a tiny bit of serum into each girl, entering the needle in the girls back, on the left side between the hip and backbone, passing the needle each time into a small vial he held in his left hand." (...)
"They will not awaken now, said the man with the Thief's scar, for better than an Ahn."
"Assassin of Gor" page 99

"We began to go up to the third level. They seem very quiet, I observed. We permit them, said Flaminius, deigning to offer a bit of an explination, five Ahn of varried responses, depending on when they recover from the frobicain injection."
"Assassin of Gor" page 126

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"My pursuit of you was foiled," I said, "by the results of the drug you placed in my paga."
"The drug," said Shaba, "was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague."
"I could have been killed," I said, "by the mob."
"I did not think many would care to approach you," said Shaba.
"It was not your intention then that I be killed?" I asked.
"Certainly not," said Shaba. "if that was all that was desired, kanda might have been introduced into your drink as easily as sajel and gieron."
"Explorers of Gor" page 138

"The drug was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed, they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of the bazi plague"
"Explorers of Gor" page 153

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"Kutaituchik lifted his head and regarded us, his eyes seemed sleepy, he was bald save for a black knot of hair that emerged from the back of his shaven skull, he was a broad backed man, with small legs, his eyes bore the epicanthic fold, his skin was tinged a yellowish brown, though he was stripped to the waist, there was about his shoulders a rich, ornamented robe of red bosk, bordered with jewels about his neck, on a chain decorated with sleen teeth, there hung a golden medallion, bearing the sigh of the four bosk horns, he wore furred boots, wide leather trousers and a red sash, in which was thrust a quiva. Beside him, colied, perhaps as a symbol of power, lay a bosk whip. Kutaituchik absently reached into a small golden box near his right knee and drew out a string of rolled kanda leaf. The roots of the kanda plant, which grows largely in the desert regions of Gor, are extremely toxic, but, surprisingly, the rolled leaves of this plant, which are relatively innocuous, are formed into strings and, chewed or sucked, are much favoured by many Goreans, particularly in the southern hemisphere, where the leaf is more abundant."
"Nomads of Gor" page 43

"And, yet I was sad as I looked upon him , for I sensed that for this man there could no longer be the saddle of the kaiila, the whirling of the rope and bola and the hunt of war. Now, from the right side of his mouth, thin, black and wet there emerged a string of chewed kanda, a quarter of an inch at a time, slowly. The drooping eyes, glazed, regarded us. For him there could no longer be the swift races across the frozen prarie, the meetings in arms, even the dancing to the sky about a fire of bosk dung."
"Nomads of Gor" page 43

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"Some girls I have been told sometimes try to swallow small coins but this is foolish. The coin can be produced swiftly enough in such cases by emetics and laxatives."
"Dancer of Gor" page 238

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"The drug was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed, they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of the bazi plague"
"Explorers of Gor" page 153

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"In the last days we had been denied salt. Our bodies were cruel with cramps and weakness."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 236

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"He touched the bloodied cut on my belly, where the branch had struck me. Then, with his hand, he lifted my head, turning it, looking at the cut on my cheek. We are not pleased, he said. I said nothing. Bring salve, he said. An ointment was brought, and he smeared it across the two cuts. It was odorless. To my surprise it seemed to be absorbed almost immediately. You must be careful, he said. Again I said nothing. You might have marked yourself, he said, or might have been blinded. He returned the ointment to another man. They are superficial, he told me, and will heal without trace."
"Captive of Gor" page 29/30

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"Sometimes, said Flaminius... shock cannot be so easliy prevented. Indeed sometimes the lash itself drives the girl into shock. Then sedations and drugs are called for."
"Assassin of Gor" page 128

"Stand quietly, the judge warned her, or you will be forced to drink a sedative."
"Nomads of Gor" page 121

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Sleeping Powder

"Kamchak said nothing, but then he got up and from a chest in the wagon he took forth a goblet and filled it with an amber fluid, which he shook a dark, bluish powder. He then took Elizabeth Cardwel in his left arm and with his right hand gave her the drink. Her eyes were freightened, but she drank. In a few moments she was asleep."
"Nomads of Gor" page 61/2

Sip Root

"I held the object before her. She regarded it with dismay, I have already chewed sip root within the moon, she said. She did not need the sip root of course for as she had pointed out she had had some within the moon and indeed the effect of sip root in the raw state in most women is three or four moons." Blood Brothers of Gor pg 319.

