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1991 Games Systems
Baseball Legends Checklist

This set is in playing card format with rounded corners and four suits. The set features thirteen baseball legends. Each player has four cards. One from each suit. There is a header card, a game card with rules the same as Go Fish and a set definition card. The back of each card shows “Casey at the Bat’.


     Ace    Ty Cobb              Detroit Tigers     
     2      Babe Ruth            New York Yankees         
     3      Lou Gerhig           New York Yankees         
     4      Henry Aaron          Milwaukee Braves         
     5      Satchel Paige        St Louis Browns        
     6      Jimmie Foxx          Boston Red Sox     
     7      Rogers Hornsby       St. Louis Cardinals      
     8      Stan Musial          St. Louis Cardinals      
     9      Walter Johnson       Washington Senators      
     10     John (Honus) Wagner  Pittsburgh Pirates     
     Jack   Roberto Clemente     Pittsburgh Pirates       
     Queen  Christy Mathewson    New York Giants          
     King   Cy Young             Cleveland Naps     
            Baseball Legends Title  
            Baseball Game Card    
            Rules for the Game