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1977-84 Galasso
Glossy Greats Checklist

This standard sized set was issued in six series over six years. The first four series were produced by TCMA and the last two were produced by Renata Galasso. Renata Galasso, a hobby dealer, offered each series as a free bonus for ordering a hand-collated Topps set.


     1      Joe DiMagiio         New York Yankees         
     2      Ralph Kiner          Chicago Cubs             
     3      Don Larsen           Baltimore Orioles        
     4      Robin  Roberts       Philadelphia Phillies     
     5      Roy Campanella       Brooklyn Dodgers         
     6      Smoky Burgess        Pittsburgh Pirates       
     7      Mickey Mantle        New York Yankees         
     8      Willie Mays          New York Giants          
     9      George Kell          Boston Red Sox           
     10     Ted Williams         Boston Red Sox           
     11     Carl Furillo         Brooklyn Dodgers         
     12     Bob Feller           Cleveland Indians        
     13     Casey Stengel        New York Yankees         
     14     Richie Ashburn       Philadelphia Phillies     
     15     Gil Hodges           Brooklyn Dodgers         
     16     Stan Musial          St. Louis Cardinals      
     17     Don Newcombe         Brooklyn Dodgers         
     18     Jackie Jensen        Boston Red Sox           
     19     Lou Boudreau         Cleveland Indians        
     20     Jackie Robinson      Brooklyn Dodgers         
     21     Billy Goodman        Boston Red Sox           
     22     Satchel Paige        St. Louis Browns         
     23     Hoyt Wilhelm         New York Giants          
     24     Duke Snider          Los Angeles Dodgers      
     25     Whitey Ford          New York Yankees         
     26     Monte Irvin          New York Giants          
     27     Hank Sauer           Chicago Cubs             
     28     Sal Maglie           New York Giants          
     29     Ernie Banks          Chicago Cubs             
     30     Billy Pierce         Chicago White Sox        
     31     Pee Wee Reese        Brooklyn Dodgers         
     32     Al Lopez             Chicago White Sox        
     33     Allie Reynolds       New York Yankees         
     34     Eddie Mathews        Boston Braves            
     35     Al Rosen             Cleveland Indians        
     36     Early Wynn           Cleveland Indians        
     37     Phil Rizzuto         New York Yankees         
     38     Warren Spahn         Boston Braves            
     39     Bobby Thomson        New York Giants          
     40     Enos Slaughter       New York Yankees         
     41     Roberto Clemente     Pittsburgh Pirates       
     42     Luis Aparcio         Chicago White Sox        
     43     Roy Sievers          Washington Senators      
     44     Hank Aaron           Milwaukee Braves         
     45     Mickey Vernon        Washington Senators      
     46     Lou Gehrig           New York Yankees         
     47     Lefty O'Doul         New York Giants          
     48     Chuck Klein          Pittsburgh Pirates       
     49     Paul Waner           Pittsburgh Pirates       
     50     Mel Ott              New York Giants          
     51     Riggs Stephenson     Chicago Cubs             
     52     Dizzy Dean           St. Louis Cardinals      
     53     Frankie Frisch       St. Louis Cardinals      
     54     Red Ruffing          New York Yankees         
     55     Lefty Grove          Philadelphia Athletics     
     56     Heinie Manush        Pittsburgh Pirates       
     57     Jimmie Foxx          Boston Red Sox           
     58     Al Simmons           Philadelphia Athletics     
     59     Charlie Root         Chicago Cubs             
     60     Goose Goslin         Detroit Tigers           
     61     Mickey Cochrane      Detroit Tigers           
     62     Gabby Hartnett       Chicago Cubs             
     63     Ducky Medwick        St. Louis Cardinals      
     64     Ernie Lombardi       Cincinnati Reds          
     65     Joe Cronin           Boston Red Sox           
     66     Pepper Martin        St. Louis Cardinals      
     67     Jim Bottomley        St. Louis Browns         
     68     Bill Dickey          New York Yankees         
     69     Babe Ruth            Boston Braves            
     70     Joe McCarthy         New York Yankees         
     71     Doc Cramer           Philadelphia Athletics     
     72     Kiki Cuyler          Chicago Cubs             
     73     Johnny Vander Meer   Cincinnati Reds          
     74     Paul Derringer       Cincinnati Reds          
     75     Freddie Fitzsimmons  Brooklyn Dodgers         
     76     Lefty Gomez          New York Yankees         
     77     Arky Vaughn          Pittsburgh Pirates       
     78     Stan Hack            Chicago Cubs             
     79     Earl Averill         Cleveland Indians        
     80     Luke Appling         Chicago White Sox        
     81     Mel Harder           Cleveland Indians        
     82     Hank Greenberg       Detroit Tigers           
     83     Schoolboy Rowe       Detroit Tigers           
     84     Bill Herman          Chicago Cubs             
     85     Gabby Street         St. Louis Cardinals      
