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1984 TMCA
Baseball's All-Time All Star Teams Checklist

This standard sized un-numbered set features nine National League and nine American League all star legends. The National Leaguers have a blue front border and the American Leaguers have a red front border.


     Ernie Banks          Chicago Cubs             
     Lou Boudreau         Cleveland Indians        
     Ken Boyer            St. Louis Cardinals      
     Roberto Clemente     Pittsburgh Pirates       
     Rocky Colavito       Detroit Tigers           
     Bill Dickey          New York Yankees         
     Nellie Fox           Chicago White Sox        
     Jimmie Foxx          Boston Red Sox           
     Dick Groat           Pittsburgh Pirates       
     Mel Harder           Kansas City Royals       
     Billy Herman         Chicago Cubs             
     Ernie Lombardi       Cincinnati Reds          
     Al Kaline            Detroit Tigers           
     Juan Marichal        San Francisco Giants     
     Willie Mays          Brooklyn Dodgers         
     Stan Musial          St. Louis Cardinals      
     Brooks Robinson      Baltimore Orioles        
     Ted Williams         Boston Red Sox