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Slave Wine

"In the concentrated state, as in slave wine, developed by the caste of physicians, the effect is almost indefinite, usually requiring a releaser for its remission, usually administered, to a slave, in what is called the breeding wine, or the “second wine.”"
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 319

"Slave wine is bitter intentionally so. Its effect last for more than a Gorean month. I did not wish the females to conceive, A female slave is taken off slave wine only when it is her Masters intention to breed her."
"Marauders of Gor" page 23/4

"He proffered me a cup and I with one hand holding the blanket about me with the other drank its contents. It was a foul brew but I downed it. I did not know at the time but it was slave wine. Men sledom breed upon their slave girls."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 69

"Have you had your slave wine?" asked Ina. "Yes," I said. This is not really wine, or an alcoholic beverage. It is called slave wine I think for the amusement of the Masters. It is extremely bitter. One draught of the substance is reputed to last until the administration of an appropriate releaser. In spite of this belief however or perhaps in deference to tradition, lingering from earlier times, in which, it seems less reliable slave wines were available, doses of this foul stuff are usually administered to female slaves at regular intervals usually once or twice a year. Some girls rather cynical ones, I suspect speculate that the Masters give it to them more often than necessary just because they enjoy watching them down the terrible stuff."
"Dancer of Gor" page 174

"As a slave, of course, I could be bred or crossed, when, and however, my master might see fit. It is the same with other animals. (...)
When the girl is taken to the breeding cell or breeding stall, she is normally hooded. Her selected mate is also hooded. In this fashion personal attachments are precluded. She is not there to know in whose arms she lies, or piteously, and in misery, to fall in love, but to be impregnated. And in accord with the prescribed anonymity of the breeding, as would be expected, the slaves do not speak to one another. They may be slain if they do. Their coupling is public, of course, in the sense that the master, or usually, masters, and sometimes others, whether in an official capacity or not, are present, to make any pertinent payments or determinations."
"Dancer of Gor" page 175

"What is it? I asked, startled. It seemed he had produced this almost by magic. It was a soft, leather botalike flask, drawn from within his tunic. Slave wine he said. Need I drink that? I asked, apprehensively. Unless you have had slave wine, he said, I have no intention of taking you through the streets clad as you are. Suppose you are raped. I put the flask, which he had opened, to my lips. Its opening was large enough to drink freely from. It is bitter! I said, touching my lips to it. It is the standard concentration, and dosage, he said, plus a little more, for assurance. Its effect is indefinite, but it is normally renewed annually, primarily for symbolic purposes. I could not believe how bitter it was. I had learned from Susan, whom I had once questioned on the matter, the objectives and nature of slave wine. It is prepared from a derivative of sip root. The formula, too, I had learned, at the insistence of masters and slavers, had been improved by the caste of physicians within the last few years. It was now, for most practical purposes, universally effective. Too, as Drusus Rencius had mentioned, its effects, at least for most practical purposes, lasted indefinitely. Have no fear, said Drusus Rencius. The abatement of its effects is reliably achieved by the ingestion of a releaser."
"Kajira of Gor" page 130

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Tassa Powder

"I had been forced, sitting in the courtyard, my head back and nose held, to swallow a draft of water, into which a reddish powder had been mixed. I had shortly thereafter lost consciousness."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 222

"In the courtyard below, I said, I was drugged. It was done by tassa powder, she said. It was tasteless, and effective, I said. Slavers sometimes use it, she said. It is well for a girl not to drink with a strange man, she laughed. It shows up, of course, I said, in water. It is ment to be mixed with red wine, she said."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 224

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"The active ingredient of breeding wine or second wine is a derivative of teslik."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 320

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Yellow medicine

"Kamchak and I waited until the string had been chewed. When Kamchak had finished he held out his right hand and a man, not a Tuchuk, who wore the green robes of the Caste of Physicians, thrust in his hand a goblet of bosk horn; it contained some yellow fluid. Angrily, not concealing his distaste, Kutaituchik drained the goblet and then hurled it from him."
"Nomads of Gor" page 44

