Frank A. Morgan
		   Former Lyceum Bureau Head, Dies 

Frank A. Morgan, 7216 Jeffrey Avenue, former head of Mutual Lyceum
bureau, died yesterday at a rest home at 10361 South Wood Street,
after an illness of several years.  He was 72 years old.  Until his
retirement several years ago, Morgan was active in music circles.  He
was born in Keokuk County, Ia. and attended Drake and Yale

The Chicago Daily Tribune, Mon. Nov. 19, 1934, p. 20.
Located & typed by D. Nicklaus, 1995.

			   Frank A. Morgan

The Scroll, in the last issue, reports the death of Frank A. Morgan,
at the age of 72, in Chicago, on Nov. 18.  Mr. Morgan graduated from
Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, in 1888, and from the Yale
divinity School in 1902.  He held pastorates at Akron, O., and at
Terre Haute and La Porte, Ind.  He later organized the Mutual Lycoum
Bureau in Chicago, and was one of the founders of the Bryn Mawr
Community Church in Chicago.  He was the editor of the Inter-Church

The Christian-Evangelist Dec. 27, 1934


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