Grand Canyon Project:
Day Twenty-Two
Monday May 29, 2000


We have traveled 5339 miles!

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"No twisters today, Toto."

As the waving wheatfields passed by our van,  we began our final day of travel together as part of the Grand Canyon Project. Amy is on her way to Mennonite Voluntary Service retreat at Knob Noster State Park in Missouri while Jane will make her way back to Evansville.

Matt slingin' dairy products

We had one stop to make before the end, however. We went to visit our former co-worker Matt Busby at Gene’s IGA in Anthony, Kansas where he’s currently employed. We checked out the dairy section that he manages, met John, his boss, drank a bottle of lizard fuel and bought a roll of white chocolate chip cookie dough. We checked out the garden he’s planted in back of his home, then we were off to find Matt’s favorite restaurant in Wichita, Piccadilly’s Grill.

Matt's Garden
Gene's IGA
...& After

At the end of the day we’d arrived at VS retreat with a van full of all the stuff we’d collected. Creativity is messy business, and the van showed it. Jane was determined to show David that she COULD be organized, so we repacked it nicely.

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