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Priest-Kings's Ointment

"“The ointment will soon be absorbed,” she said. “In a few minutes there will be no trace of it, nor of the cuts.” I whistled. “The physicians of Treve,” I said, “have marvelous medicines.”"
"Priest Kings of Gor" page 64

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Priest-Kings Medicine

"I would later learn that these rays, which passed through my body as easily and harmlessly as sunlight through glass, were indexed to the metabolic physiology of various organisms which can infect Priest-Kings. I would also learn that the last known free instance of such an organism had occured more than four thousand years before. In the next few weeks in the Nest I would occasionally come upon diseased Muls. The organisms which afflict them are apparently harmless to Priest-Kings and thus allowed to survive."
"Priest-Kings of Gor" page 108

"I looked about the room, turning my head painfully, and saw that the room was some sort of operating chamber, filled with instrumentation, with racks of delicate tongs and knives. In one corner there was a large drumlike machine with a pressurized door which might have been a sterilizer."
"Priest-Kings of Gor" page 253

"Who has done this? I asked. I, said Parp. The operation is not as difficult as you might expect and I have performed it many times. He is a member of the Caste of Physicians, said Kusk, and his manual dexterity is superior even to that of Priest Kings."
"Priest-Kings of Gor" page 254

"You are seeing through the eyes of an Implanted One, said Sarm. I gasped. Sarm's antennae curled. Yes, he said, the pupil of his eyes have been replaced with lenses and a control net and transmitting device have been fused with his brian tissue. He himself is now unconscious for the control net is activated. Later we will allow him to rest, and he will see and hear and think again for himself. (...)
Can he disobey you? I asked.
"Sometimes there is a struggle to resist the net or regain consciousness," said Sarm.
"Could a man so resist you that he could throw off the power of the net?"
"I doubt it, said Sarm," unless the net were faulty.
"If it could be done," I said, "what would you do?"
"It is a simple matter," said Sarm, "to overload the net's power capacity."
"You would kill the man?" "It is only a human," said Sarm."
"Priest-Kings of Gor" page 136/7

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Anesthetic dards

"Shall I hold again the vial beneath her nose?" I asked. Soaked in a rag and scarf and held under the nose and mouth of a female it can render her unconscious in five Ihn. She squirms wildly for an Ihn or two, and then sluggishly, and then falls limp. It is sometimes used by tarnsmen; it is often used by slavers. Anesthetic darts, too, are sometimes used in the taking of females; these may be flung, or entered into her body by hand; they take effect in about forty Ihn; she awakens often, stripped, in a slave kennel."
"Marauders of Gor" page 116

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Blood Transfusion

"I sprang to my feet and ran to the door. Flaminius! I cried. Flaminius! A slave running past stopped on my command. Fetch Flaminius! I cried. He must bring blood! Sura must live! The slave hurtled down the hall. Flaminius came in but a few moments. With him he carried the apparatus of his craft, and a cannister of fluid."
"Assassin of Gor" page 380

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Tube feeding

"How long were we unconscious?" I asked.
"With tube feedings, of broth mixed with tassa, five days," she said."
"Players of Gor" page 87

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Orthopedic Care

"One of the girls was moaning and holding her left arm tightly against her body. It must have been severly bruised, if not broken. If it were broken it could be set, and she could then be returned to the cage."
"Vagabonds of Gor" page 459

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Teeth care

"A filling found in a tooth is usually a sign of an Earth girl. It is not an infallible sign, however, for not all Earth girls have fillings and some dental work is done upon occasion by the caste of physicians on Gorean girls. Cavities are rare in Goreans because of their simple diet and the general absence of cruel emotional stress, with its physiological and chemical consequences, during puberty."
"Beasts of Gor" page 154/5

"As a child I had had some fillings in the molar area, on the lower left side. “They are common in barbarians,” said the first man. “ Yes,” said Durbar. “But, those of the caste of physicians can do such things. I have seen them in some Gorean girls.” “That is true,” admitted the first man. These fellows must also know that doubtless such things might be found occasionally in the mouths of some Gorean men. On the other hand, of course, they would not have been likely to have seen them there. They would have seen them, presumably, only in the mouths of girls, slaves. One of the things that a master commonly checks in a female he is considering buying is the number and condition of her teeth."
"Kajira of Gor" page 258

