A letter to my visitors...

Privet druz'ya! Hello friends!

First of all thank you for stopping by. As you will notice my page is not a typical gymnastics page. When I named it Russian Gymnastics I meant it far more broadly than just being about gymnastics. It is a lot about Russian culture as well. Have you ever wondered by looking at Russian gymnasts (or any other from the former Soviet Union) what stood behind their smiles and emotions? Did you want to find out more about true life in Russia (or USSR)? That is what I meant to accomplish when I created my page. Hopefully when you absorb the information found here it will help you to understand that mysterious Russian soul.

I do not like being repetitive and try to avoid standards. Therefore I try to provide unique information that will open your eyes. When I translate the interviews or articles I strive for the precise word-by-word translation. The outcome might not be perfect, but there is nothing worse than an adapted, dry translation, don't you think? It may seem I do not have too many things here yet, only because all together it is a long process. Little by little this page will grow. I always look for further suggestions, ideas, and contributions, so if you feel like it - drop me a line!

Enjoy browsing!

Vladimir Gurov

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