     86     Lloyd Waner          Pittsburgh Pirates       
     87     Jocko Conlon                   
     88     Carl Hubbell         New York Giants          
     89     Checklist 1-45       Checklist                
     90     Checklist 46-90      Checklist                
     91     Babe Ruth            New York Yankees         
     92     Rogers Hornsby       St. Louis Cardinals      
     93     Edd Roush            Cincinnati Reds          
     94     George Sisler        St. Louis Browns         
     95     Harry Heilmann       Detroit Tigers           
     96     Tris Speaker         Cleveland Indians        
     97     Burleigh Grimes      Brooklyn Dodgers         
     98     John McGraw          New York Giants          
     99     Eppa Rixey           Cincinnati Reds          
     100    Ty Cobb              Detroit Tigers           
     101    Zack Wheat           Brooklyn Dodgers         
     102    Pie Traynor          Pittsburgh Pirates       
     103    Max Carey            Pittsburgh Pirates       
     104    Dazzy Vance          Brooklyn Dodgers         
     105    Walter Johnson       Washington Senators      
     106    Herb Pennock         New York Yankees         
     107    Joe Sewell           Cleveland Indians        
     108    Sam Rice             Washington Senators      
     109    Earle Combs          New York Yankees         
     110    Ted Lyons            Chicago White Sox        
     111    Eddie Collins        Philadelphia Athletics     
     112    Bill Terry           New York Giants          
     113    Hack Wilson          New York Giants          
     114    Rabbit Maranville    Boston Braves            
     115    Charlie Grimm        Chicago Cubs             
     116    Tony Lazzeri         New York Yankees         
     117    Waite Hoyt           New York Yankees         
     118    Stan Coveleski       Cleveland Indians        
     119    George Kelly         New York Giants          
     120    Jimme Dykes          Philadelphia Phillies     
     121    Red Faber            Chicago White Sox        
     122    Dave Bancroft        Brooklyn Dodgers         
     123    Judge Landis                   
     124    Branch Rickey        St. Louis Browns         
     125    Jesse Haines         St. Louis Cardinals      
     126    Carl Mays            New York Yankees         
     127    Fred Lindstrom       New York Giants          
     128    Miller Huggins       New York Yankees         
     129    Sad Sam Jones        Boston Red Sox           
     130    Joe Judge            Washington Senators      
     131    Ross Young           New York Giants          
     132    Bucky Harris         Washington Senators      
     133    Bob Meusel           New York Yankees         
     134    Billy Evans                    
     135    Checklist 91-135     Checklist                
     136    Ty Cobb              Detroit Tigers           
     137    Larry Lajoie         Cleveland Indians        
     138    Tris Speaker         Cleveland Indians        
     139    Heinie Groh          Cincinnati Reds          
     140    Sam Crawford         Detroit Tigers           
     141    Clyde Milan          Washington Senators      
     142    Chief Bender         Philadelphia Athletics     
     143    Big Ed Walsh         Boston Braves            
     144    Walter Johnson       Washington Senators      
     145    Connie Mack          Philadelphia Athletics     
     146    Hal Chase            New York Yankees         
     147    Hugh Duffy           Boston Red Sox           
     148    Honus Wagner         Pittsburgh Pirates       
     149    Tom Connolly                   
     150    Clark Griffith       New York Yankees         
     151    Zack Wheat           Brooklyn Dodgers         
     152    Christy Mathewson    New York Giants          
     153    Grover Cleveland Ale Philadelphia Phillies     
     154    Joe Jackson          Cleveland Indians        
     155    Home Run Baker       Philadelphia Athletics     
     156    Ed Plank             Philadelphia Athletics     
     157    Larry Doyle          New York Giants          
     158    Rube Marquard        New York Giants          
     159    John Evers           Chicago Cubs             
     160    Joe Tinker           Chicago Cubs             
     161    Frank Chance         Chicago Cubs             
     162    Wilbert Robinson     Brooklyn Robins          
     163    Roger Peckinpaugh    New York Yankees         
     164    Fred Clarke          Pittsburgh Pirates       
     165    Babe Ruth            Boston Red Sox           
     166    Wilbur Cooper        Pittsburgh Pirates       
     167    Germany Schaefer     Washington Senators      
     168    Addie Joss           Cleveland Indians        
     169    Cy Young             Cleveland Indians        
     170    Ban Johnson                    
     171    Joe Judge            Washington Senators      
     172    Harry Hooper         Boston Red Sox           
     173    Bill Klem                      
     174    Ed Barrow            Boston Red Sox           
     175    Ed Cicotte           Chicago White Sox        
     176    Hughie Jennings      Detroit Tigers           
     177    Ray Schalk           Chicago White Sox        
     178    Nick Altrock         Washington Senators      