"On a rounded wooden block a naked slave girl knelt, her wrists braceleted behind her. Her head was back. One of the physicians was cleaning her teeth."
"Beasts of Gor" page 54

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Head Wounds

"There was a small sound of pain. He had apparently been left for dead and was only now recovering consciousness. His grey garment with its scarlet strip of cloth on the shoulder was stained with blood. I unbuckled the helmet strap and gently removed the helmet. One side of the helmet had been cracked open, perhaps by the blow of an ax. The helmet straps, the leather inside, and the blond hair of the soldier were soaked with his blood. He was not much more than a boy." ..."Don't struggle, I said to him, looking at the wound. The helmet had largely absorbed the blow but the blade of the striking instrument had creased the skull, accounting for the flow of blood. Most likely the force of the blow had rendered him unconscious and the blood had suggested to his assailant that the job was finished. His assailant had apparently not been a warrior. With a portion of Lara's cloak I bound the wound. It was clean and not deep."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 217

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Other Wounds

"A physician entered the booth, with his kit slung over the shoulder of his green robes. He began to attend to the merchant.(...) When the Physician had finished the cleansing, chemical sterilization and dressing of the merchants wounds, he left. With him the majority of the watchers withdrew as well. The Scribe had paid the Physician from a small iron box, taken from a locked trunk, a tarsk bit."
"Beasts of Gor" page 104

"The hunting arrow, incidentally, has a long, tapering point, and this point is firmly fastened to the shaft. This makes it easier to withdraw the arrow from its target. The war arrow, on the other hand, uses an arrowhead whose base is either angled backwards, forming barbs, or cut straight across, the result in both cases being to make the arrow difficult to extract from a wound. The head of the war arrow, too, is fastened less securely to the shaft than is that of the hunting arrow. The point thus by intent, if the shaft is pulled out, is likely to linger in the wound. Sometimes it is possible to thrust the arrow through the body, break off the point and then withdraw the shaft backwards. At other times, if the point becomes dislodged in the body, it is common to seek it with a bone or greenwood probe, and then, when one has found it, attempt to work it free with a knife. There are cases where men have survived this. Much depends, of course, on the location of the point."
"Savages of Gor" page 40

"I had used simple-pile arrows, which may be withdrawn from a wound. The simple pile gives greater penetration. Had I used a broad-headed arrow, or the Tuchuk barbed arrow, one would, in removing it, commonly thrust the arrow completely through the wound, drawing it out feathers last. One is accordingly, in such a case, less likely to lose the point in the body."
"Raiders of Gor" page 79

"She was gasping. Some six inches of the arrow, five inches feathered, protruded from her shoulder." ..."I lifted her from the cruel pinion. She fell to her knees. Now, the arrow gone her two wounds began to bleed. She shuddered. I would permit some blood to wash from the wound, cleaning it." ..."Then I knelt beside her and, with those sknins I had taken from her, bound her wound." ..."She was sick from he wound, and loss of blood. She fainted as I had carried her."
"Hunters of Gor" page 112

"I found Flaminius, the Physician, in his quarters, and he obligingly, though drunk, treated the arm which Ho-Tu had slashed with the hook knife. The wound was not at all serious. The games of Kajurilia can be dangerous, remarked Flaminius, swiftly wrapping a white cloth about the wound, securing it with four small metal snap clips."
"Assassin of Gor" page 264

"Return him to his kennel, she said. Put balm on his wounds."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 207

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Suturing Wounds

"Using the dagger as an awl, punching through the flesh, and the long lacing from the lance head, while Hassan held together the edges of the ripped furrows, I crudely sewed together the rent bloodied meat before me."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 263

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Binding Wounds

"Free Women, and even some Turian slave girls, went to and fro, bringing water and, here and there, where there was point in it, binding wounds."
"Nomads of Gor" page 263

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Artificial Insemination

"I have never been in the arms of a man before, she said, for the men of Tharna may not touch women. I must have looked puzzled. The Caste of Physicians, she said, under the direction of the High Council of Tharna, arranges these matters."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 106

