C. S. Sprague, grain stock and coal merchant, Sterling.  Mr. Sprague was born 
and reared in Franklin County, Ohio, and removed to Iowa, in 1854, where he 
was identified with farming industry till the breaking out of the war, when he 
enlisted his services in Company F, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and 
remained in active service till the end of the war, when he was honorably 
discharged as veteran of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry.  In 1863, he was married to 
Miss Lucinda Matthews, who was born in Indiana and reared in Iowa.  They have 
a family of two sons and three daughters, Ada, William T., Bertha, Archie and 
Kitty.  In 1871, he came here and has been actively connected with the 
development of the business and social life of this locality.

History of the State of Nebraska.  Chicago : Western Historical Company, 1882.
p. 1015

Also from the same book, different page:

Sterling was platted in 1870.  A substantial elevator was built by
C.S. Sprague in 1881 and is now run by him. It has a capacity of 6,000

    Source: geocities.com/grandmashannon/articles/matthews

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