     179    Roger Bresnahan      St. Louis Cardinals      
     180    Checklist 136-180    Checklist                
     181    Lou Gehrig           New York Yankees         
     182    Eddie Collins        Philadelphia Athletics     
     183    Art Fletcher         New York Yankees         
     184    Jimmie Foxx          Philadelphia Athletics     
     185    Lefty Gomez          Washington Senators      
     186    Oral Hildebrand      Cleveland Indians        
     187    General Crowder      Washington Senators      
     188    Bill Dickey          New York Yankees         
     189    Wes Ferrell          Cleveland Indians        
     190    Al Simmons           Philadelphia Athletics     
     191    Tony Lazzeri         New York Yankees         
     192    Sam West             St. Louis Browns         
     193    Babe Ruth            New York Yankees         
     194    Connie Mack                    
     195    Lefty Grove          Philadelphia Athletics     
     196    Eddie Rommel         Philadelphia Athletics     
     197    Ben Chapman          New York Yankees         
     198    Joe Cronin           Boston Red Sox           
     199    Rich Ferrell         Boston Red Sox           
     200    Charlie Gehringer    Detroit Tigers           
     201    Jimmy Dykes          Chicago White Sox        
     202    Earl Averill         Cleveland Indians        
     203    Pepper Martin        St. Louis Cardinals      
     204    Bill Terry           New York Giants          
     205    Pie Traynor          Pittsburgh Pirates       
     206    Gabby Hartnett       Chicago Cubs             
     207    Frank Frisch         St. Louis Cardinals      
     208    Carl Hubbell         New York Giants          
     209    Paul Waner           Pittsburgh Pirates       
     210    Woody English        Chicago Cubs             
     211    Bill Hallahan        St. Louis Cardinals      
     212    Dick Bartell         New York Giants          
     213    Bill McKechnie       Cleveland Indians        
     214    Max Carey            Pittsburgh Pirates       
     215    John McGraw                    
     216    Jimmie Wilson        Philadelphia Phillies     
     217    Chick Hafey          St. Louis Cardinals      
     218    Chuck Klein          Philadelphia Phillies     
     219    Lefty O'Doul         Brooklyn Dodgers         
     220    Wally Berger         Philadelphia Phillies     
     221    Hal Schumacher       New York Giants          
     222    Lon Warenke          Chicago Cubs             
     223    Tony Cuccinello      New York Giants          
     224    1933 National League           
     225    1933 American League           
     226    Roger Maris          New York Yankees         
     227    Babe Ruth            New York Yankees         
     228    Jackie Robinson      Brooklyn Dodgers         
     229    Pete Gray            St. Louis Browns         
     230    Ted Williams         Boston Red Sox           
     231    Hank Aaron           Milwaukee Braves         
     232    Mickey Mantle        New York Yankees         
     233    Gil Hodges           Brooklyn Dodgers         
     234    Walter Johnson       Washington Nationals     
     235    Joe DiMaggio         New York Yankees         
     236    Lou Gehrig           New York Yankees         
     237    Stan Musial          St. Louis Cardinals      
     238    Mickey Cochrane      Detroit Tigers           
     239    Denny McLain         Detroit Tigers           
     240    Carl Hubbell         New York Giants          
     241    Harvey Haddix        Pittsburgh Pirates       
     242    Christy Mathewson    New York Giants          
     243    Johnny Vander Meer   Cincinnati Reds          
     244    Sandy Koufax         Brooklyn Dodgers         
     245    Willie Mays          New York Giants          
     246    Don Drysdale         Los Angeles Dodgers      
     247    Bobby Richardson     New York Yankees         
     248    Hoyt Wilhelm         Cleveland Indians        
     249    Yankee Stadium                 
     250    Bill Terry           New York Giants          
     251    Roy Campanella       Brooklyn Dodgers         
     252    Roberto Clemente     Pittsburgh Pirates       
     253    Casey Stengel        New York Yankees         
     254    Ernie Banks          Chicago Cubs             
     255    Bobby Thomson        New York Giants          
     256    Mel Ott              New York Giants          
     257    Tony Oliva           Minnesota Twins          
     258    Satchel Paige        Cleveland Indians        
     259    Joe Jackson          Chicago White Sox        
     260    Larry Lajoie         Cleveland Naps           
     261    Bill Mazerowski      Pittsburgh Pirates       
     262    Bill Wambsganss      Cleveland Indians        
     263    Willie McCovey       San Francisco Giants     
     264    Warren Spahn         Boston Braves            
     265    Lefty Gomez          New York Giants          
     266    Dazzy Vance          Brooklyn Dodgers         
     267    Sam Crawford         Detroit Tigers           
     268    Tris Speaker         Boston Red Sox           
     269    Lou Brock            St. Louis Cardinals      
     270    Cy Young             Cleveland Naps