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"The tiny baby, not minutes old, with tiny gasps and coughs, still startled and distressed with the sharp, frightful novelty of breathing air, never again to return to the shelter of its mothers body, lost in a chaos of sensation, its eyes not focused, unable scarcely to turn its head from side to side, lay before him. The cord had been cut and tied at its belly. Its tiny legs and arms moved. The blood the membranes and fluids had been wiped from its small hot red firm body. Then it had been rubbed with animal fat."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 46

"Their babies are not born with a blue spot at the base of the spine (Red Savages), as in the case with most of the Red Hunters."
"Savages of Gor" page 35

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"A familiar bit of advice given by bold Gorean physicians to free women who consult them about their frigidity is, to their scandal, “Learn slave dance.” Another bit of advice, usually given to a free woman being ushered out of his office by a physician impatient with her imaginary ailments is, “Become a slave.” Frigidity, of course, is not accepted in slaves. If nothing else, it will be beaten out of their beautiful hides by whips."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 260

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"Their daughters menstruate earlier" (than the Red Hunters' daughters)
"Savages of Gor" page 35

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"Our Physicians ascertained, said he. That she is only a red silk girl."
"Assassin of Gor" page 45

"Tamirus approached me. He wore green robes. I did not know at that time but this indicated he was of the Caste of Physicians.
"Throw your legs apart or we will do this differently." Tamirus was careful with me and gentle. He checked twice delicately.
"It is certified by the House of Hendow," he said, "the slave is a virgin."
Tamirus was signing a paper He replaced the pen in the inkhorn, which closed the horn, shook the paper a bit and held it up. A fellow near him handed it to Mirus.
"Here is the signed attestation," said Mirus"
"Dancer of Gor" page 188

"The buyers were also informed that I was `glana' or a virgin. The correlated term is `metaglana,' used to designate the state to which the glana state looks forward, or that which it is regarded as anticipating. Though the word was not used of me I was also `profalarina', which term designates the state preceding, and anticipating, that of `falarina,' the state Goreans seem to think of as that of being a full woman, or, at least, as those of Earth might think of it, one who certainly is no longer a virgin. In both terms, `glana' and `profalarina,' incidentally, it seems that the states they designate are regarded as immature or transitory, state to be succeeded by more fully developed, superior states, those of `metaglana' or `falarina.' Among slaves, not free women, these things are sometimes spoken of along the lines as to whether or not the girl as been `opened' for the uses of men. Other common terms, used generally of slaves, are `white silk' and `red silk', for girls who have not yet been opened, or have been opened, for the uses of men, respectively."
"Dancer of Gor" page 128

"Glana denotes the state of virginity and metaglana dentotes the state succeding viginity."
"Savages of Gor" page 203

"Another way of drawing distinction is in terms of falarina and profalarina. Profalarina designates the state preceding falarina which is the state of a woman who has been penetrated at least once by a male."
"Savages of Gor" page 203

"If you should prove unusual in some respect, although this is extremely rare," I said, "We can tomorrow, grind one of Grunts trading knives into a lancet".
"I understand." She shuddered. This seemed to me better than leaving the matter to the red savages. They tend to be impatient in such respects, even with their own women. A homemade lancet, sterilized in boiling water, seemed preferable to a sharpened kailiauk bone or a whittled lodge peg."
"Savages of Gor" page 173

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Children Care

"Another habit of nomads, or of nomad mothers, is to frequently bathe small childeren, even if it is only with a cloth and a cup of water. There is a very low infant mortality rate among nomads, in spite of their limited diet and harsh environment."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 171 "It might be of interest to note that childeren of the nomads are suckled for some eighteen months, which is nearly twice the normal length of time for Earth infants, and half again the normal time for Gorean infants."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 170
"A woman, veiled, passed me. She held a baby inside her cloak, nursing it. I continued down the sloping street, toward the bazaar and market."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 41

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Veterinary care

"The zadit is a small, tawny-feathered, sharp-billed bird. It feeds on insects. When sand flies and other insects, emergent after rains, infest kaiila, they frequently alight on the animals, and remain on them for some hours, hunting insects. This relieves the kaiila of the insects but leaves it with numerous small wounds, which are unpleasant and irritating, where the bird has dug insects out of its hide. These tiny wounds, if they become infected, turn into sores; these sores are treated by the drovers with poultices of kaiila dung."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 152

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