Leonid Arkayev and Svetlana Khorkina:
Interviews to Sovetskiy Sport in Lausanne 1997

Sovetskiy Sport, September 9, 1997
Translated by Vladimir Gurov

Leonid Arkaev

"He could not hold back tears. During the women all-around this famous person behaved like a lion (no wonder why his friends call him Lyova [lion]). He yelled, sometimes even swore, he boiled as a volcano, and was ready to jump from the second level of the arena. Arkaev, who could not accept the word "defeat," was out of himself. Probably, the first time during these years his intuition - that his girls will be the best anyway - failed. Of course later he said he knew his girls would win but it was not too convincing."

"Sovetskiy Sport": Leonid Yakovlevich, why could not Sveta excel in the all-around in Atlanta while here she was three times in first place?

Leonid Arkaev: Her acrobatics suffered from the constant pain in her back. Together with her coach Boris Vasil'evich Pilkin we started to work on her floor excercise and vault. Nataliya Sergeyeva choreographed her floor exercise routine. Today Sveta is a strong gymnast without weak events.

"SS": Who does Khorkina remind you - Turischeva, Boginskaya, Comaneci?

LA: You know, one can find the characteristics of the gymnasts of the past in every new champion today. Sveta is like Nadia Comaneci because she fights to the end. Actually, Lyuda Turischeva was also like that. Still, Sveta has her own, unique style that the audience likes. She is very charming, a real modern young woman.

"SS": What is the difference between these championships and Atlanta?

LA: Tighter struggle for the prize-winning places. The difference between the winning scores now is minimal, thousands of a point.

"SS": What is the difference between Sveta, Simona [Amanar] and Lena [Produnova]?

LA: Today they were basically equal. I congratulate them all.

"SS": Are you stunned by what happened?

LA: I am not stunned, I am simply happy!

Courtesy of Amanda Turner Gymn Photography

Svetlana Khorkina

After the team "silver", Svetlana Khorkina told us she was not satisfied with the judging. "Everybody had mistakes but the judges tended to notice more of them in us." After becoming the all-around world champion she, naturally, did not complain.

"SS": What did help you to make through the finals?

SKh: A day before I called home to Belgorod. Talked to my mom. It was enough for me to win.

"SS": What were you thinking about before the bars, your final event?

SKh: If I chalked the bars well. I was telling myself it was not the last event yet.

"SS": Is it harder to compete in team all-around?

SKh: Yes. There I worry not only for myself but also for the other five girls.

"SS": Which is your happiest day?

SKh: January 19, 1979, the day when I was born.

"SS": Are you thinking about Sydney?

SKh: Right now I am thinking about the event finals tomorrow. That's all, I am going to sleep.

Leonid Arkaev after the championships:

Excited and happy he was telling the Russian journalists: "Rebyata (guys), we are the first anyway, can't you see we simply "killed" them all. All of our competitors are in shock. And we will not settle down just here yet!"

Ivan Ivankov a day before the all-around finals:

"I'll do them [the competitors] all. I am very angry."
["Angry" after missing the Olympics, torn achilles, six months unable to practice.]

On Aleksei Bondarenko

"Settled down after taking "silver". Hit the injured rib when fell off the high bar. Gained experience, his "silver" is a good start to world gymnastics. His coaches Valery Alfosov and Vladimir Artamonov from "Dinamo - MGFSK" club are leading the talented guy to Sydney."

Thanks to Nastya Yudina for providing the material.

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Since Dec. 8, 1997