[ Noted by hand: May 1969 at Bourbon Co, KY Court House]

           DEED BOOK D   1790-1799             Bourbon County, Page 79

   THIS INDENTURE MADE this 20th day of February IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1796,
   between Henry DeWitt of Bourbon Co.
   and Commonwealth of Ky. of the one part  and  Reese  &  David Morgan   both
   of the County & Commonwealth  aforesaid, the  other  part,        WITNESSES
   that the said Henry DeWitt for an  in  consideration  of  90  pounds  lawful
   money hereto in hand paid by the said  Reese  &  David  Morgan  before  the
   ensealing and delivery of these presents  the  receipt  whereof  the  said
   Henry DeWitt doth hereby acknowledge has  bargained,  sold  and  by  these
   presence doth bargain and sell them the said Rees  & David  Morgan, part of
   a tract of land entered by a certain William Mayers for 2375 acres
   lying on the waters of Brushy Fork of Hinkstone and in the County aforesaid
   beginning at a mahagony and red oak sapplin and running thence north [??]
   87 poles to three beech   saplins thence W 60 poles Rolph's line,
   (could be Ralph's) thence south 80 degreas west  156  poles  to  a  thorn &
   hickory saplins then N 77 degrees, E 95 poles to the beginning containing
   69 acres of land with all and  singular  appurtenances  thereto  in  any
   wise appurtaining, with all the rights, estate interest benefits claim, and
   demand whatsoever of him, the said Henry DeWitt, of in and to all premises,
   to have and to hold the said land and  all  and  singular  appurtenances,
   herein before mentioned, and intended to be hereby granted  unto  the  said
   Rees & David Morgan, their heirs & assigns forever, and  the  said  Henry
   DeWitt for himself, and his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant
   promise grant and agree to nd with the said Rees & David Morgan,their heirs,
   executors and administrators and assignees, that he the said Henry Dewitt
   the said tract or portion of land premises herein before mentioned  or
   intended to be hereby granted and eve y part and parcel  thereof  unto the
   said Rees and David Morgan their heirs and assigns,    against  the  said
   Henry DeWitt, his heirs  and all manner of person or persons whatsoever
   will warrant and forever defend these presence,  and  further  that  he
   the said Henry DeWitt his heirs assigns
   shall and will at   all times hereafter at the lawful and
   reasonable request of the cost and charges of the  law  of  the  said  Rees
   and David Morgan whose heirs & assigns may do acknowledge,  perfect  and
   execute unto the said Rees and David Morgan, heire & assigns all and every
   such other lawful and further conveyence and assurance in the law whatsoever
   the future and better granting, conveying  and  assuring the said  tract  or
   portion of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Rees &
   David Morgan, their heirs and assigns shall be reasonably advised, devised
   or required. In Witness whereof the said Henry DeWitt has hereunto set
   his  hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.
   Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, Henry DeWitt &
   Margaret DeWitt.

   February Court, 1797, Bourbon Co. This deed of bargain and sale from
   Henry DeWitt and Margarat his wife, to Rees Morgan & David Morgan  was
   acknowledged in Court by the said Henry & Margaret, his wife she having been
   first privately examined as the law directs, voluntarily  relinqueshes
   her right of dowery in the estate  therein and ordered to be recorded.

   Teste:  Theodord Arnold

Copy received 1995 by Dennis Nicklaus from Mary Morgan of Indianapolis, IN.

    Source: geocities.com/grandmashannon/articles/morgani

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